What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Surgery enhances your body shape. If men have sagging breasts can be corrected with Gynecomastia surgery. Turkey is the most suitable country for this surgery. Turkey not only has qualified doctors and surgeons, but the treatment in Turkey is also cheaper than in many other countries. If you are from another country and want to go to Turkey for your Treatment, you can not only find hospitals and clinics but also get a lot of information using Epcy.

What is Gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery, also called male breast-reducing surgery is a surgical process that is performed to decrease the area and the appearance of elaborate breasts in men. Gynecomastia is a condition where men develop excess breast tissue or fat in their chest area, which can be caused by Hormonal imbalances, genetics, certain medications, or other factors. During the surgery, the surgical expert will make a cut in the chest area and eject excess breast tissue, fat, and skin as needed.

The Stretch of the surgical treatment will rely upon the hardness of the gynecomastia and the patient’s individual goals. Gynecomastia surgery is generally done under common Anesthesia and may take a few hours to complete. Recovery time depends on the size of the surgery, but the majority of patients return to work within a week or more than one week after the process.

The procedure of gynecomastia

This surgery is a procedure used to reduce the size of enlarged male breast tissue. The procedure is generally done by a Plastic surgeon. Following is an outlook of the procedure.

  1. Anesthesia: The patient will be given anesthesia to ensure they are feeling well during the surgery. To keep the patient anesthetized during the process, anesthesia is given.

  2. Incision: The surgeon will make an incision around the Region (the dark area near the nipple) or in the underarm area. The area and the position of the cut will rely upon the extent of the gynecomastia.

  3. Removal of tissue: The surgeon will keep out the extra Breast tissue, and fat through the incision.

  4. Closing the incision: Once the excess tissue has been removed, the surgical expert will close the cut with stitches.

  5. Dressing and bandages: The surgeon will apply the dressing and bandages to the incision site to help with healing.

  6.  Recovery: The patient will be monitored in a recovery Area as far as the numbness wears off. They will be given guidance on how to keep safe the incision site, including how to change dressings and when to follow up with the surgeon.

Aftercare of gynecomastia surgery

Surgeries enhance beauty, but post-surgery care is very important to avoid many diseases and other possible risks. Following are some tips for aftercare.

  1. Rest and Avoid Strenuous Activities: It is essential to avoid any strenuous physical activities, lifting heavy objects, or performing any activity that could strain your chest muscles for several weeks after surgery.

  2. Medicines: Take the surgeon’s prescribed medicines to manage pain. To avoid infection Antibiotics can also use.

  3. Follow a Healthy Diet: A healthy diet is important for speedy a recovery process. Eat a well-balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to ensure optimal healing.

 Also, wear compression clothes to reduce swelling. By following these tips a speedy recovery is possible.

Benefits of gynecomastia surgery

As with other surgeries, this surgery is also done to improve the beauty of the body. Following are some highlighted benefits of Gynecomastia surgery.

  1. Improved self-confidence: Gynecomastia can be an Element of embarrassment and self-consciousness, and surgery can help to Increase a person’s confidence and self-image.

  2. Permanent results: Gynecomastia surgery can provide long-lasting Results, with a significant reduction in breast tissue and a more masculine Chest contour.

  3. Improved physical comfort: Enlarged breast tissue can cause discomfort and pain, which can be alleviated with surgery.

  4. Minimal scarring: The incisions made during the surgery are typically small and inconspicuous, resulting in Minimal scarring.

  5. Enhanced masculine appearance: Gynecomastia surgery can help to create a more masculine chest appearance by reducing the size of the breasts and creating a more defined chest contour.

  6. Better fitting clothing: After surgery, individuals may feel more comfortable wearing certain types of clothing, such as tight-fitting shirts or going shirtless.

  7. Correction of chest asymmetry:  Surgery can correct chest asymmetry and create a more balanced overall appearance.

Why individuals should have gynecomastia surgery?

Individuals may choose to have this surgery for a variety of reasons, including the following.

  1. Improved self-confidence: Gynecomastia can cause embarrassment and self-consciousness, and surgery can help improve a person’s self-confidence and body image.

