Eyebrow Transplantation

Female eyes before and after beautiful makeup, eyelash extension, eyebrow liner, microblading, cosmetology procedure, retouch.

If you’re thinking about having an eyebrow transplant, Turkey is one of the leading places to get it done. Whether you want more density in your eyebrows, patch filling, or a change in size and shape – Turkey has got you covered! Get your brows back on track with this great procedure from one of the best locations around. With world-renowned doctors who specialize in eyebrow transplantation procedures, high-quality facilities, and more affordable rates than many western countries; it’s no wonder that people from all over the world choose to visit Turkey for their eyebrow transplant needs! In this blog post, we’ll discuss Eyebrow Transplantation and why getting your eyebrows done in Turkey is a great idea and what is the role of Epcy.

What is eyebrow transplant?

An eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure that can be used to replace eyebrow hair that’s been lost or to give your eyebrows a fuller look. During the procedure, a surgeon removes a small piece of scalp from above the ears and transfers it to the eyebrows. This can contain anywhere from two to 15 hair follicles, which are responsible for growing new hairs. Following surgery, eyebrow hair will look more pronounced allowing you to reduce or stop using eyebrow pencils and makeup for an improved look.

What is the procedure of eyebrow transplant?

The procedure for an eyebrow transplant is much like that of a traditional hair transplant. The surgeon takes individual hairs, along with their follicles, from donor sites above the ears. This ensures that new hairs will be able to grow when the initial transplanted ones eventually fall out. The procedure itself includes numbing the area via general anesthetic and making incisions at both the donor sites and browse. The entire process typically takes between 2 and 3 hours.

What happens after the eyebrow transplant procedure?

After your eyebrow transplant procedure, you will be able to go home the same day. To help aid in your recovery and healing process, your surgeon will provide you with care instructions such as getting plenty of rest, wearing appropriate bandages and taking pain medications if necessary. Additionally, some stitches may need to be removed while others dissolve after a few days. Lastly, ensure you make follow-up visits with your surgeon to assess how well the site is healing. With all these steps taken, you can expect a safe and successful recovery from an eyebrow transplant procedure!

What is the recovery time for an eyebrow transplant?

When it comes to recovery time for an eyebrow transplant, the healing process is relatively quick. Within a few weeks after your procedure, you should be able to go back to normal activity though you mustn’t pick at any scabs that may form during this time. Your provider will be able to advise when you can resume any strenuous activities. The full effects of the transplant likely won’t take place until around 6-12 weeks post-procedure when new hair growth will start appearing in the transplanted area.

Who might benefit from eyebrow transplants?

Eyebrow transplants can benefit people suffering from several possible medical conditions. People who have experienced a burn to the eyebrow area, developed scarring, had removed a tumor, suffer from trichotillomania, been diagnosed with alopecia areata (stabilized), or lost eyebrows or eyelashes due to an underactive thyroid gland can find relief and hope in undergoing this surgery. Eyebrow transplants offer patients a chance for an improved appearance and a return of self-confidence. This procedure is often considered an effective solution for those seeking aesthetic improvement or full restoration of the eyebrows due to medical reasons.

What are the advantages of an eyebrow transplant?

An eyebrow transplant can be an extremely advantageous decision for those interested in changing their appearance and increasing their self-confidence. Unlike daily makeup applications or other methods, eyebrow transplants provide permanent results that require little to no maintenance. An eyebrow transplant is a great solution for those who want a natural-looking brow without the inevitable fading of traditional solutions such as pencils and powders. With improved technology, modern eyebrow transplants offer results not only quickly but at a fraction of the cost per hair follicle compared to past methods. The advantages of an eyebrow transplant are vast and ultimately give you control over how your eyebrows look with minimal effort from day to day!

Why Turkey is the best place to get an eyebrow transplant?

Turkey is becoming a very attractive medical travel hotspot for eyebrow transplants with the quality of services and affordable prices it offers. Eyebrow hair transplant in Turkey is recognized for its highest standards, success rate, and because aesthetic surgeons are highly qualified and experienced in all types of eyebrow hair transplants and procedures. 

