What are all-on-6 dental implants?

All-on-6 dental implants have some similarities with the All-on-4 dental implant technique but involve using six dental implants instead of four. The All-on-6 technique is typically used when a patient has more severe jawbone loss or a larger edentulous area that requires more support.

Like All-on-4, the All-on-6 dental implant technique provides a long-lasting and stable solution for patients with missing teeth or edentulism. The other implants provide more support and stability for the prosthetic teeth, making it a good option for patients with a larger edentulous area or more severe jawbone loss. However, the All-on-6 technique may only suit some patients and requires a thorough evaluation by a qualified dental professional.

Don’t worry, Epcy is your ultimate companion for reliable dental care abroad. From compiling a must-bring list to exploring the latest all-on-6 dental implants, Epcy simplifies every aspect of seeking care in another country. With its user-friendly layout and comparison options, you can effortlessly navigate through a sea of dentists and facilities to find the perfect match for your unique dental needs

If you are considering getting your or your loved ones all-on-6 dental implants from Turkey, then read this article till the end because this will tell you how good your decision is.

What is the procedure of all-on-6 dental implants?

The procedure for All-on-6 dental implants is similar to that of the All-on-4 technique but with the placement of two additional dental implants. The steps involved in the All-on-6 dental implant procedure typically include the following:

  • Initial consultation and evaluation:
    The dental professional will evaluate your oral health and jawbone structure to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

  • Treatment plan:
    A personalised treatment plan will be developed based on your specific needs, including the number and placement of the dental implants.

  • Placement of dental implants:
    Dental implants are surgically positioned within the jawbone to give the replacement teeth the best possible support.

  • Temporary teeth attachment:
    A temporary set of teeth is attached to the implants while the jawbone heals and fuses with the implants.

  • Healing and osseointegration:
    Osseointegration, a procedure that occurs over the next few months, gives artificial teeth a solid basis that occurs with the implants.

  • Permanent teeth attachment:
    Osseointegration, which occurs over a few months and gives artificial teeth a solid basis, will occur with the implants.

Following the post-operative care instructions your dental professional provides is essential to ensure proper healing and maintenance of dental implants. Regular check-ups and dental cleanings are also necessary to maintain the health of your implants and surrounding teeth and gums.

When to get all-on-6 dental implants?

All-on-6 dental implants are typically recommended for individuals who have lost multiple teeth or are experiencing severe tooth decay, gum disease, or other dental conditions that cannot be effectively treated with traditional dental procedures such as fillings, crowns, or bridges.

All-on-6 implants may be ideal for individuals with significant bone loss in their jaw, as the six dental implants provide increased stability and support for the prosthetic teeth.

Additionally, All-on-6 implants may be a suitable solution for individuals seeking a full-arch replacement but are not candidates for the All-on-4 procedure due to a smaller jawbone structure or other anatomical considerations.

The decision to get All-on-6 dental implants should be made in consultation with a dental professional, who can evaluate your specific needs and provide guidance on the best treatment options for your situation.

What are the benefits of getting all-on-6 dental implants from Turkey?

There are several benefits of getting All-on-6 dental implants from Turkey, including:

  • High-quality dental care:
    Turkey has grown to be a well-liked location for dental travel, and the nation has made considerable expenditures in its dental healthcare infrastructure and offerings. Patients can anticipate receiving top-notch dental care from qualified specialists who use cutting-edge methods and tools.

  • Cost-effective treatment:
     All-on-6 dental implants are frequently less expensive in Turkey than in other nations. Patients without dental insurance or whose insurance only partially covers the cost of the procedure may find this to be especially helpful.

  • Expert dentists:
    Turkey is home to many highly qualified and experienced dentists specializing in All-on-6 dental implant treatments. Patients can anticipate individualized care from qualified specialists who are up to date on the newest procedures and technologies.

  • Convenient travel options:
    Patients travelling from other countries to receive dental care can easily visit Turkey because it is conveniently accessible from many of them and has a well-established tourism infrastructure.

  • Beautiful travel destination:
    Turkey is a stunning nation with a vibrant history, culture, and unmatched natural beauty. In addition to receiving top-notch dental care, patients who travel to Turkey for All-on-6 dental implants can unwind on vacation.

People looking for high-quality dental care may find receiving All-on-6 dental implants in Turkey a financially advantageous, practical, and joyful experience.

Are there any risks or complications associated with getting all-on-6 dental implants in Turkey?

