What is Rhinoplasty?

If you’re considering getting rhinoplasty, it can be a daunting prospect. But there’s no denying that the results from this delicate procedure can make a dramatic difference to your appearance and self-confidence that lasts for many years. You may have heard of Turkey as the premier cosmetic surgery destination – and for good reason, too! In this blog, we’ll discuss all about Rhinoplasty and also explore further why Turkey is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their facial features with rhinoplasty – from cost, safety and convenience to the latest technology employed by renowned specialists in their field.

What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that is used to change the shape and size of your nose. Rhinoplasty can be done for cosmetic reasons, to improve the look of your face, or for functional reasons, to improve your breathing. Rhinoplasty is usually performed by a surgeon who is trained in plastic surgery or facial plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty is also known as a nose job.

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Why rhinoplasty is done?

Rhinoplasty is a popular form of cosmetic surgery that offers dramatic changes to the shape and size of the nose. The procedure can create more balance and symmetry in facial features, which can greatly boost self-confidence. Rhinoplasty is not merely a cosmetic decision; it also has a medical purpose. It can correct deformities stemming from an injury, such as broken noses, or accurately address birth defects while improving breathing difficulties. Rhinoplasty is beneficial when it comes to achieving the desired facial appearance both aesthetically and medically.

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What are the steps of a rhinoplasty procedure?

The process of a rhinoplasty procedure involves several distinct steps. Anesthesia bolsters comfort during the surgery and is administered first. The incision that is made will depend on which variation of the procedure will be performed; a closed procedure with incisions on the inside of the nose, or an open procedure with an incision across the columella. Afterwards, reshaping of the internal structure may be done by reducing bone or cartilage if necessary. If there is a deviation in the septum, it can be addressed and projections inside improved for better breathing. Incisions are eventually closed and the nasal skin draped back over its new shape.

Aftercare of the rhinoplasty surgery

Following a rhinoplasty procedure, extra care is necessary while healing. Your doctor may advise keeping the head propped up higher than your chest to minimize bleeding and inflammation. Aerobic activities as well as jogging should be avoided due to congestion in the nose, caused by either swelling or splints placed during surgery. Also, bathing should be done instead of showering while wearing bandages on the nose, and blowing of the nose must be avoided. To prevent constipation during recovery, it’s important to maintain a diet high in fiber and fruits/vegetables; additionally, heavy facial expressions like laughing or smiling should be avoided. Brush gently when cleaning your teeth to restrict movement of your upper lip, and opt for clothing that fastens in front such as shirts or sweaters instead of garments that need to be pulled over the head for comfort.

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Who is a candidate for rhinoplasty?

To be a candidate for rhinoplasty, you should be finished growing and in good physical health. You also should not smoke, as this can complicate the healing process. It’s important to have realistic expectations for what nose surgery can do. The best candidates for rhinoplasty are those who want the procedure for themselves, not because someone else thinks they would look better with a different nose.

What are the advantages of rhinoplasty?

There are several advantages associated with this particular procedure. By having a rhinoplasty, you can enhance the appearance of your face, and gain inhaling benefits due to changes to the breathing channels within your nose while also correcting any structural abnormalities like a deviated septum. Whether looking for subtle contour adjustments or a complete transformation of your nose, the advantages of rhinoplasty have been proven to greatly boost self-confidence in those who choose to undergo it.

Why you should have your nose surgery in Turkey?

Turkey is renowned for its successful nose surgery procedures and the high quality of care that patients receive both before and after the operation. The surgeons themselves are well-educated, aided by a wealth of experience with different types of noses commonly seen in Turkey. Furthermore, hospitals in Turkey provide modern and clean facilities at a comparatively lower cost than many other countries around the world, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, and the Middle East. Add to this the beautiful atmosphere and favorable weather conditions in Turkey, it’s no wonder so many people consider it to be the perfect destination for their nose surgery needs.

Turkish Rhinoplasty Surgery is more affordable

Cost-conscious patients who need to get a rhinoplasty, or nose job, should consider the options in Turkey. Many relators in Turkish hospitals and clinics are highly specialized and focused only on the intricacies of reshaping noses. These experts offer excellent results at prices far below what is seen in the UK. As an example, while clinic fees in the UK range from £3,000 to £7,000, many Turkish specialists can perform rhinoplasty for around £1,875 to £3,000. Saving money and still getting optimal results is an attractive option for those seeking expert nose surgery care.

Affordable Medical Services

Things to consider before having rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey

Undergoing rhinoplasty surgery, commonly known as a nose job, is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. Here are some important factors to think about before proceeding with rhinoplasty:

1.Consultation with a Qualified Surgeon: Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon or facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history. Ensure the surgeon has a portfolio of successful rhinoplasty cases.

