E–Max Crowns

In dental care, new technologies and treatments are constantly evolving! You might have encountered E-max crowns if you are looking for a solution to your dental problems. These types of crowns are becoming more popular among patients due to their high aesthetic appearance and durability. But what exactly are E-max crowns? And why should you consider getting them in Turkey? Here we will look at everything you need to know about E-max crowns and why  Epcy is the right source for anyone travelling abroad for high-quality healthcare.

E-Max Crowns—what are they?

Emax crown is a type of dental crown made from lithium disilicate glass-ceramic material. It is known for its high strength, durability, and excellent aesthetics. Emax crowns are often preferred for their ability to closely mimic the natural appearance of teeth while offering superior strength and resistance to fracture.

Crowned by E-Max Crowns made of E-max ceramic are entirely metal-free. E-max is favoured because of its lasting beauty. This crown is worn because it blends in with the rest of your teeth cosmetically. The strength and longevity of E-max crowns are unparalleled. The ceramic used to create your new teeth is manufactured from a single blob of lithium disilicate. This high-quality resource was selected for its exceptional toughness, longevity, and opaqueness. These characteristics are what set E-max apart as a crown jewel.

What are E-Max crowns made of?

Dental crowns constructed with today’s state-of-the-art materials can survive up to ten years. It’s essential to be picky when investing in anything that will endure that long. After all, everyone knows you want a crown that looks and functions just like your natural teeth so you can confidently grin.

The ceramic substance used to make E-Max crowns is exceptionally long-lasting. While it’s true that porcelain crowns look and feel just like natural teeth, E-Max crowns last significantly longer. They are less likely to break or crack. If you treat them with the respect they deserve, they could last for decades, if not a lifetime.

Unlike conventional porcelain crowns, E-Max crowns are slightly translucent, giving them a more natural appearance. Additionally, they can be tinted to match your natural tooth colour. If you wear an E-Max crown, no one can tell the difference, even up close.

What are the benefits of E-Max crowns?

Compared to alternative crowns, E-Max crowns have several advantages that make them the best option.

  • Natural-looking:
    Because they are made from the same material as real teeth, E-Max partial translucence restorations look entirely natural. E-Max crowns are the best option for front teeth because they are cosmetically pleasing.


  • Durability:
    E-Max crowns are an alternative to porcelain fused metal because no metal supports the ceramic. They can outlast any rivals in the industry thanks to their superior durability.


  • Perfect appearance:
    Using CAD/CAM milling to create E-Max crowns is one of its many benefits. Using a computer-aided design and manufacturing process, dental crowns can be milled into a replica of a patient’s teeth.


  • Protecting your teeth’s natural structure: 
    If you want excellent oral health, you need a healthy set of natural teeth. E-Max does this because it is highly resistant to cracking, preserving a sizable portion of the natural tooth.

  • Multiple options:
    Veneers, inlays, onlays, overlays, and even short-span bridges are just some of the choices that may be made with the E-Max technology.

Can E-max crowns crack?

While E-max crowns are highly durable and resistant to fracture, they can still crack or chip under certain circumstances. Factors that may contribute to the cracking or chipping of Emax crowns include:

  1. Trauma: Direct impact or trauma to the crown, such as a blow to the face or biting down on a hard object, can cause it to crack or chip.

  2. Inadequate Tooth Preparation: If the tooth preparation for the crown is not done properly or if there is insufficient thickness of the crown material, it may increase the risk of cracking.

  3. Grinding or Clenching: Habitual teeth grinding (bruxism) or clenching can exert excessive force on the crowns, leading to cracks or fractures over time.

  4. Poor Bite Alignment: Misalignment of the bite or improper occlusion can place uneven pressure on the crowns, increasing the risk of damage.

  5. Natural Wear and Tear: Over time, normal wear and tear from chewing and biting can weaken the crown material, making it more susceptible to cracking.

While Emax crowns are known for their high strength and durability, it’s essential to follow good oral hygiene practices and avoid habits that can place undue stress on the crowns to minimize the risk of cracking or damage. Regular dental check-ups can also help detect any signs of wear or damage early on, allowing for timely intervention.

What are the drawbacks of E-max crowns?

You should be aware of the disadvantages of E-Max before selecting whether or not to obtain them because of their popularity among dentists and patients.

