What is Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that can be used to preserve and further protect teeth from infection, decay, and other damage. Often, root canal treatments are necessary due to deep decay or an injury. Many people don’t immediately think of dentists in Turkey when it comes to treating a persistent toothache but the truth is that Turkish dentists are some of the best in the world – providing skilled practitioners with a wealth of experience under their belts. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Root canals and why Turkey is one of the best places for getting root canals so read on to find out more!

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What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves the removal of the soft center of the tooth, known as the pulp. This tissue consists of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels that are responsible for helping the tooth to grow. This procedure may be done by a general dentist or an endodontist, and it is typically done under local anesthesia. Root canal treatment can save a tooth that is impacted by a serious infection. Although root canals have been stigmatized due to their reputation for being painful, modern techniques have drastically reduced any potential discomfort involved in this procedure.

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When is a root canal needed?

People who’ve had cavities and haven’t been able to treat, they could be suffering from a much more serious dental issue: needing a root canal. If left untreated, the bacteria that comes with the cavity can move down into the tooth pulp, requiring complex treatments like a root canal. It is also possible for trauma, such as getting hit in the mouth or grinding teeth, can cause extensive damage to the teeth that would require a root canal. Either way, early detection is key when it comes to keeping these problems at bay. Catching an issue with your tooth early enough can mean saving yourself from more expensive and complicated treatments in the future.

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How is root canal treatment done?

Root canal treatment is a procedure used to remove bacteria that cause infection in the root canal system. Before undergoing the treatment, you will receive a local anesthetic to help make the procedure painless. During treatment, the infected material is removed and the root canals are filled and sealed with either a filling or crown. The inflamed tissue around the tooth typically heals naturally after treatment. Although extraction of the tooth is an option, this option is not typically recommended as it’s best to keep as many natural teeth as possible.

The time it takes to complete a root canal treatment can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the tooth’s anatomy, the number of canals involved, the skill of the dentist, and any complications that may arise during the procedure.

On average, a single-rooted tooth may take about 60 to 90 minutes to complete a root canal treatment, while multi-rooted teeth with more complex anatomy may take longer, sometimes up to 2 or 3 hours. In some cases, the treatment may need to be spread out over multiple appointments.

What should one expect after a root canal?

After a root canal, it is not unusual to experience some sensitivity. However, rest assured that you won’t be dealing with any substantial pain. To ensure maximum comfort, your dentist will likely advise you to take an anti-inflammatory medication along with some sort of pain reliever prescribed by them. In most cases, these discomforts fade away within a fortnight and you can carry on with life as usual.

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What are the advantages of having a root canal procedure?

Having a root canal procedure has advantages that help in the treatment of an infected tooth. By undergoing the procedure, patients can prevent the spread of infection to other teeth and ease symptoms associated with the infected area. Additionally, having a root canal can reduce jawbone damage and help preserve the original tooth, avoiding the need for extraction. A successful root canal opens up numerous possibilities for overall oral health, giving you a strong foundation for long-term success.

What are some root canal aftercare tips?

Following root canal treatment, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure a successful healing process. Practicing good oral hygiene is fundamental for root canal aftercare tips. Brush and floss regularly to reduce bacteria levels and consider adding an antibacterial mouthwash to your dental care routine. Also, if a temporary filling has been placed, be sure to avoid chewing on the treated tooth until you have received your permanent crown restoration. With consistent oral hygiene practices and following root canal aftercare tips, you’ll be smiling confidently in no time!

Why is Turkey the best place to get root canal treatment?

Turkey has become a premier destination for those seeking root canal treatment. With its growing industry of medical and dental treatments, Turkey is farmed by patients from all over the world looking to get general tourism and other treatments including root canals, root canal front teeth replacements and more. In addition, Turkish clinics not only boast international standards but also have achieved JCI Certificates at a number of different clinics. This qualification entices many individuals to seek dental treatment in Turkey due to confidence in the clinic’s capabilities. 

People come from various first-world nations such as The United States of America, The United Kingdom, Germany, and Europe letting potential patients know that there is an international appeal to these clinics. What’s more, the number of people seeking treatment continues to grow with absolutely no consequences or signs of slowing down anytime soon, making Turkey one of the best places for root canal treatment today.

Cost of root canal treatment in Turkey

Root canal treatment in Turkey can be surprisingly affordable, but the exact costs will depend on several factors, such as the type of tooth and the number of roots. Generally, prices range between 50 and 150 US dollars, which includes a panoramic x-ray. Additionally, depending on the complexity of the procedure and other factors, the cost may be higher than normal so it is important to consult a dentist for an accurate evaluation.

Things to think about before getting a root canal in Turkey

Before having a root canal treatment in Turkey, it’s important to consider all factors. The quality and cost of dental care must be taken into account. Additionally, you should review the hospital and/or dental clinic’s safety standards to ensure that the environment is 100% sterile and safe from contamination or cross-contamination during the procedure. Furthermore, taking the time to research different dentists and clinicians who will perform the root canal treatment is an essential step – make sure they have a strong background, positive patient reviews, and reasonable fees. Ultimately, doing your homework before undergoing a root canal procedure in Turkey can make all the difference in making sure you receive top-notch care with successful results.