No matter where All-on-6 dental implants are placed, risks and consequences may be involved, just like with any surgical treatment. These risks can include:

  • Infection:
    There is a risk of infection anytime the skin or gums are penetrated during a surgical procedure. Antibiotics and proper post-operative care can help prevent infections.

  • Nerve damage:
    Nerves that supply sensation to the mouth and face can be damaged during the All-on-6 procedure, leading to temporary or permanent numbness or tingling.

  • Implant failure:
    Although rare, implants can fail to integrate with the jawbone or become loose over time.

  • Complications with anaesthesia:
    All-on-6 dental implant surgery typically requires general anaesthesia or IV sedation, which comes with risks, including allergic reactions, breathing difficulties, and cardiovascular problems.

  • Bleeding and swelling:
    Some bleeding and swelling are normal after the All-on-6 procedure, but excessive bleeding or swelling can indicate a problem.

While the risk of complications is low, working with a qualified and experienced dental professional is essential to minimise these risks. In Turkey, as in other countries, patients should carefully research and choose a reputable dental clinic or hospital with experienced dental professionals who can minimise these risks and provide appropriate post-operative care.

How long does the entire all-on-6 dental implant process take in Turkey?

The length of time for the All-on-6 dental implant process in Turkey can vary depending on a few factors, such as the individual patient’s needs and any additional procedures that may be necessary. However, a typical timeline for the procedure might look something like this:

  • Consultation:
    The first step in the process is a consultation with the dental professional who will perform the procedure. During this appointment, the patient will undergo a dental examination, and the dentist will review their medical history to determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure.

  • Treatment planning:
    Once the patient is deemed a good candidate for All-on-6 dental implants, the dental professional will develop a treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs.

  • Implant placement:
    The next step is the surgical placement of the dental implants, typically in one appointment. The entire procedure can take a few hours to a full day, depending on the case’s complexity.
  • Healing and osseointegration:
    After the implants are placed, there is a healing period during which the implants will fuse with the jawbone in an osseointegration process. This typically takes 3-6 months, during which the patient will wear a temporary prosthetic.

  • Prosthetic placement:
    Final prosthetic tooth insertion is possible once the implants have completely fused with the jawbone. This process, which frequently requires numerous consultations, will be carried out by the dentist, who will make any adjustments required to guarantee ideal fit and functionality.

Generally, the All-on-6 dental implant process in Turkey typically takes several months to complete. Still, the length of time can vary depending on individual patient needs and any complications that may arise. Patients need to work closely with their dental professionals to ensure that they understand the entire process and what to expect at each stage.

What is the cost of getting all-on-6 dental implants from Turkey?

Several factors can affect how much All-on-6 dental implants cost in Turkey, including the case’s complexity, the dental clinic’s location, and the dental professional’s experience and qualifications. Generally, All-on-6 dental implants in Turkey range from around £5,000 to £12,000. It’s essential to note that this price typically includes the cost of the implants, abutments, and permanent restoration.

However, additional fees for consultation, diagnostic tests, and aftercare appointments may apply. Patients should consult with their dental professional to get an accurate estimate of the cost of their All-on-6 dental implant procedure in Turkey. It’s also essential to consider other expenses related to travel, such as airfare, accommodation, and transportation while in Turkey.

How Epcy helps you find the best place for all-on-6 dental implant procedure?

Turkey has established itself as a top destination for dental tourism, attracting patients worldwide seeking high-quality dental treatments at a lower cost. Regarding All-on-6 dental implants, Epcy has several advantages that can help you find qualified dentists.

Firstly, dental clinics and hospitals are equipped with the latest technology and equipment, allowing for precise and efficient placement of dental implants. Many dental professionals have received training and education from top dental schools worldwide and are experienced in complex dental procedures like the All-on-6 dental implant.

Another advantage of getting All-on-6 dental implants in Turkey is the significantly lower cost compared to other countries like the USA or the UK. This cost advantage allows patients to save money while still receiving high-quality dental care.

Finally, Turkey is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage, and many patients combine their dental treatment with a relaxing vacation. This combination of dental treatment and a vacation in Turkey can help reduce stress and anxiety and promote overall well-being, contributing to a successful dental implant procedure.

What are the risks of all-on-6 dental implants?