2. Realistic Expectations: Understand the limitations of rhinoplasty. While it can enhance the appearance of your nose, it may not achieve perfection or drastically change your overall facial appearance. Discuss your goals with your surgeon to ensure they are realistic.

3. Types of Rhinoplasty: Determine the specific type of rhinoplasty you are considering:

   – Cosmetic Rhinoplasty: To improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose.
   – Functional Rhinoplasty: To correct breathing problems or other functional issues.
   – Combined (Cosmetic and Functional) Rhinoplasty: When both aesthetic and functional concerns need to be addresses.

4. Surgical Risks and Complications: Be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with rhinoplasty, including infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in sensation, and anesthesia-related issues. Your surgeon should provide detailed information about these risks.

5. Preoperative Preparation: Follow your surgeon’s preoperative instructions carefully. This may involve lifestyle adjustments, such as quitting smoking, adjusting medications, or avoiding certain supplements to optimize your surgical outcome.

6. Recovery Period: Understand that rhinoplasty requires a recovery period. Plan for time off work or school, and ensure you have a support system in place during your recovery.

7. Scarring: While rhinoplasty typically involves minimal scarring, be aware that there may be small incisions, usually inside the nostrils or along the columella (the strip of tissue between the nostrils). Discuss the expected location and appearance of scars with your surgeon.

8. Postoperative Care: Comply with the post-operative care plan, including follow-up appointments, wound care, and any restrictions on physical activities. Proper care is essential for a smooth recovery.

9. Lifestyle Changes: Maintain a healthy lifestyle after rhinoplasty, including proper nutrition and regular exercise, to optimize healing and long-term results.

10. Emotional and Psychological Readiness: Be emotionally prepared for the surgery and potential changes in your appearance. Consider the emotional impact and ensure you have a strong support system in place.

11. Choosing a Surgeon: Thoroughly research and select a qualified, reputable surgeon with experience in rhinoplasty procedures. Ask for referrals, read reviews, and verify their credentials.

12. Legal and Ethical Aspects: Ensure that you fully understand the consent form, which outlines the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure. Make an informed decision after carefully reading and discussing this document with your surgeon.

13. Cost and Financing: Get a clear understanding of the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care. Explore financing options or payment plans if necessary.

14. Follow-Up and Maintenance: Discuss with your surgeon the need for follow-up appointments and any potential revision procedures that may be necessary in the future.

Remember that rhinoplasty is a significant decision, and your safety and satisfaction should be top priorities. Thoroughly discuss all aspects of the procedure with your surgeon, ask questions, and take the time to make an informed decision.

How Epcy may assist you in finding more effective Rhinoplasty Surgery in Turkey ?

Epcy is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to undergo Rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey. Our platform allows you to make a well-informed decision when it comes to selecting a reputable and experienced cosmetic clinic. Not only can we provide you with a list of highly qualified plastic surgery clinics to choose from, but our team of experts can also offer advice on the best ways to organize your trip and be sure you get the right treatment. With Epcy, you’ll have a comprehensive guide to ensure that your rhinoplasty surgery goes as smoothly as possible, so you can return home safely and happy with the results.


Rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey has become a popular choice for those who need nose reshaping. With an abundance of highly trained surgeons, modern facilities and competitive prices, it is easy to see why many people have chosen to undergo this procedure here. As long as you take time to research the available doctors and clinics before committing to any treatment, you can be sure that you will receive excellent results at a fraction of the cost compared with other countries. 

Rhinoplasty Aftercare

Rhinoplasty aftercare is an important part of successful recovery from this surgery. Your doctor will provide specific recommendations for caring for yourself after your Rhinoplasty procedure. This may include avoiding activities such as aerobics and jogging, taking baths vs. showers while wearing bandages, not blowing your nose, eating a high-fibre diet to prevent constipation and straining at the surgery site, avoiding extreme facial expressions such as laughing or smiling, brushing your teeth gently to limit movement of the upper lip, and wearing clothing that doesn’t need to be pulled on over your head.

Following these instructions is paramount to having an uncomplicated Rhinoplasty recovery.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks and potential complications. It’s important for individuals considering rhinoplasty to be aware of these risks and discuss them thoroughly with their plastic surgeon. While most rhinoplasty procedures are successful and complications are relatively rare, possible risks include:

  1. Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection at the surgical site. Antibiotics are typically prescribed to minimize this risk.

  2. Bleeding: Some bleeding is expected during and after rhinoplasty, but excessive bleeding can lead to complications. Proper surgical techniques and postoperative care are important to minimize the risk of bleeding.