  • Soaring costs:
    E-Max crowns’ cosmetic benefits and long service life come at a financial price.

  • Unsuitable for the back teeth:
    Although broken teeth from attempting to place E-Max crowns on the biting surfaces of teeth are uncommon, they do occur. Because they are too frail. Front teeth are better candidates because they can’t be used for heavy biting. The thickness of the crown is crucial to the durability of the head. The greater the crown thickness, the more effectively it can withstand biting forces.

  • Bad news for people with dark teeth: 
    E-Max crowns have a more translucent appearance than zirconia crowns, contributing to their natural appearance. However, if your natural teeth are darker, E-Max crowns may not be the best option.

  • Only use on short-span bridges:
    Because of its weakness, E-Max crowns can only be used to restore a single tooth at a time.

What is the procedure for fitting an E-Max crown?

The entire process will be determined by how much your tooth is damaged. However, the usual procedure entails the following steps:

  1. Have your teeth checked and cleaned.
  2. A tiny drill is used to reshape the tooth to make room for the crown.
  3. Depending on how badly damaged or stained the tooth is, a portion must be removed.
  4. Using dental putty in a mould, capture a digital impression of your teeth.
  5. Wear a temporary crown for two to three weeks while you wait for your permanent one to be made.

How do you get ready for an E-Max crown?

Crowns from E-Max material can be made in either a dental lab or the dentist’s clinic. If you opt for a same-day crown procedure, e-Max crowns can be rapidly completed at the dental office. Here are the methods used by your dentist:

  • A minimal coating of the original tooth must be shaved off to prepare the teeth.
  • Taking a digital bite impression with an intraoral camera.
  • Sending the impression to the machine controlling the milling process.
  • Crown colouration is matched to that of the patient’s existing teeth.
  • The milling machine is used to create the form of prostheses.
  • Adjustments to the crown’s fit on the tooth.

The entire process can be completed in one or two hours during a single appointment. No temporary crown is required, no need for many visits, and no waiting time for the final crown.

How long does an E-Max crown will last?

An E-Max crown has a 15-year lifespan. Your new smile can endure even longer with proper maintenance. Keep up with your daily flossing routine to keep your teeth healthy. The original tooth underneath a crown is still vulnerable to gum disease, despite the crown protecting it from decay.

Why Turkey is the right country for getting the E-Max crown?

Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism due to its world-class healthcare facilities and highly trained doctors. This is especially true regarding dental treatments such as E-Max Crowns.

One of the main reasons Turkey is an ideal country for these treatments is its affordable prices. Compared to other countries, Turkey offers high-quality treatment at more reasonable prices without compromising on quality or expertise.

Another reason why Turkey stands out in the field of dental care is that they use cutting-edge technology and equipment. With advanced techniques and state-of-the-art machinery, Turkish dentists can deliver exceptional results with minimal pain or discomfort during the procedure.

In addition, many  Turkey hospitals have undergone international accreditation processes, ensuring their services are up-to-date with global safety, hygiene, and excellence standards.

Why choose Epcy for the best experience?

 Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism, and its healthcare system boasts highly qualified professionals who provide quality care at affordable prices.  Epcy is one of the best sources for those seeking medical treatment in Turkey. 

What to be careful of when getting these treatments in Turkey

It’s no secret that Turkey has become one of the most popular destinations for medical tourism, especially for dental treatments like E-Max crowns. With its top-notch facilities and experienced dentists, it’s easy to see why many people travel there.

 However, as with any medical treatment abroad, there are some things you need to be careful about when getting these treatments in Turkey. Firstly, make sure you do your research and choose a reputable clinic or hospital with high patient satisfaction rates. Secondly, always ask about the qualifications and experience of the dentist who will be treating you.

Additionally, ensure that all communication is clear before arriving in  Turkey. This includes discussing payment details and scheduling appointments beforehand so that everything runs smoothly during your visit.

E-Max crowns can provide a long-lasting solution for those looking to improve their smile aesthetics while maintaining dental health. 


If you’re looking for a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for your dental needs, then E-Max Crowns may be worth considering. Consult your dentist to see if this option is right for you. 