  2. Physical discomfort: Enlarged breast tissue can cause Physical discomfort, pain, and tenderness. Surgery can alleviate these symptoms.

  3. Difficulty finding clothes that fit properly: Men with Gynecomastia may have difficulty finding clothes that fit properly and flatter their body shape.

  4. A desire for a more masculine chest contour: Gynecomastia can give the appearance of female-like breasts and surgery can create a more masculine chest contour.

  5.  Psychological distress: In some cases, gynecomastia can cause significant psychological distress, such as anxiety or depression.

Why Turkey is the best country for gynecomastia surgery?

Turkey has become a popular country for medical treatment, including gynecomastia surgery.

  1. Experienced surgeons: Turkey has a large number of Skilled and experienced plastic surgeons who are trained in the latest techniques for this surgery.


  2. Competitive pricing: The surgery in Turkey is typically less expensive than in many other countries, including the United States and Europe, while still maintaining a high standard of care.


  3. Modern facilities: Turkey has many modern medical Facilities that are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and equipment.


  4. Short waiting times: In many countries, there can be long waiting times for elective surgeries like gynecomastia surgery. Although, In Turkey, Patients can often be scheduled for surgery relatively quickly.


  5. Beautiful location: Turkey is a beautiful country with a great history and customs, making it the best choice for medical tourists to combine recovery with a vacation.

What to be careful of when having a gynecomastia surgery in Turkey?

If you are planning to have this a cosmetic surgery in Turkey, There are several things that you should be careful about.

1. Choose a reputable and experienced surgeon: It is essential to research and select a certified surgical expert who has broad experience in doing Gynecomastia surgery. However, check the surgeon’s qualifications, credentials, and Reviews before making a decision. You can find a reputable surgeon using our Epcy platform.

2. Check the clinic’s accreditation: Make sure that the clinic, where you plan to have the surgery, is accredited by a recognized Organization, such as the Turkish Medical Association or Joint Commission International.

3. Understand the risks and complications: As with any surgical process, this surgery carries threats and possible difficulties. However, before having the surgery, ensure you have to get knowledge of the threats Related and discuss them with your surgeon.

4. Ask about the type of anesthesia used: Although, you should ask your surgeon about the kind of anesthesia which will be given while undergoing the surgery.

5. Discuss the recovery process: Make sure you understand the recovery process, including the timeframe for recovery, post-operative Care, and any restrictions on physical activity.

6. Consider the cost: While Turkey is known for offering Affordable medical treatments, it is important to consider the cost of the Surgery, including any additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, and Follow-up appointments.

Overall, the surgery can be an unharmed and successful process when done by an expert and qualified surgeon. By doing your research you can help ensure the desired result.

What is the cost of gynecomastia surgery in Turkey compared to other countries?

The expenses of Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey depends on the different clinics, surgeons, and the extent of the process. However generally, this surgery in Turkey is known to be more affordable than in many other countries, especially in Europe.

Although, the cost of this surgery in Turkey can range from around £1,500 to £4,000. In comparison, the expenses of Gynecomastia Surgery in the United States can range from £4,000 to £8,000, while in the United Kingdom, it can range from £2,000 to £6,000.

However, the thing to notice is that cost should not be the only element to think about when choosing a clinic or surgical expert for this surgery. It is essential to research the certification and Background of the surgeon, the reputation of the clinic, and the quality of Care provided. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the clinic and Surgeons are accredited and licensed by the appropriate bodies.


Gynecomastia surgery, also called male Breast-reducing surgery, is a surgical process that is performed to decrease the area and appearance of elaborate breasts in men. Although, this surgery can give you the desired look of your body which you want.

Every surgery in Turkey is not only done at a lower price than in other countries but also done in a good way. Turkey provides you with the best treatment opportunities with the latest system. So you can search Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors, and Surgeons through Epcy.

Risks of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia refers to the enlargement of the breast tissue in males. While it is a common condition and often benign, there are certain risks and potential complications associated with gynecomastia. Here are some of the key considerations:

  1. Psychological Impact: Gynecomastia can have psychological and emotional effects on individuals. The enlargement of the breast tissue may cause embarrassment, self-consciousness, and distress, leading to a negative impact on self-esteem and mental well-being.

