What is gum disease treatment?

Gum disease treatment removes bacteria and plaque from the gums and teeth and promotes the healing of the surrounding tissues. The goal of gum disease treatment is to stop the progression of the disease and prevent further damage to the gums and bone. The severity and course of the illness influence the treatment plan. It may involve non-surgical treatments such as scaling and root planing or surgical procedures such as gum grafting or bone regeneration.

What is the reason for gum disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is typically caused by bacterial infection and inflammation of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. The primary reason for gum disease is poor oral hygiene, which allows plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to accumulate on the teeth and gums. If not removed regularly through brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar (calculus), which can only be removed by a dental professional.

Here are some factors that contribute to the development of gum disease:

  1. Poor Oral Hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing allow plaque to build up on teeth, leading to gum inflammation and disease.

  2. Tobacco Use: Smoking and tobacco use increase the risk of gum disease. Smoking weakens the immune system and reduces blood flow to the gums, making it harder for the body to fight infection.

  3. Genetics: Some people may be genetically predisposed to gum disease. They may be more susceptible to the bacteria that cause gum disease or may have a heightened inflammatory response to plaque buildup.

  4. Certain Medications: Some medications can affect oral health, such as anticonvulsants, immunosuppressants, and oral contraceptives, which may increase the risk of gum disease.

  5. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and menstruation can affect gum tissue, making them more susceptible to gum disease.

  6. Medical Conditions: Diseases such as diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune diseases can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of gum disease.

  7. Poor Nutrition: A diet lacking in essential nutrients, particularly vitamin C, can weaken the body’s ability to fight off infection, including gum disease.

  8. Stress: Stress weakens the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight infection, including gum disease.

  9. Age: The risk of gum disease increases with age, as gum tissue naturally recedes, exposing roots to plaque and bacteria.

Regular dental check-ups, professional cleanings, and maintaining good oral hygiene habits are essential for preventing gum disease. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems.


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It’s crucial to visit a dentist or periodontist for an assessment and accurate diagnosis if you think you might have gum disease. The course of the disease and probable tooth loss can both be stopped with early detection and treatment.

Turkish Dentists use the latest techniques and technology to diagnose and treat gum disease. They also work with patients to create customised treatment plans considering their unique requirements and objectives. Unlock the door to a world of affordable dental luxury in Turkey. Say goodbye to overpriced dental care, as Epcy helps you to receive top-notch treatments at pocket-friendly prices, all while being connected to the reliable dentists abroad.


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What are gum disease stages?

Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main phases of gum disease.


The first stage of gum disease is characterised by plaque accumulation on the teeth and gums. Gingivitis symptoms include red, puffy, bleeding gums and poor breath. With adequate oral care and regular dental cleanings, gingivitis is usually reversible.


If gingivitis is not treated, it can proceed to periodontitis, a more advanced form of gum disease. Periodontitis is a dental condition characterised by the gradual destruction of the bone and soft tissue surrounding and supporting the teeth. This can cause the teeth to become unstable and may eventually result in tooth loss if left untreated.

Other periodontitis symptoms include

  • Gums that are receding.
  • Gum pockets that become larger.

It’s crucial to understand that gum disease is a degenerative ailment that, if left untreated, worsens over time. This is why practising proper oral hygiene and seeing your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings is critical.

What are gum disease symptoms?

Gum disease symptoms might vary based on the severity and stage of the condition. Here are some common signs of being aware:

  • Gums that are red, swollen, or sensitive
  • Gum bleeding, particularly after brushing or flossing
  • Receding gums or enlarging gum pockets
  • Bad breath that persists
  • Teeth that are loose or moving
  • Modifications to the way your teeth come together when you bit
  • Gums that have changed colour or texture

How is gum disease diagnosed?

Doctors in Turkey use a variety of methods to diagnose gum disease. Here are some of the most common diagnostic tools and techniques used by dentists in Turkey:

Clinical examination: 
During a clinical examination, your dentist will visually inspect your gums for signs of inflammation, bleeding, and recession. They will also check for signs of tartar buildup and other indicators of gum disease.

Periodontal probing: 
Your dentist may use a periodontal probe to measure the depth of the pockets around your teeth. Pockets deeper than 3mm are typically an indication of gum disease.

X-rays can detect bone loss and other signs of gum disease that may not be visible during a clinical examination.

Saliva testing: 
Saliva testing can help to identify the presence of specific bacteria that are associated with gum disease.

Sometimes, your dentist may recommend a biopsy to confirm a gum disease diagnosis. During a biopsy, a small tissue as a sample is removed from the affected area and examined under a microscope.

What are treatment options for gum diseases in Turkey?

Treating gum disease in Turkey typically involves a comprehensive approach that addresses the disease’s underlying causes and symptoms. Here are some standard methods used by doctors in Turkey to deal with the long process of gum disease treatment:

  • Scaling and root planing:
    It is a non-surgical periodontal treatment that removes dental plaque and tartar buildup from both the teeth’ surfaces and the teeth’ roots beneath the gumline Scaling and root planing can help remove bacteria and toxins causing gum inflammation and allow the gums to heal.