Navigating the search for a dependable dental facility can be overwhelming, with numerous considerations to take into account. Epcy removes this stress by presenting you with a curated list of Turkey’s most reputable dental clinics. Each clinic featured on our platform has undergone a rigorous evaluation, ensuring that you can trust in the exceptional quality of care you will receive. 

What are the risks of E-max Crown?

E-max (lithium disilicate) crowns are a type of all-ceramic dental crowns known for their esthetics, durability, and strength. While these crowns are generally considered safe and effective, there are some potential risks and considerations associated with them:

  1. Fracture Risk: While e-max crowns are known for their strength, there is still a risk of fracture, especially in cases of excessive force or trauma. Avoiding habits like biting hard objects or using teeth for non-chewing activities can help reduce the risk of crown fracture.

  2. Preparation Sensitivity: The process of preparing teeth for e-max crowns involves removing a portion of the natural tooth structure. In some cases, this may lead to temporary tooth sensitivity. Your dentist may recommend desensitizing toothpaste or other measures to manage sensitivity.

  3. Color Matching: Achieving a perfect color match with adjacent natural teeth can sometimes be challenging, and variations in shade may occur. Your dentist will work to match the color as closely as possible, but it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome.

  4. Cementation Issues: The way the crown is bonded to the tooth can influence its longevity. Proper cementation and adherence to recommended bonding protocols are crucial to ensuring the stability and longevity of the e-max crown.

  5. Gum Health: Maintaining good oral hygiene is important to prevent issues with the gums around the crowned tooth. Inadequate oral care can lead to gum inflammation or infection.

  6. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Individuals who grind or clench their teeth may be at a higher risk of crown fracture. Your dentist may recommend a night guard to protect the crowns if bruxism is a concern.

It’s important to note that the risks associated with e-max crowns are generally minimal, and these crowns are considered a popular and reliable option in restorative dentistry. Your dentist will assess your individual case, discuss any potential risks, and provide recommendations based on your oral health needs.

If you are considering e-max crowns or any dental restoration, it’s crucial to have a thorough discussion with your dentist, address any concerns you may have, and follow post-procedure care instructions to ensure the success and longevity of the dental restoration.

Why E-max Crown may not be right for you?

While E-max (lithium disilicate) crowns are a popular and aesthetically pleasing option for dental restorations, there are certain situations where they may not be the most suitable choice for individuals. Here are some reasons why E-max crowns may not be right for certain people:

  1. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Individuals who grind or clench their teeth excessively may be at a higher risk of crown fracture. While E-max crowns are durable, they may not be as resistant to wear and tear as some other materials, such as zirconia. In cases of severe bruxism, alternative materials may be recommended.

  2. Color Matching Challenges: Achieving a perfect color match with adjacent natural teeth can be challenging. While E-max crowns are known for their excellent esthetics, variations in shade and translucency may occur, and achieving an exact match may not always be possible.

  3. Limited Thickness: E-max crowns may have limitations in terms of thickness. In situations where more substantial crown thickness is needed due to structural considerations or significant tooth damage, alternative crown types may be more appropriate.

  4. High Translucency: The high translucency of E-max crowns can be a disadvantage if the underlying tooth structure is discolored. In such cases, alternative crown materials with greater opacity may be preferred.

  5. Inadequate Tooth Structure: E-max crowns may not be suitable if there is insufficient tooth structure to support the crown. In some cases, additional procedures, such as core buildup or alternative crown types, may be recommended.

  6. Complex Bite Issues: Individuals with complex bite issues or significant misalignment may require more extensive dental work, and E-max crowns alone may not be sufficient to address these problems. Orthodontic treatment or additional restorative procedures may be needed.

  7. Immediate Results: E-max crowns typically require more than one dental appointment for fabrication and placement. If immediate results are essential, alternatives like same-day crowns or veneers may be considered.

It’s important to note that the decision on the type of dental crown should be made in consultation with a qualified dentist or prosthodontist. These professionals will consider factors such as the patient’s overall oral health, specific dental needs, and aesthetic preferences to determine the most suitable option. If E-max crowns are not deemed the best choice, there are various alternatives, including metal crowns, zirconia crowns, and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, which may be more appropriate for certain cases.

“ All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek advice from an accredited and certified dental professional in your home country if this dental treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its dentists which provide the dental services in this offer.“

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