What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Do you know breast reduction surgery has helped countless women worldwide to improve their quality of life? This surgery aims to reduce the size of a woman’s breasts, which can often cause physical discomfort, and emotional distress, and hinder daily activities. While breast reduction surgery is available in many countries, Turkey has emerged as a premier destination for this treatment. 

With its highly skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and affordable prices, Turkey offers a unique combination of quality and value that makes it an excellent choice for those seeking breast reduction surgery. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of breast reduction surgery and explain how Epcy can help find the right place to get this treatment.

What is breast reduction?

Breast reduction surgery, named reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical process that is performed to decrease the size and mass of the breasts by removing unwanted breast tissue, fat, and skin. The process is generally performed under general anesthesia and contains making incisions in the breast tissue and removing the unwanted tissue and skin. The nipples are repositioned to an upper position on the breast, and the areolas may also be reduced in size.

Breast reduction surgery is often recommended for women who have breasts that are too large for their body size, causing discomfort, pain, or other health problems. Some of the common problems associated with large breasts include back, neck, and shoulder pain, poor posture, rashes and infections beneath the breasts, difficulty exercising, and self-consciousness or embarrassment. Breast reduction can help to reduce these problems and upgrade the general look of the breasts.

Process of breast reduction

The process of breast reduction surgery generally involves the following steps.

  1. Consultation: You can start the process by scheduling a meeting and discussing with a plastic surgeon who has his specialisation in breast reduction surgery. Throughout the appointment, the surgical expert will discuss your aims and expectations, and explain the procedure in detail.
  1. Preparation: Before the surgery, you may need to undergo some tests or evaluations to ensure that your health condition is perfect to undergo this entire process.
  1. Anesthesia: This reduction surgery is generally done under general anesthesia, which indicates that you will be asleep and won’t feel any pain during the surgery.
  1. Incisions: The surgeon will make incisions in the breast tissue, usually around the areola, and may extend down to the base of the breast in a vertical or horizontal direction.
  1. Tissue removal: The surgical expert will pull out the unwanted breast tissue, skin, and fat via the cuts, reshaping the breast to a smaller size and elevating the nipple to a higher position on the breast.
  1. Closure: The incisions are then closed with sutures or surgical tape, and a dressing or surgical bra is applied to support the breasts and aid in healing.
  1. Recovery: After the surgery, you have to rest and avoid any physical activity which can cause stress for some days to weeks, depending on the extent of the procedure. You may suffer some pain, bruising, and swelling, which will be managed with medicines and ice packs.

Benefits of breast reduction surgery

Every surgery is done for some benefits, some of the highlighted benefits of breast reduction surgery are the following.

  1. Relief from physical discomfort: Women with excessively large breasts generally suffer physical discomfort, including pain in the form of back pain, neck pain, and posture problems. This surgery can reduce these problems and enhance general physical comfort.
  1. Improved quality of life: Many women with large breasts also experience limitations in physical activities, such as exercising or participating in sports. Breast reduction can help them to lead a more active lifestyle, which in turn can enhance their general quality of life.
  1. Enhanced self-confidence: Women with heavy breasts may suspect self-consciousness about their appearance and may experience negative body image. This surgery can upgrade body image and boost self-confidence.
  1. Better-fitting clothes: Women with heavy breasts usually have problems finding clothing that fits properly, particularly in the chest area. This surgery can facilitate finding clothes that fit well and flatter the body.
  1. Reduced risk of certain health problems: Women with large breasts may have a higher risk of specific health issues, such as skin infections and breast cancer. This surgery can reduce the risk of these problems by removing unwanted breast tissue.

Why women should have breast reduction surgery?

Women may face many problems for which breast reduction surgery is the only solution. Some of them are described in the following.

  1. Physical discomfort: Women with excessively large breasts generally suffer physical discomfort, including pain in the form of back pain, neck pain, and posture problems.
  1. Difficulty with physical activities: Women with heavy breasts may face some difficulties to take part in physical activities such as exercise or sports. Breast reduction can help them to lead a more active lifestyle, which in turn can improve their overall health and well-being.
  1. Self-confidence: Many women report feeling more confident and self-assured after breast reduction, as it can help them feel more comfortable in their skin and improve their body image.
  1. Clothes fitting: Women with heavy breasts usually have problems finding clothing that fits properly, particularly in the chest area. This surgery can facilitate finding clothes that fit well and flatter the body.
  1. Health concerns: Women with large breasts may have an increased risk of certain health problems, such as skin infections and breast cancer. This reduction surgery can decrease the threat of these problems by removing excess breast tissue.


Surgeries enhance beauty, but post-surgery care is very important to avoid many diseases and other possible risks.