  • Medications:
    Antibiotics are prescribed to help fight infection and reduce inflammation. Other medications may be used to control pain or to promote healing.

  • Surgery:
    In more advanced cases of gum disease, surgery may be necessary to remove damaged tissue, reduce pocket depth, or regenerate lost bone.

  • Laser Therapy:
    Laser therapy may be used to remove diseased tissue and reduce inflammation. It can be less invasive than traditional surgery and may promote faster healing.

  • Maintenance Therapy:
    After treatment, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups. This can help to prevent gum disease from recurring or progressing.

Your dentist or periodontist will work with you to develop a personalised treatment plan based on the severity of your gum disease and your individual needs. With proper treatment and ongoing care, gum disease can be effectively managed and even reversed in some cases.

How do doctors in Turkey provide the prevention of gum disease after gum disease treatment?

Preventing gum disease from recurring after treatment is a top priority for doctors in Turkey. Here are some of the ways that they may ensure the prevention of gum disease after gum disease treatment:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to clean your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time.
  • Daily flossing is recommended as it helps eliminate plaque and food debris from the interdental areas and gum line.
  • Mouthwash can aid in plaque reduction and gingivitis prevention. Choose an alcohol-free, fluoride-containing mouthwash.
  • Consume a healthy diet; a high-sugar, processed-food diet can raise your risk of gum disease. A diet high in vegetables and fruits can aid in improving gum health.
  • Smoking tobacco is among the risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing gum disease, so quitting smoking can minimise your gum disease chances while improving your overall health.
  • Regular dental exams and cleanings can aid in the detection and prevention of gum disease. Your dentist can also guide proper oral hygiene habits and recommend treatments to prevent or treat gum disease.

You can avoid gum disease and preserve healthy gums and teeth by following these suggestions and practising good oral hygiene.

What are the side effects associated with gum disease treatment?

Like any medical or dental treatment, gum disease treatment may have some side effects or associated risks. Here are some potential side effects or risks of gum disease treatment:

  • Sensitivity:
    After a deep cleaning or other gum disease treatment, you may experience some sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, sweet or acidic foods, or brushing and flossing. This sensitivity is usually temporary and can be managed with desensitising toothpaste or other treatments.

  • Gum recession:
    In some cases, gum disease treatment may cause the gums to recede or pull away from the teeth. This can cause sensitivity or make your teeth appear longer. Your dentist or periodontist can recommend treatments to address gum recession.

  • Infection:
    In rare cases, gum disease treatment may cause an infection. Symptoms of infection may include pain, swelling, or fever. 

  • Anaesthesia complications:
    Some gum disease treatments may require local anaesthesia or sedation. These can have associated risks, such as allergic reactions, nerve damage, or complications with other medications you may be taking.

  • Tooth loss:
    If gum disease is left untreated or progresses to a severe stage, it can lead to tooth loss. In some cases, gum disease treatment may not be able to prevent tooth loss.

Before beginning gum disease therapy, addressing any potential side effects or dangers with your dentist or periodontist is critical.

They can inform you about the specific risks associated with your treatment plan and help you make an informed decision about your care.

After gum disease treatment, it is common to experience some side effects such as pain, swelling, and bleeding. Doctors in Turkey use various methods to reduce these side effects and promote healing. 

How long does gum disease treatment take place in Turkey?

The extent of the condition and the selected treatment approach determine the procedure’s outcome. For mild cases of gum disease, such as gingivitis, treatment may involve professional cleaning and good oral hygiene habits at home. The gums can typically heal within a few days to a few weeks with proper care.

Treatment may take several weeks or months for more severe cases of gum disease, such as periodontitis. Treatment for periodontitis may involve deep cleaning procedures such as scaling and root planing, medications, and surgery in some cases. The goal of treatment is to remove bacteria and debris from below the gum line, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. 

What is the aftercare of a gum disease treatment?

Doctors in Turkey typically emphasise the importance of ongoing care and maintenance after gum disease treatment. While treatment can help to remove the bacteria and restore the health of the gums, it is important to take steps to prevent the disease from recurring.

Here are some of the things that doctors in Turkey may recommend for care after gum disease treatment:


  1. Brush and floss regularly: 
    Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily to remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums.
  2. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash: 
    Rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath.
  3. Maintain a healthy diet:
    Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and limit your intake of sugary and acidic foods and drinks.
  4. Quit smoking:
    Smoking can contribute to gum disease and other oral health problems, so quitting smoking can improve oral health.
  5. Schedule regular check-ups and cleanings:
    Schedule regular check-ups and cleanings with your dentist or periodontist to monitor your gum health and catch any issues early.
  6. Follow your dentist or periodontist’s recommendations:
    Additional treatments or procedures, such as gum grafts, bone grafts, or dental implants, may be recommended by your dentist or periodontist to assist in preserving your gum health.


Fortunately, several effective treatments for gum disease include deep cleaning, antibiotics, surgery, and more. While these treatments can have some risks and side effects, they can also improve your oral health and prevent gum disease from recurring. 

