What is Mammoplasty?

For women struggling with the physical and emotional effects of overly-large or misshapen breasts, mammoplasty is a technique that can resolve many issues. The battle to remain physically confident, however, is not easy; often there are logistical problems to consider such as cost, accessibility and trust. For years now Turkey has been established as one of the top countries for Breast Reduction Surgery (also called Mammoplasty). With its high-level expertise in aesthetic medicine and the medical care sector combined with great value-for-money packages available – it comes as no surprise why so many women from all around the world turn to Turkey when searching for an optimum experience at good rates. So what makes Turkey such a hotspot for this kind of surgery?

This blog post will cover the topic of Mammoplasty in detail, including the reasons why Turkey is an excellent destination for this surgery due to its affordable prices without sacrificing safety or quality. Additionally, we will discuss how Epcy can assist you in planning your medical trip to Turkey.

What is Mammoplasty?

Mammoplasty is a general term that describes all types of breast reduction surgery. 

This type of cosmetic procedure involves making an incision in the skin and removing some of the fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts to reduce their size. As well as shrinking your breasts, the surgery can also lift and reshape them by placing incisions around the areola or under your breasts. It may even help to improve your posture if you were excessively burdened with large, heavy breasts before. While it can take some time for you to adjust to your new shape and feel comfortable with it, many people find that it is worth choosing mammoplasty for its potential aesthetic benefits.

What are the reasons for Mammoplasty surgery?

Mammoplasty surgery has become increasingly popular due to the physical, mental and emotional benefits it can provide. People who have excessively large breasts often suffer from back, neck and shoulder pain, skin irritation and nerve pain. This may also lead to difficulties exercising or taking part in certain activities such as swimming, feeling uncomfortable when trying to fit into clothes and suffering from a poor self-image. Despite these motivations for undergoing the surgery, some limitations should be taken into consideration before making a decision. Those who smoke, are very obese and don’t want scars on their breasts should carefully consider all the risks associated with mammoplasty before making a decision.

Who’s a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

A candidate for breast reduction surgery should first check with a plastic surgeon to discuss individual health and recovery options. Commonly recommended for individuals with chronic back pain, it can also be a viable option for teens if they’ve experienced significant discomfort due to large breasts that persist over a year and no change in breast size is observed. Additionally, the candidate’s overall health and behaviours that could negatively affect the healing process, such as smoking, should be taken into consideration before proceeding with the surgery.

Breast reduction surgery procedure

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure which is usually performed under general anesthesia. There are various methods for reducing the size of breasts, such as the use of incisions and liposuction to remove excess fat. During this procedure, the surgeon will make an incision around the areola and down each breast, then proceed to remove excess tissue and fat from each side. They may also reshape the breast and reset the nipple and its surrounding area. Breast reduction surgery aims to make both breasts look alike but due to naturally smaller or larger sizes, this may not always be possible. The surgeon will discuss their ideal outcome with the patient before carrying out the operation to keep expectations realistic.

Results of Breast reduction surgery

Results of breast reduction surgery are evident right away, although it can take several months for swelling to subside and the surgical scars to fade. The changes are generally long-lasting but age, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and other factors can affect breast shape and size. Most importantly though, successful breast reduction surgery can reduce discomfort in the neck, upper back and shoulders allowing women an increased ability to participate in physical activities and a more positive self-image.

Self-care after breast reduction surgery

Self-care after breast reduction surgery is essential to ensure a healthy recovery. It is important to follow post-operative instructions given by your medical practitioner and take preventative measures such as cleaning the affected area regularly and taking medications prescribed for healing and reducing the risk of infection. After surgery, it is important to keep an eye out for any changes or issues in the surgical site(s) as well as in your general health and make sure to attend regular follow-up appointments with your doctor. Self-care should be taken seriously while recovering from breast reduction surgery so that you can continue your life with optimal health.

Why is Turkey the best place for breast reduction surgery?

Turkey stands out for its excellent medical facilities and enables patients to benefit from high-quality surgery at an incredibly reasonable cost. It’s no surprise that the country has become a top destination for breast reduction surgery as highly experienced surgeons are available in accredited medical institutions located throughout Turkey. These professionals offer years of experience in performing this kind of operation, ensuring minimal scarring and a long-lasting result following the procedure. Many women traveling from around the world have chosen Turkey as the place to undergo their breast reduction surgery due to its reputation, cost-effectiveness and high quality of care.

Breast reduction cost in UK vs breast reduction cost in Turkey

When it comes to cost, there is a significant difference between breast reduction costs in the UK and the cost of breast reduction surgery in Turkey. The average cost of breast reduction surgery in Turkey is between £2550 and £3000 which can be substantially less than the £4,000-£7,000 range that is typically charged in the UK. Despite this cost advantage, however, it should be noted that Turkish clinics often offer superior treatment options. Thus, women seeking a reduced bust size could get quality service with more cost savings by having the surgery performed overseas in Turkey.

