What is Hollywood Smile?

Are you seeking a Hollywood Smile? Turkey may be the perfect destination for this type of treatment. Turkey has gained worldwide recognition as a leader in cosmetic dentistry, offering state-of-the-art technology and affordable costs for Hollywood smile treatments. In recent years, there has been an increase in people travelling to Turkey from around the globe to receive high-quality treatment at a lower cost than in their home countries. This article will delve into the topic of Hollywood smiles. It will explain why Turkey is well-suited to provide Hollywood smile treatment, and how Epcy can help you get a great Hollywood smile treatment in Turkey.

What is a Hollywood Smile?

A Hollywood Smile is a cosmetic procedure that helps perfect the look of a smile by fixing any aesthetic issues. A dentist will use dental veneers to conceal discolouration, chips or misalignments, resulting in a beautiful and natural-looking smile. What’s more, is that the effects are long-lasting and provide many individuals with increased confidence in their smiles.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate For Hollywood Smile?

A suitable candidate for a Hollywood Smile is someone who has missing teeth, discoloration (mild to severe), misaligned or deformed teeth, enough enamel, is over 18 years of age, has cracked teeth, no active infections and enough bone density (for implant). It is important that prior to the procedure, you must be aware of the pros and cons of it in order to ensure that you will be content with the results. Achieving a lifetime change requires dedication and an open mindset – if you’re ready for it then being suitable for Hollywood Smile may just be what you are after.

What steps are taken during the Hollywood Smile makeover?

The steps taken during the Hollywood Smile makeover typically involve four key steps.

First, a consultation and smile assessment should be conducted to discuss expectations and understand the patient’s smile goals.

Next, the digital smile preview is created with any colors and shapes desired by the patient to better visualize the completed look they seek. This design file is then used to create custom-designed veneers or crowns.

Lastly, when permanent placement of teeth is complete, follow up appointments and evaluations are scheduled with your dental team to help ensure long-term results

The benefits of Hollywood Smile

The benefits of Hollywood Smile are immense, giving those who opt for the treatment a new level of confidence and wellbeing. The smile makeover allows patients to have a brand new and dazzling smile, while personalized treatments allow them to redesign their smiles to make them look as they wish. The treatment is also beneficial for oral health and can help close gaps between teeth that impact on one’s self-confidence. The beauty of this treatment is that it solves multiple problems at once – something that makes it worth considering for anyone unhappy with their smile.

Aftercare for Hollywood Smile

Aftercare for Hollywood Smile requires a commitment to preventive dental care. This means brushing your teeth at least twice daily, regular flossing and taking extra steps to ensure food particles don’t become stuck between the structures. Doing so can cause inflammation, pain and discomfort while also damaging the veneers. You can also use an antibacterial mouthwash to help maintain your smile’s pearly glow. Taking these simple steps will help keep your Hollywood Smile looking perfect for an extended period of time.

Why is Turkey the best place for Hollywood smile procedures?

Turkey is the perfect place for the Hollywood Smile procedure due to its high-quality dental clinics and experienced dentists offering modern procedures. Patients undergoing treatment can enjoy a beautiful, budget-friendly stay while appreciating Turkey’s stunning natural beauty and culture. The personalized Hollywood Smile treatment in Turkey comprises both cosmetic and restorative dentistry, so patients receive an optimal result that perfectly complements their energy level, skin tone and face structure. Whether you are seeking minor alterations to maintain your existing smile or a complete transformation, the dentist will discuss the best possible solution for your needs.

Cost comparison between Turkey and the United Kingdom/Europe

For people who want to improve their smile, Turkey offers a relaxing and affordable solution for Hollywood smile treatments that can save up to 80% compared to UK prices. Emax laminate veneers cost an average of £150 to £300 in Turkey, while consultations range from £0 to £15. Fillings for front teeth and porcelain crowns also incur significantly lower costs in Turkey than in the UK. Implants come at a fraction of the cost as well with an average of £390 to £850, compared to an average of £2,000 to £3,500 in Europe.

Although Hollywood smiles are traditionally expensive cosmetic procedures in most countries, Turkish dentists offer a high quality standard at much lower rates without compromising quality.

What factors should you consider when looking for Hollywood Smile Treatment in Turkey?