Many US, UK and European countries prefer Turkey as the best place to get their eyebrows transplanted since they can get cheap rates while still enjoying top-notch treatments. If you’re looking to have an eyebrow transplant, Turkey should be your first choice!

What is the cost of eyebrow transplant in Turkey?

Eyebrow transplants have become increasingly popular in recent years, and while they may still be costly in places like the UK, eyebrow transplants are much more affordable in Turkey. Costing between £600-£1100 on average, eyebrow transplants in Turkey are significantly cheaper compared to other European countries and the UK. With this low cost combined with a reputable medical industry, Turkey is quickly becoming one of the best places to get an eyebrow transplant at a fraction of the cost.

What to be careful of when getting an eyebrow transplant in Turkey?

A trip to Turkey for an eyebrow transplant may sound like an attractive idea, but it is important to be cautious when making such a decision. Before booking a flight, you should ensure that the cosmetic surgeon you are considering is both qualified and experienced in eyebrow transplant procedures specifically. Researching online reviews of potential clinics will help get a feel for how satisfied previous patients were with their results. In addition, make sure any facility you are thinking of visiting follows all necessary hygiene and safety protocols. Once you feel confident that you have found the right candidate, take your time to make an informed decision regarding the details of the operation. Finally, make sure to factor in potential physical and psychological healing times needed after the surgery has been completed. Taking these precautions before agreeing to a procedure can help ensure that your visit to Turkey for eyebrow transplants yields satisfactory results without putting your health at risk unnecessarily.

How does Epcy assist in your journey to finding right eyebrow transplant options in Turkey?

Epcy can take the hassle out of searching for the best eyebrow transplants in Turkey, as it provides its medical directory full of information on verified surgeons. 

The medical directory contains pricing, contact numbers, and direct chat options to ensure that you get answers quickly and conveniently. You can even access reviews and ratings from past customers, helping you make an informed decision about which clinic to go with for your eyebrow transplant.


Eyebrow transplants in Turkey are becoming increasingly popular due to the quality of medical service and the low cost that comes with having it done there. With proper research and precautions taken, Turkey can be a great destination for your eyebrow transplant needs. Additionally, using services like Epcy can make the entire process so much easier by providing verified information about clinics and their respective services. Ultimately, if you take your time to find the right provider for you and make an informed decision based on reviews and ratings, Turkey is without a doubt one of the best places for eyebrow transplants.

What is eyebrow transplantation aftercare?

Eyebrow transplantation aftercare is an important factor in making sure your surgery goes as smoothly and comfortably as possible. When you receive instructions from your surgeon, follow them diligently. You should rest in the days following the procedure and avoid strenuous activities or exercise until otherwise instructed by your provider. If you are given a prescription for pain medication, take it as prescribed. Depending on the degree of the procedure, some stitches may need to be removed, while others will dissolve after a few days. When washing your surgical site(s), use extreme caution, being careful not to pull or tug at anything.

Finally, follow-up appointments with your surgeon will ensure that your skin is healing properly and everything looks as it should be. Eyebrow transplantation aftercare is essential for optimal recovery, so make sure you pay close attention to any instructions.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

What are the risks of eyebrow transplant?

Eyebrow transplantation is a cosmetic procedure designed to address thinning or absent eyebrows by transplanting hair follicles from one part of the body to the eyebrows. While this procedure is generally safe and effective, like any surgery, it comes with potential risks and considerations. Here are some of the risks associated with eyebrow transplantation:

  1. Infection: There is a risk of infection at both the donor and recipient sites. Following proper postoperative care instructions, including keeping the areas clean and using prescribed medications, is essential to minimize the risk of infection.

  2. Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal during and after the procedure. However, excessive bleeding can occur in rare cases. Surgeons use proper techniques to minimize bleeding, and postoperative care helps control it.

  3. Swelling: Postoperative swelling, especially around the forehead and eyes, may occur. This is usually temporary and resolves on its own, but any persistent or worsening swelling should be reported to the surgeon.