All-on-6 dental implants are a full-arch restoration option that involves securing a complete set of teeth on six dental implants. While this procedure is generally considered safe and effective, like any medical or dental intervention, there are potential risks and considerations. It’s important to consult with a qualified oral surgeon or dentist to assess your specific situation. Here are some potential risks associated with All-on-6 dental implants:

  1. Surgical Risks:

    • Infection: Any surgical procedure carries a risk of infection. Following proper oral hygiene instructions and taking prescribed antibiotics can help minimize this risk.
    • Bleeding: Surgical procedures may result in bleeding, but this is typically managed during the surgery itself.
  2. Implant Failure:

    • While dental implants have a high success rate, there is a risk of implant failure. Factors such as poor bone quality, inadequate osseointegration (fusion of the implant with the bone), or excessive forces on the implants can contribute to failure.
  3. Nerve Damage:

    • The placement of dental implants involves working in close proximity to nerves in the jaw. There is a slight risk of nerve damage during the surgery, which could lead to numbness, tingling, or altered sensation in the lips, tongue, or surrounding areas.
  4. Sinus Issues (for Upper Jaw Implants):

    • In the case of implants in the upper jaw, the implants may extend into the sinus cavity. There is a risk of sinus issues, such as sinusitis, if complications arise during or after the surgery.
  5. Pain and Discomfort:

    • Pain and discomfort are common after any surgical procedure. Proper pain management and following post-operative care instructions can help minimize these issues.
  6. Prosthetic Complications:

    • Issues with the prosthetic bridge, such as breakage or loosening, may occur over time. Regular follow-ups with the dentist are important to address any potential complications early on.
  7. Gum Recession:

    • In some cases, the gums around the dental implants may recede, exposing parts of the implant or prosthetic. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can help monitor and address gum health.
  8. Bone Loss:

    • Though dental implants help stimulate the jawbone, there may still be a risk of gradual bone loss over time. Maintaining good oral hygiene and regular follow-ups can help detect and address any issues early.
  9. Allergic Reactions:

    • While rare, some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to materials used in the implants. A thorough assessment of medical history and materials used can help minimize this risk.
    • It’s essential to have a comprehensive evaluation and discussion with the dental professional to understand the potential risks, benefits, and alternatives of All-on-6 dental implants. Following post-operative care instructions, maintaining good oral hygiene, and attending regular follow-up appointments are crucial for the success and longevity of the dental implants.

Why all on 6 dental implants may not be right for you?

The decision to opt for All-on-6 dental implants may not be suitable for everyone, and several factors should be considered before pursuing this treatment. Here are some reasons why All-on-6 may not be the right choice for certain individuals:

  1. Insufficient Bone Density: Like All-on-4, All-on-6 relies on the existing bone structure for support. If a person has inadequate bone density in the jaw, the All-on-6 procedure might not be feasible. Additional bone grafting procedures may be necessary to enhance the bone structure, increasing the complexity and cost of treatment.

  2. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or other systemic health issues, can affect the success of dental implant procedures. It is essential to evaluate an individual’s overall health before proceeding with All-on-6 implants.

  3. Oral Health Issues: Existing oral health problems, including untreated gum disease or extensive tooth decay, can compromise the success of the All-on-6 procedure. Addressing and resolving any pre-existing oral health issues is crucial for the long-term success of dental implant treatments.

  4. Smoking: Smoking can negatively impact the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Dentists may recommend quitting smoking or minimizing tobacco use before undergoing the All-on-6 procedure.

  5. Individual Preferences: While All-on-6 provides a stable and functional solution for missing teeth, some individuals may have personal preferences for other options, such as removable dentures or traditional dental implants. Preferences should be considered when deciding on a tooth replacement option.

  6. Expectations and Realistic Outcomes: It is essential for individuals to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the All-on-6 procedure. While it offers improved function and aesthetics, perfection may not always be achievable. Understanding the limitations of the procedure is crucial for overall satisfaction.

  7. Commitment to Aftercare: The success of the All-on-6 procedure depends on proper aftercare, including good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups. Individuals should be committed to maintaining oral health to ensure the long-term success of the implant-supported restoration.

Before deciding on the All-on-6 procedure, individuals should consult with a qualified dental professional for a thorough evaluation. The dentist will assess the individual’s oral health, overall health, and preferences to determine whether this treatment option is suitable. Alternative options may also be discussed to find the most appropriate solution for each person’s unique circumstances.

“ All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek advice from an accredited and certified dental professional in your home country if this dental treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its dentists which provide the dental services in this offer.“

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