Following gum disease treatment, it’s crucial to maintain regular dental hygiene, a balanced diet, quit smoking, and abide by your dentist or periodontist’s advice to keep your gums healthy. You can restore your gum health and enjoy a beautiful smile with the appropriate care and treatment.

Overall, Epcy can be a good choice for finding gum disease treatment due to the experienced and qualified dentists, advanced technology and techniques, affordable prices, tourist attractions, and support services available.

What are risks of gum disease treatment?

While gum disease treatment is generally safe and effective, there are some potential risks and considerations associated with various treatment methods. It’s important to note that the risks may vary depending on the severity of the gum disease and the chosen treatment approach. Here are potential risks associated with gum disease treatment:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: Some gum disease treatments, especially those involving deep cleaning procedures like scaling and root planing, may cause temporary discomfort or sensitivity. This can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and proper post-treatment care.

  2. Swelling and Bleeding: Swelling and bleeding of the gums may occur, particularly after more invasive treatments. This is typically a temporary side effect and should subside with proper care and healing.

  3. Infection: In rare cases, there may be a risk of infection following gum disease treatment. Proper hygiene practices, including following post-treatment instructions, can help minimize this risk.

  4. Tooth Sensitivity: Some treatments, such as deep cleaning or gum surgery, may lead to increased tooth sensitivity, especially to hot or cold temperatures. This sensitivity is usually temporary and can be managed with desensitizing toothpaste or other recommended products.

  5. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to certain medications or materials used during gum disease treatment. It’s important to inform your dentist of any known allergies before starting any treatment.

  6. Root Exposure (Gum Recession): In cases where gum disease has caused significant gum recession, treatment may expose the tooth roots. Exposed roots can be more susceptible to sensitivity and decay. Your dentist will discuss ways to manage this, such as desensitizing agents or dental bonding.

  7. Change in Gum Appearance: Gum disease treatment, especially surgical procedures, may alter the appearance of the gums. This can include changes in gum height or contour. While these changes are often necessary for overall oral health, it’s important to discuss expectations with your dentist beforehand.

  8. Orthodontic Considerations: In some cases, gum disease treatment may impact orthodontic treatment plans or the stability of existing orthodontic work. Coordination between the periodontist and orthodontist is crucial in such cases.

  9. Failure of Treatment: In cases of severe or advanced gum disease, there is a risk that treatment may not completely resolve the condition. Regular follow-up visits and maintenance are crucial to monitor and manage ongoing gum health.

It’s essential to discuss any concerns or potential risks with your dentist or periodontist before undergoing gum disease treatment. Proper communication, adherence to post-treatment care instructions, and regular follow-up appointments can help minimize potential risks and ensure the success of the treatment.

Why gum disease treatment may not be right for you?

While gum disease treatment is crucial for managing and preventing the progression of periodontal disease, there are situations where specific treatments may not be suitable for every individual. Here are some reasons why gum disease treatment may not be recommended or may not be right for certain individuals:

  1. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions or compromised immune systems may impact the feasibility of certain gum disease treatments. Individuals with conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, bleeding disorders, or certain autoimmune diseases may need a customized treatment plan or alternative approaches.

  2. Allergies: Some individuals may be allergic to certain medications or materials used in gum disease treatment. It’s important to inform your dentist or periodontist of any known allergies to ensure that the chosen treatment is safe for you.

  3. Advanced Gum Disease: In cases of severe gum disease where extensive bone loss and tooth mobility have occurred, the prognosis for saving affected teeth may be poor. In such cases, tooth extraction and replacement with prosthetic options might be considered.

  4. Insufficient Bone Support: For procedures such as dental implants or certain types of gum surgeries, sufficient bone support is essential. If there is inadequate bone density or significant bone loss, additional procedures like bone grafting may be necessary before certain treatments can be pursued.

  5. Poorly Controlled Systemic Health Conditions: Certain systemic health conditions, if not well-controlled, may hinder the success of gum disease treatment. For example, individuals with poorly managed diabetes may experience challenges in achieving optimal outcomes from periodontal therapy.

  6. Lack of Compliance: Successful gum disease treatment often relies on good oral hygiene practices and regular follow-up visits. If an individual is unwilling or unable to comply with recommended home care or follow-up appointments, the effectiveness of treatment may be compromised.

  7. Limited Financial Resources: Gum disease treatment can involve various procedures, and the cost may be a significant factor for some individuals. Limited financial resources may affect the choice of treatment options or the ability to pursue comprehensive periodontal care.

  8. Individual Preferences: In some cases, individuals may choose not to undergo certain gum disease treatments due to personal preferences or beliefs. They may opt for alternative approaches or choose to manage the condition conservatively.

It’s important to have open and honest communication with your dentist or periodontist about your overall health, preferences, and any concerns you may have. They can assess your individual circumstances, discuss suitable treatment options, and work with you to develop a plan that aligns with your needs and goals. Regular dental check-ups and early intervention remain essential for the effective management of gum disease.

“ All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek advice from an accredited and certified dental professional in your home country if this dental treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its dentists which provide the dental services in this offer.“

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