Reasons why anyone considering getting a root canal in Turkey should approach Epcy

Epcy provides extensive resources and detailed information about the entire root canal treatment process—from diagnostics and treatments to aftercare instructions. 

With its user-friendly layout and search options, you can easily compare dentists and facilities side by side until you find the right match for your individual needs. With Epcy at your disposal, obtaining quality healthcare abroad is now smoother and simpler than ever.


Root canal treatment in Turkey can be a great option for anyone looking to get reliable, cost-effective dental care abroad. With the help of Epcy, individuals can access quality root canal treatments with a number of JCI Certified hospitals and clinics at their disposal. Moreover, patients can find detailed information about the entire process from diagnostics to post-procedure to make sure that they are receiving the best care possible. With all these advantages, Turkey is definitely one of the best places for root canal treatment today.

Root Canal Aftercare

Root Canal Aftercare is essential for keeping your teeth healthy and strong after the procedure. To ensure optimal care, it’s important to follow certain hygiene rules and abstain from certain behaviours. Brush and floss normally, and use an antibacterial mouthwash as a part of your routine. Additionally, if you haven’t received your permanent crown yet and are using a temporary filling, you should avoid chewing on the treated tooth until the crown is placed — that way, the chance of damage stays low. Root Canal Aftercare allows us to enjoy strong teeth without complications or future discomfort.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment (endodontic therapy) is a dental procedure performed to treat an infection or damage to the pulp of a tooth. While it is a common and generally safe procedure, like any medical intervention, there are potential risks and complications. It’s essential to discuss these risks with your dentist or endodontist before deciding on the treatment. Here are some potential risks associated with root canal treatment:

  1. Infection persistence or recurrence: In some cases, the infection may persist or return after the root canal treatment. This can happen if all the infected tissue is not completely removed or if there are additional canals that were not adequately treated.

  2. Instrument breakage: During the procedure, dental instruments may be used to clean and shape the root canals. There is a risk of these instruments breaking, which may necessitate additional procedures to retrieve or bypass the broken instrument.

  3. Perforation: The root canal system is intricate, and there is a risk of unintentional perforation or damage to the surrounding tissues, such as the root or the nearby bone.

  4. Postoperative pain or discomfort: After the procedure, some patients may experience mild to moderate discomfort or pain, which usually subsides with time. However, in some cases, persistent or severe pain may occur.

  5. Swelling and inflammation: Swelling or inflammation of the surrounding tissues may occur, especially if there was an infection present before the root canal treatment. This can cause discomfort and may require additional management.

  6. Allergic reactions: Though rare, some patients may experience an allergic reaction to the materials used during the root canal procedure, such as the filling materials.

  7. Tooth fracture: The tooth that undergoes a root canal may become more brittle over time. In some cases, a tooth may fracture, especially if it has undergone extensive decay or damage prior to the root canal treatment.

  8. Discoloration: The treated tooth may darken over time. While this is not a health risk, it can be a cosmetic concern for some patients.

It’s important to note that despite these risks, root canal treatment is generally a highly successful and routine procedure. Dentists and endodontists are trained to minimize these risks and provide appropriate care. If you have concerns or questions about the risks associated with root canal treatment, it is recommended to discuss them with your dental professional.

Why root canal treatment may not be right for you?

While root canal treatment is a common and effective dental procedure, there are situations where it may not be the most suitable option for a patient. The decision to undergo a root canal or pursue alternative treatments depends on various factors, and a thorough evaluation by a dentist or endodontist is necessary. Here are some reasons why root canal treatment may not be the right choice for a particular individual:

  1. Extensive tooth damage: If the tooth is severely damaged, fractured, or lacks sufficient healthy tooth structure to support the restoration, a root canal may not be a viable option. In such cases, extraction and replacement with a dental implant or bridge may be recommended.

  2. Incurable infection: In some cases, the infection within the tooth may be too extensive or resistant to treatment, making it challenging to achieve complete eradication of the bacteria. In such situations, alternative treatments or tooth extraction may be considered.

  3. Inadequate accessibility to root canals: Some teeth may have complex root canal systems that are challenging to access or treat effectively. If the canals cannot be adequately cleaned and sealed, the success of the root canal treatment may be compromised.

  4. Poor overall tooth prognosis: If a tooth has a poor long-term prognosis due to factors such as severe gum disease, significant bone loss, or an unfavorable tooth position, a dentist may recommend extraction rather than investing in a root canal.

  5. Patient’s overall health: Certain medical conditions or compromised immune systems may impact the body’s ability to heal and respond to dental treatments. In such cases, a dentist may advise against invasive procedures like root canal treatment.

  6. Patient preferences and priorities: Some individuals may prefer not to undergo root canal therapy due to personal beliefs, financial constraints, or a desire for a quicker and less invasive solution. In such cases, alternative treatments or tooth extraction may be considered based on the patient’s preferences.

It’s crucial to have open and honest communication with your dentist or endodontist about your oral health, preferences, and concerns. They can assess your specific situation, discuss available treatment options, and help you make an informed decision based on your individual needs and circumstances. If you have reservations about root canal treatment, seeking a second opinion can also be a valuable step in determining the most suitable course of action for your dental care.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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