  2. Underlying Medical Conditions: Gynecomastia can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as hormonal imbalances, liver disease, or certain tumors. Identifying and addressing the root cause is essential to manage the condition effectively.

  3. Medication-Induced Gynecomastia: Some medications, including certain antipsychotics, antiandrogens, and anabolic steroids, can contribute to gynecomastia. It’s important to be aware of potential side effects of medications and consult with a healthcare provider if gynecomastia develops.

  4. Pain or Tenderness: Enlarged breast tissue may be accompanied by pain or tenderness. This discomfort can affect the quality of life and may prompt individuals to seek medical evaluation and intervention.

  5. Breast Asymmetry: Gynecomastia may lead to uneven breast development, resulting in breast asymmetry. This can be a source of cosmetic concern for some individuals.

  6. Fibrous or Irregular Breast Tissue: In some cases, the breast tissue may become fibrous or develop irregularities. This can affect the cosmetic appearance of the chest.

  7. Social and Lifestyle Impacts: Gynecomastia may impact an individual’s social life, physical activities, and clothing choices. Some people may avoid certain social situations or activities due to self-consciousness about their appearance.

  8. Surgical Risks: Surgical intervention, such as male breast reduction surgery (gynecomastia surgery), carries inherent risks, including infection, scarring, bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. It’s important to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon to minimize these risks.

  9. Recurrence: While gynecomastia surgery is often effective, there is a risk of recurrence, especially if the underlying cause is not addressed or if hormonal imbalances persist.

  10. Changes in Sensation: Following surgery, there may be temporary or permanent changes in nipple sensation. This can include numbness, increased sensitivity, or decreased sensitivity.

It’s important for individuals experiencing gynecomastia to seek medical evaluation to determine the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options. The choice of treatment will depend on factors such as the severity of gynecomastia, the presence of underlying medical conditions, and the individual’s goals and preferences. Consulting with a healthcare provider, endocrinologist, or a plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia is recommended to discuss the most suitable approach for addressing this condition.

Why gynecomastia may not be right for you?

It seems there might be a bit of confusion in your question. Gynecomastia itself is not a treatment or procedure; rather, it’s a medical condition characterized by the enlargement of the breast tissue in males. If you are referring to the treatment options for gynecomastia, such as surgery or medication, here are reasons why these treatments may not be suitable for everyone:

  1. Underlying Medical Conditions: The cause of gynecomastia should be thoroughly evaluated. If the enlargement is due to an underlying medical condition (such as hormonal imbalances, liver disease, or certain tumors), addressing the root cause may be the primary focus rather than cosmetic interventions.

  2. Hormonal Imbalances: Gynecomastia is often associated with hormonal imbalances, and treatment may involve hormonal therapy. However, individuals with certain hormonal conditions or imbalances may not be suitable candidates for hormonal treatments due to potential risks and side effects.

  3. Medical History: Individuals with certain medical histories, such as bleeding disorders or a history of poor wound healing, may be at an increased risk of complications from surgical interventions like gynecomastia surgery.

  4. Medication Interactions: Some medications commonly prescribed for gynecomastia treatment, such as hormone therapies or antiestrogens, may interact with other medications that an individual is taking. It’s crucial to consider potential drug interactions before starting any treatment.

  5. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about the outcomes of gynecomastia treatment, they may not be suitable candidates. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what the procedure can and cannot achieve.

  6. Smoking and General Health: Smoking and poor general health can increase the risks associated with surgery. Individuals who smoke or have certain health conditions may need to address these issues before undergoing gynecomastia surgery.

  7. Psychological Readiness: Individuals must be psychologically prepared for any intervention. If a person is not mentally prepared for the potential physical and emotional changes associated with treatment, they may not be suitable candidates.

Before deciding on any treatment for gynecomastia, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider, endocrinologist, or a plastic surgeon specializing in gynecomastia. A thorough evaluation of the individual’s medical history, underlying causes, and overall health is essential to determine the most appropriate course of action. Additionally, open communication with the healthcare provider is important to ensure that the patient has realistic expectations and understands the potential risks and benefits of the chosen treatment.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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