  1. Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Your surgical expert will give particular instructions for aftercare, including changing dressings, care of the incision sites, and when to return for follow-up appointments. Follow these instructions for speedy recovery.
  1. Take medication as prescribed: Your surgical expert may recommend painkiller pills or antibiotics to help reduce pain and avoid infection. However, it is mandatory to take all medicines as prescribed and follow any instructions for dosing and frequency.
  1. Wear loose clothes: You may need to wear loose clothes or a surgical bra to support the breasts and decrease swelling during the healing process.
  1. Rest and avoid strenuous activity: Adequate rest and recovery time are essential after breast reduction surgery. After the surgery for 4-6 weeks, you don’t have to do any work which can cause stress, and avoid lifting heavy objects for several weeks.
  1. Maintain a healthy diet: Eat a healthy diet rich in nutrients which will help speed up recovery and decrease the threat of difficulties.
  1. Follow-up appointments: It is mandatory to see your surgical expert every week to observe your progress and ensure proper healing.

Things to consider before having breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size and reshape the breasts by removing excess breast tissue and skin. If you are considering breast reduction surgery, there are several important factors to consider before making your decision:

1. Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon:

   – Schedule a consultation with a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast reduction. During the consultation, discuss your goals, medical history, and expectations.

2. Health and Medical Evaluation:

   – Ensure you are in good overall health and have no underlying medical conditions that might increase the risks associated with surgery. Your surgeon will likely request medical tests and evaluations before the procedure.

3. Reason for Surgery:

   – Have a clear understanding of your reasons for wanting breast reduction surgery. Common reasons include alleviating physical discomfort, improving posture, reducing back and neck pain, and enhancing body proportions.

4. Size and Symmetry:

   – Discuss the desired breast size and shape with your surgeon. Breast reduction surgery should aim to achieve symmetry and proportion that suits your body.

5. Surgical Techniques:

   – Understand the surgical techniques your surgeon plans to use. Techniques may include the Wise pattern (anchor-shaped incisions), vertical incisions, or liposuction-assisted techniques. Your surgeon will recommend the best approach for your specific case.

6. Scarring:

   – Be aware that breast reduction surgery will leave scars. Discuss scar placement and scar management options with your surgeon.

7. Risks and Complications:

   – Understand the potential risks and complications associated with breast reduction surgery, such as infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and the possibility of difficulty breastfeeding in the future.

8. Recovery and Downtime:

   – Learn about the recovery process, including post-operative care, restrictions on physical activity, and the expected downtime. Plan for a period of recovery that may take several weeks.

9. Cost:

   – Inquire about the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and any pre-operative tests. Check with your insurance provider to see if they cover breast reduction surgery for medical reasons.

10. Choosing the Right Surgeon:

    – Research and choose a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon. Verify their qualifications, view before-and-after photos of their work, and read patient reviews.

11. Realistic Expectations:

    – Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Understand that breast reduction can improve your quality of life but may not result in perfectly symmetrical or scar-free breasts.

12. Follow-Up Appointments:

    – Ensure that you have a plan for post-operative follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

13. Lifestyle Considerations:

    – Consider how breast reduction may impact your lifestyle, including exercise routines, clothing choices, and overall self-esteem.

14. Emotional Preparedness:

    – Be prepared for the emotional and psychological aspects of breast reduction, including the adjustment to a new body image.

16. Alternative Options:

    – Explore non-surgical alternatives for managing the discomfort associated with large breasts, such as supportive bras, physical therapy, or weight management.

Breast reduction surgery is a significant decision that can have a positive impact on your physical and emotional well-being. Take the time to thoroughly discuss your options with your surgeon, ask questions, and make an informed choice that aligns with your goals and expectations.

Cost of breast reduction surgery in Turkey as compared to other countries?

In general, breast reduction surgery in Turkey is performed at fewer expenses than in many other countries, including Western Europe and the United States. The normal expense of breast reduction in Turkey is around £2,500 to £5,000.

In comparison, the cost of breast reduction in the United States can range from £5,000 to £10,000 or more, depending on the geographic location and the surgeon’s experience. In Western Europe, the cost of the procedure can range from £4,000 to £8,000 GBP or more.

Risks associated with breast reduction

Like any other surgery, breast reduction surgery is not without risks. Some of the potential complications and risks are following.

  1. Scarring: Breast reduction surgery involves making incisions on the breasts, which may result in visible scarring that may be difficult to hide.
  1. Infection: Any surgical procedure carries the risk of infection, and reduction surgery is no exception. If an infection occurs, it may require additional treatment and slow the process of healing.
  1. Loss of sensation: Breast reduction can affect the nerves that provide sensation to the breast and nipple, causing temporary or permanent loss of sensation.
  1. Asymmetry: Although every effort is made to achieve symmetry, it may not always be possible, and one breast may be larger than the other.
  1. Poor wound healing: In some cases, the incision may not heal properly, leading to delayed healing and prolonged recovery time.
  1. Breast-feeding difficulties: Breast reduction can sometimes affect the capability to breastfeed, depending upon the size of the surgery, the method used, and individual factors.


In conclusion, breast reduction surgery can be a life-changing procedure for women who suffer from physical discomfort or emotional distress caused by overly large breasts. Turkey has become a popular destination for breast reduction surgery due to its world-class medical facilities, experienced surgeons, and affordable prices. Patients who choose to undergo breast reduction surgery in Turkey can expect excellent care, a comfortable environment, and a faster recovery time.