  3. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes are common after rhinoplasty. While these are temporary, some individuals may experience prolonged or excessive swelling and bruising.

  4. Scarring: Rhinoplasty involves incisions, and scarring can occur. The extent of scarring depends on factors such as surgical technique, skin type, and how well the incisions heal.

  5. Changes in Sensation: Alterations in sensation, including temporary or permanent numbness, increased sensitivity, or decreased sensitivity, can occur after rhinoplasty, particularly around the nasal tip.

  6. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry in rhinoplasty is challenging, and some degree of asymmetry may persist after the procedure.

  7. Breathing Difficulties: In some cases, rhinoplasty can affect nasal airflow, leading to temporary or, rarely, permanent breathing difficulties. This is more common when functional aspects of the nose are addressed.

  8. Septal Perforation: If the nasal septum is disturbed during surgery, a perforation (hole) may occur. This can potentially affect breathing and may require corrective surgery.

  9. Nasal Obstruction: In rare cases, rhinoplasty may result in nasal obstruction, which can be due to changes in nasal anatomy or scarring.

  10. Cartilage or Graft Complications: When cartilage grafts are used during rhinoplasty, there is a risk of complications such as graft displacement, resorption, or irregularities.

  11. Delayed Healing or Wound Complications: Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing, poor wound healing, or wound complications. Proper postoperative care and follow-up are important to address any concerns promptly.

  12. Persistent Swelling or Edema: While postoperative swelling is normal, some individuals may experience persistent or prolonged swelling that affects the final results.

  13. Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Outcomes: Despite the surgeon’s best efforts, aesthetic outcomes may not meet the patient’s expectations. It’s crucial for patients to have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.

  14. Inadequate Correction: In some cases, the desired correction may not be achieved with a single rhinoplasty, and additional procedures may be necessary.

  15. Anesthesia Risks: Risks associated with anesthesia, such as allergic reactions, respiratory issues, or adverse reactions to anesthesia medications, are possible.

It’s important for individuals considering rhinoplasty to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, undergo a thorough consultation, and carefully follow preoperative and postoperative instructions. Understanding the potential risks and benefits, as well as having realistic expectations, is crucial for a successful rhinoplasty experience.

Why rhinoplasty may not be right for you?

Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping surgery, may not be the right choice for everyone. Various factors, both medical and personal, can influence whether rhinoplasty is a suitable option for an individual. Here are some reasons why rhinoplasty may not be right for certain individuals:

  1. Underlying Health Conditions: Individuals with certain health conditions may not be ideal candidates for surgery. Conditions such as bleeding disorders, cardiovascular issues, or autoimmune disorders can increase the risk of complications during and after rhinoplasty.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about the outcomes of rhinoplasty, they may not be satisfied with the results. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what the procedure can and cannot achieve.

  3. Psychological Readiness: Good mental and emotional health are essential before undergoing rhinoplasty. Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder, unrealistic self-perception, or other psychological concerns may not be suitable candidates.

  4. Medical History: Certain aspects of an individual’s medical history, such as allergies to anesthesia or a history of poor wound healing, may influence the suitability for rhinoplasty.

  5. Smoking or Substance Use: Smoking and certain substances can negatively impact the healing process. Individuals who smoke or use certain substances may be advised to quit or reduce use before considering rhinoplasty.

  6. Age Considerations: While there is no strict age limit for rhinoplasty, surgeons typically prefer to perform the procedure on individuals whose facial growth is complete. Teenagers considering rhinoplasty should have the procedure after their facial growth is complete.

  7. Limited Understanding of Risks and Benefits: Individuals who do not fully understand the potential risks and benefits of rhinoplasty may not be suitable candidates. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations and be aware of the possible outcomes and complications.

  8. Lack of Commitment to Recovery: Rhinoplasty involves a period of recovery, during which individuals need to follow postoperative care instructions diligently. Those who cannot commit to the necessary recovery time may not be suitable candidates.

  9. Ethical or Personal Reservations: Some individuals may have ethical or personal reservations about cosmetic enhancements and may choose not to pursue rhinoplasty.

  10. Previous Unsatisfactory Surgical Outcomes: If an individual has had previous unsatisfactory surgical outcomes or complications from cosmetic procedures, it may influence the decision to undergo rhinoplasty.

Before deciding on rhinoplasty, individuals should have a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. The surgeon will assess the individual’s overall health, discuss expectations, and determine whether rhinoplasty is the right choice based on the specific circumstances. Open communication and a clear understanding of potential risks and benefits are crucial for making an informed decision about rhinoplasty.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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