Affordable Medical Services

Things to consider having mammoplasty surgery in Turkey

Mammoplasty surgery refers to any surgical procedure that involves altering the breast’s size, shape, or appearance. This can encompass breast augmentation (breast implants), breast reduction, or breast lift surgery. Before undergoing mammoplasty surgery, it’s crucial to carefully consider various factors to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some key things to think about:

  1. Consultation with a Qualified Surgeon: Choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with expertise in mammoplasty procedures. Schedule a thorough consultation to discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history. Ensure the surgeon has a portfolio of successful cases.


  2. Realistic Expectations: Understand what mammoplasty can and cannot achieve. Each type of mammoplasty surgery has specific goals. Discuss your goals with your surgeon to ensure they are realistic and attainable.


  3. Type of Mammoplasty: Determine the specific type of mammoplasty you are considering:

   – Breast Augmentation: To increase breast size with implants or fat grafting.
   – Breast Reduction: To decrease breast size and alleviate discomfort.
   – Breast Lift: To raise and reshape sagging breasts without changing size.

  1. Surgical Risks and Complications: Be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with your chosen mammoplasty procedure, including infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and anesthesia-related issues. Your surgeon should provide detailed information about these risks.

  2. Preoperative Preparation: Follow your surgeon’s preoperative instructions carefully. This may involve lifestyle adjustments, such as quitting smoking, adjusting medications, or maintaining a stable weight to optimize your surgical outcome.

  3. Recovery Period: Different types of mammoplasty surgery have varying recovery times and post-operative requirements. Plan for time off work, arrange for assistance during recovery, and follow all post-operative care instructions.

  4. Scarring: Understand that all surgical procedures leave scars. Ask your surgeon about the expected location and appearance of scars, and discuss scar management techniques.

  5. Implant Choice: If you are considering breast augmentation, discuss the choice of breast implants (silicone or saline) with your surgeon. Your surgeon can help you select the right size and type based on your goals and body type.

  6. Postoperative Care: Comply with the post-operative care plan, including follow-up appointments, wound care, and any restrictions on physical activities. Proper care is essential for a smooth recovery.

  7. Lifestyle Changes: Maintain a healthy lifestyle after mammoplasty surgery, including proper nutrition and regular exercise, to optimize long-term results and prevent complications.

  8. Emotional and Psychological Readiness: Be emotionally prepared for the surgery and potential changes in your appearance. Consider the emotional impact and whether you have a strong support system in place.

  9. Choosing a Surgeon: Thoroughly research and select a qualified, reputable surgeon with experience in the specific mammoplasty procedure you desire. Ask for referrals, read reviews, and verify their credentials.

  10. Legal and Ethical Aspects: Ensure that you fully understand the consent form, which outlines the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure. Make an informed decision after carefully reading and discussing this document with your surgeon.

  11. Cost and Financing: Obtain a clear understanding of the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care. Explore financing options or payment plans if necessary.

  12. Follow-Up and Maintenance: Discuss with your surgeon the need for follow-up appointments and any maintenance or revision procedures that may be necessary in the future.

Remember that mammoplasty surgery is a significant decision, and your safety and satisfaction should be top priorities. Thoroughly discuss all aspects of the procedure with your surgeon, ask questions, and take the time to make an informed decision.

How can Epcy help you find top-quality breast reduction surgery In Turkey?

Epcy is a great resource for finding top-quality breast reduction surgery in Turkey. When looking for clinics, its comprehensive database makes it easy to compare different options and get the necessary information from each clinic’s profile page such as location, contact information, services, and prices.

Additionally, you can learn more about the reliability and quality of service by reading reviews provided by people who have already availed of the procedure. If you need more information or want to arrange a consultation before traveling to Turkey, the website also has contact details of Turkish surgeons readily available. All these features make Epcy an ideal source for seeking out breast reduction surgery in Turkey.


Turkey is an ideal destination for women seeking to reduce the size of their breasts. The country offers top-notch medical facilities and highly experienced surgeons at affordable prices, making it a great option for people looking to undergo breast reduction surgery. In addition, Epcy can help in finding reliable clinics and qualified doctors who offer this service. With proper investigation and research, patients can be assured that they will receive quality care at a fraction of the cost they would pay in other countries. Therefore, if you are considering breast reduction surgery, Turkey should be at the top of your list!

Mammoplasty Aftercare

Aftercare is crucial to ensure that recovery goes smoothly, particularly when it comes to mammoplasty. It is advised to wear an ACE bandage and surgical bra for compression to minimise the risk of seroma (fluid buildup) or infection. You should notify your physician if you experience unusual symptoms such as fever, chills, redness, or swelling. Furthermore, it is advised you finish all antibiotics as prescribed, and eating yoghourt can help with side effects from particularly strong antibiotics. For maximum recovery, it is important to avoid strenuous upper arm/chest exercises for six weeks, limit lifting to 20 lbs, keep surgical drains for a few days (until sutures are removed), and wear the surgical bra for 21 days only removing it for showers. Four weeks after surgery, products should be used to minimise scarring, and four months post-op, patients are recommended to receive a mammogram. Mammoplasty aftercare requires adherence, but this will help ensure a successful recovery.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks of Mammoplasty

“Mammoplasty” is a general term that refers to surgical procedures involving the breasts. There are different types of mammoplasty procedures, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction. Each of these procedures has its own set of risks. Here are some common risks associated with mammoplasty:

1. Infection: Any surgical procedure carries a risk of infection. Proper hygiene, sterile techniques, and postoperative care are essential to minimize this risk.