If you are considering breast reduction surgery in Turkey, Epcy can help you choose the best treatment by providing you with comprehensive information about the top medical facilities, experienced surgeons, and personalised treatment options. Epcy’s guidence in medical tourism can make your journey to Turkey for breast reduction surgery as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Risks of Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure designed to reduce the size and reshape the breasts. Like any surgical procedure, breast reduction carries inherent risks and potential complications. It’s essential for individuals considering this surgery to thoroughly discuss these risks with a qualified plastic surgeon. Common risks associated with breast reduction include:

  1. Infection: Infections can occur at the surgical site. Surgeons take precautions to minimize this risk, such as using sterile techniques and prescribing antibiotics, but infections may still occur and may require additional medical attention.

  2. Hematoma: Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery can lead to the formation of a hematoma, a collection of blood outside blood vessels. Hematomas may require drainage and can contribute to complications if not addressed promptly.

  3. Changes in Sensation: Breast reduction surgery involves manipulating the breast tissues, and there is a risk of temporary or, in rare cases, permanent changes in nipple or breast sensation. This can include increased or decreased sensitivity.

  4. Scarring: Breast reduction surgery involves incisions, and scarring is an inevitable outcome of the procedure. The extent and visibility of scarring can vary among individuals. Surgeons typically aim to minimize scarring, often placing incisions in inconspicuous locations.

  5. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and there is a risk of uneven results. Additional procedures may be needed to address any noticeable asymmetry.

  6. Delayed Healing or Wound Dehiscence: Some individuals may experience delayed healing of the incisions, leading to wound dehiscence (opening of the incision). This can increase the risk of infection and scarring.

  7. Changes in Breastfeeding Ability: While many individuals can still breastfeed after breast reduction, there is a risk of interference with breastfeeding, particularly if the surgery involves removal of a significant amount of glandular tissue.

  8. Nipple or Areola Complications: Changes in the position, size, or shape of the nipples or areolas can occur after breast reduction surgery. In some cases, blood supply to the nipple may be compromised, leading to partial or total nipple loss (necrosis), although this is rare.

  9. Loss of Breast Tissue Viability: In rare cases, inadequate blood supply to portions of the breast tissue may result in tissue necrosis or loss. This is more likely to occur in very large reductions.

  10. Anesthesia Risks: Complications related to anesthesia, such as allergic reactions or respiratory issues, are inherent risks in any surgical procedure.

  11. Breastfeeding Issues: While many individuals can still breastfeed after breast reduction, there is a risk of interference with breastfeeding, particularly if the surgery involves removal of a significant amount of glandular tissue.

  12. Persistent Swelling or Bruising: While some swelling and bruising are normal after breast reduction surgery, there is a risk of persistent or excessive swelling and bruising, which may affect the final results.

It’s crucial for individuals considering breast reduction surgery to have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether breast reduction is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances. Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon can help minimize the risks associated with breast reduction surgery.


Why breast reduction may not be right for you?


While breast reduction surgery can be a beneficial procedure for many individuals, it may not be the right choice for everyone. The decision to undergo breast reduction should be based on individual health, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Here are some reasons why breast reduction may not be suitable for a particular person:

  1. Satisfaction with Breast Size: If a person is generally satisfied with the size of their breasts and does not experience physical discomfort, emotional distress, or limitations in daily activities due to breast size, they may not need or benefit significantly from breast reduction.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about what breast reduction can achieve or expects an exact cup size without considering other factors, it may not be the right procedure for them. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the limitations of the surgery and communicate realistic goals with the surgeon.

  3. Health Concerns: Individuals with certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders, may not be suitable candidates for surgery. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to ensure that the person is in good overall health and can undergo the procedure safely.

  4. Active Lifestyle or Sports Participation: Breast reduction surgery may not be recommended for individuals with an active lifestyle or those engaged in sports that involve extensive upper body movement. The recovery process may interfere with physical activities.

  5. Fear of Surgery or Anesthesia: Some individuals may have an intense fear of surgery or anesthesia, making them hesitant or unwilling to undergo the procedure. In such cases, non-surgical alternatives or less invasive procedures might be more suitable.

  6. Preference for Non-Surgical Options: Some individuals may prefer non-surgical options for breast reduction, such as lifestyle changes, physical therapy, or supportive undergarments, rather than undergoing surgery. Non-surgical options can provide alternatives to surgical interventions.

  7. Unstable Mental Health: Individuals with unstable mental health or unrealistic body image concerns may not be ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery. It’s important to be in good mental health and have a positive self-image before considering such procedures.

  8. Desire for Minimal Change: If a person is looking for subtle changes or minimal alterations to the breasts, breast reduction may be more invasive than necessary. In such cases, non-surgical options or less extensive procedures might be explored.

  9. Inability to Commit to Recovery: Breast reduction surgery requires a recovery period during which individuals need to follow postoperative care instructions diligently. If a person is unable or unwilling to commit to the recovery process, it may not be the right time for them to undergo the procedure.

Before deciding on breast reduction or any cosmetic procedure, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether breast reduction is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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