  4. Scarring: While modern transplantation techniques aim to minimize scarring, there is still a risk of visible scars at both the donor and recipient sites. The tiny incisions made during the procedure typically heal well, but individual healing responses can vary.

  5. Numbness or Tingling: Temporary numbness or tingling in the donor or recipient areas may occur due to nerve irritation during the procedure. This is generally temporary and resolves on its own as the nerves heal.

  6. Shock Loss: After transplantation, some existing hair in the recipient area may go into a temporary phase of shedding, known as shock loss. This is a normal part of the process, and new hair growth usually occurs after a few months.

  7. Uneven Growth: Achieving a natural and even growth pattern can be challenging. The angle, direction, and density of transplanted hair follicles need to be carefully considered to avoid an unnatural appearance.

  8. Changes in Skin Pigmentation: Temporary changes in skin pigmentation at the donor and recipient sites may occur, particularly in individuals with darker skin tones. These changes usually resolve over time but may be more noticeable in some cases.

  9. Allergic Reactions: While rare, some individuals may have allergic reactions to medications or materials used during the procedure. It’s essential to discuss any known allergies with the surgeon before the surgery.

  10. Unnatural Appearance: If not done with precision and careful planning, eyebrow transplants can result in an unnatural or “patchy” appearance. Proper planning and placement of transplanted follicles are crucial to achieve a natural-looking result.

It’s crucial to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon for eyebrow transplantation. During a consultation, the surgeon will assess the individual’s goals, examine the donor and recipient areas, discuss potential risks, and provide personalized recommendations. Following postoperative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments are essential for a successful outcome and to minimize potential risks.

Why eyebrow transplant may not be right for you?

While eyebrow transplantation can be a suitable option for individuals seeking to enhance or restore their eyebrows, there are certain situations where the procedure may not be the right choice. Here are some reasons why an eyebrow transplant may not be suitable for a particular person:

  1. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure, desires a specific eyebrow design that is not achievable, or expects immediate results, an eyebrow transplant may not be the right choice. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations and understand that hair growth is a gradual process.

  2. Active Skin Conditions: Individuals with active skin conditions, such as severe psoriasis, eczema, or fungal infections, in the eyebrow area may not be suitable candidates for transplantation. These conditions can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

  3. Unstable Hair Loss: If an individual is experiencing rapid or unpredictable hair loss in the eyebrow area, the surgeon may recommend waiting until the hair loss stabilizes before undergoing a transplant. This helps ensure a more predictable and successful outcome.

  4. Keloid Scarring Tendency: People with a tendency to develop keloid scars, which are raised and thick scars beyond the original incision site, may be at a higher risk for noticeable scarring after a transplant. The surgeon will assess the individual’s scarring tendency before recommending the procedure.

  5. Medical Contraindications: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes, blood clotting disorders, or autoimmune diseases, may not be suitable candidates for eyebrow transplant surgery. These conditions can impact the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

  6. Insufficient Donor Hair: The success of an eyebrow transplant relies on having an adequate supply of healthy donor hair, typically harvested from the back of the scalp. If an individual has limited donor hair due to extensive hair loss or a tight scalp, there may not be enough grafts available for transplantation.

  7. Financial Constraints: Eyebrow transplant procedures can be relatively expensive. Some individuals may not be able to afford the cost, and financial considerations may play a role in the decision-making process.

  8. Lack of Commitment to Aftercare: Proper aftercare, including following postoperative instructions and attending follow-up appointments, is crucial for the success of an eyebrow transplant. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to commit to the aftercare requirements may not be suitable candidates.

  9. Age Considerations: Young individuals whose eyebrow hair growth pattern has not fully matured may be advised to wait before undergoing an eyebrow transplant. It’s generally recommended for individuals in their mid-20s or older.

It’s important to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon for a thorough evaluation and personalized recommendations based on individual circumstances. Alternatives to transplantation, such as makeup or microblading, may be considered in certain situations.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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