2. Bleeding: Mammoplasty procedures involve incisions, and there is a risk of bleeding during or after surgery. Surgeons take precautions to minimize bleeding, but excessive bleeding can lead to complications.

3. Scarring: Scarring is an inevitable part of any surgical procedure. The extent of scarring can vary among individuals, and factors such as genetics and the surgical technique used can influence the appearance of scars.

4. Changes in Sensation: Alterations in nipple sensation, including temporary or permanent numbness, increased sensitivity, or decreased sensitivity, can occur after mammoplasty.

5. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry in breast surgery is challenging. Some degree of asymmetry may persist after surgery, or new asymmetry may develop during the healing process.

6. Hematoma or Seroma Formation: Accumulation of blood (hematoma) or fluid (seroma) in the surgical area can occur and may require drainage or additional procedures.

7. Implant Complications (for Breast Augmentation): If breast implants are used, there are specific risks associated with them, including implant rupture, leakage, and the development of capsular contracture (hardening of the tissue around the implant).

8. Changes in Breastfeeding Ability (for Breast Reduction): Breast reduction surgery may impact the ability to breastfeed in some cases. This risk should be discussed with the surgeon before the procedure, especially if the patient plans to have children in the future.

9. Changes in Breastfeeding Appearance (for Breast Augmentation and Reduction): Changes in breast appearance, such as changes in size, shape, or nipple position, may occur after surgery.

10. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may have allergic reactions to anesthesia, medications, or materials used during surgery. It’s important to disclose any known allergies to the surgical team.

11. Delayed Healing or Wound Complications: Some individuals may experience delayed healing, poor wound healing, or wound complications, particularly if they have underlying health conditions or if postoperative care instructions are not followed diligently.

12. Psychological Impact: Mammoplasty procedures can have psychological and emotional effects. It’s important for individuals to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure and to be prepared for the potential emotional impact of body changes.

It’s essential to discuss potential risks and complications specific to the chosen mammoplasty procedure with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon during the consultation. The surgeon will assess the individual’s health, discuss expectations, and provide information about the potential risks and benefits of the chosen procedure. Thorough preoperative evaluation and postoperative care are crucial for minimizing risks and achieving optimal outcomes.

Why mammoplasty may not be right for you?

While mammoplasty procedures (such as breast augmentation, reduction, or reconstruction) can provide significant benefits for many individuals, they may not be the right choice for everyone. Several factors may influence whether mammoplasty is suitable for a particular person. Here are some reasons why mammoplasty may not be the right option for an individual:

  1. Underlying Health Conditions: Individuals with certain health conditions may be at higher risk for complications during and after surgery. Conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, uncontrolled diabetes, or autoimmune disorders may impact the safety of mammoplasty.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure, they may not be satisfied with the results. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what mammoplasty can and cannot achieve.

  3. Psychological Health: Good mental and emotional health is crucial before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder, unrealistic self-perception, or other psychological concerns may not be suitable candidates.

  4. Pregnancy or Breastfeeding Plans: For individuals planning to have children in the future, considerations about the impact of mammoplasty on breastfeeding and potential changes to breast appearance during pregnancy should be discussed with the surgeon.

  5. Financial Considerations: Mammoplasty is typically an elective cosmetic procedure, and costs may not be covered by insurance. Financial constraints may be a limiting factor for some individuals.

  6. Smoking or Substance Use: Smoking and certain substances can negatively impact the healing process. Individuals who smoke or use certain substances may be advised to quit or reduce use before considering mammoplasty.

  7. Unstable Weight: Mammoplasty results may be more predictable and stable when performed on individuals with a stable weight. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the appearance of the breasts and surgical outcomes.

  8. Unrealistic Surgical Goals: Some individuals may desire outcomes that are not achievable through mammoplasty, either due to anatomical constraints or medical considerations.

  9. Medical History: Certain aspects of an individual’s medical history, such as allergies to anesthesia or a history of poor wound healing, may influence the suitability for mammoplasty.

  10. Limited Breast Tissue: In some cases, individuals may have limited natural breast tissue, making certain types of mammoplasty more challenging or less suitable.

  11. Age and Hormonal Changes: Consideration of age and hormonal changes is important. Mammoplasty outcomes can be influenced by factors such as hormonal fluctuations, aging, and changes in skin elasticity.

  12. Lifestyle Considerations: Individuals with demanding lifestyles or those unable to adhere to postoperative care instructions may not be ideal candidates for mammoplasty.

Before deciding on mammoplasty, individuals should have a thorough consultation with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. The surgeon will assess the individual’s overall health, discuss expectations, and determine whether mammoplasty is the right choice based on the specific circumstances. Open communication and a clear understanding of potential risks and benefits are crucial for making an informed decision about mammoplasty.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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Decades of experience in medical tourism and healthcare services has made Epcy number one choice for people who are seeking all kinds of treatments in Turkey. We are here to help! Visit offer page to see all inclusive offers from top rated clinics in Turkey.