When getting the Hollywood Smile Treatment in Turkey, there are a few important points to keep in mind. As with any dental procedure, quality should be your number one priority. Make sure that you are receiving treatment from a qualified and experienced cosmetic dentist, one who understands the latest trends and can accurately answer questions regarding the procedure. Also look into the materials they use – quality materials are essential for a successful result. Additionally, Turkey boasts some of the most affordable prices for Hollywood smile treatments, so make sure that you thoroughly compare costs between different clinics to get the best possible value for your money. Ultimately, with some research and preparation you can find an ideal location and maximize your chances of coming away with beautiful results from your Hollywood smile treatment.

How can Epcy help you find top-quality Hollywood Smile treatment in Turkey?

Epcy is the right source for Hollywood smile treatments in Turkey for several reasons. First, it provides a comprehensive database of dental clinics in Turkey, allowing you to easily compare different options and make an informed decision. Each clinic’s profile page includes details such as location, contact information, services, and prices, making it easy to access all the necessary information. Additionally, Epcy offers ratings and reviews from previous patients, helping you identify the most reliable and reputable clinics. The website also provides contact information for Turkish dentists, allowing you to ask questions or arrange consultations before traveling to Turkey for treatment. Overall, Epcy makes it convenient and reliable to find the ideal dental clinic for Hollywood smile treatments in Turkey.


Turkey is an excellent choice for those seeking affordable and high-quality Hollywood smile treatments. By using a comprehensive resource like Epcy, it is simple to compare different clinics and find the best fit for your specific needs. By conducting some research and preparing beforehand, you can ensure that you receive beautiful results from your treatment without overspending. Whether you want subtle enhancements or a complete transformation, Turkey offers a great combination of affordability and quality in dental care.

Hollywood Smile Aftercare

Aftercare for Hollywood Smile is similar to normal dental care practices. You need to floss and brush your teeth multiple times a day, as well as make sure that there are no food particles stuck in between structures. An antibacterial mouthwash will also help to maintain the pearly glow. It’s important to understand that veneers require just as much care as regular teeth since the health of the tissue around them is key for keeping them intact for years. So, even though Hollywood Smiles are ceramic, it’s important to remember essential oral hygiene.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks of Hollywood Smile

A Hollywood smile treatment typically involves cosmetic dentistry procedures to enhance the appearance of the teeth and create a bright, white, and attractive smile. While many people undergo these treatments successfully, there are some risks and considerations associated with Hollywood smile procedures. It’s important to consult with a qualified dentist before undergoing any cosmetic dental treatment. Here are some potential risks:

  1. Tooth Sensitivity: The process of teeth whitening, which is often part of a Hollywood smile treatment, can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. This may be temporary, but in some cases, it can persist.

  2. Gum Irritation: Some individuals may experience irritation or sensitivity in the gums as a result of the chemicals used in teeth whitening agents or other cosmetic dental procedures.

  3. Enamel Damage: Aggressive teeth whitening or other cosmetic procedures may potentially damage the enamel of the teeth, leading to increased sensitivity and other dental issues.

  4. Uneven Results: Achieving perfectly symmetrical and evenly colored teeth can be challenging. There is a risk of uneven results, with some teeth appearing whiter or differently shaped than others.

  5. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may be allergic to certain dental materials or chemicals used in the Hollywood smile treatment. It’s crucial to discuss any known allergies with the dentist before undergoing any procedure.

  6. Temporary Results: The results of cosmetic dental treatments, including teeth whitening, may not be permanent. Maintaining a Hollywood smile may require periodic touch-ups, which could involve additional costs and potential risks.

  7. Pre-existing Dental Issues: Individuals with pre-existing dental problems, such as cavities, gum disease, or tooth decay, may need to address these issues before undergoing cosmetic dental treatments to ensure optimal results.

  8. Psychological Impact: While many people are satisfied with the results of cosmetic dental treatments, there is a risk of unrealistic expectations and the potential for psychological distress if the desired results are not achieved.

  9. Long-Term Impact on Oral Health: In some cases, aggressive cosmetic dental procedures may have long-term effects on oral health. It’s essential to weigh the potential risks against the benefits and discuss any concerns with a qualified dentist.

Before undergoing any Hollywood smile treatment, individuals should have a thorough consultation with a qualified dentist, discuss their expectations, and understand the potential risks and benefits associated with the chosen procedures. Regular dental check-ups and maintenance are also crucial to ensure the ongoing health and appearance of the smile.

Why Hollywood Smile may not be right for you?

While a “Hollywood smile” is often associated with perfectly aligned, bright white teeth, it may not be the right choice for everyone due to various reasons. Here are some considerations:

  1. Natural Variation: The concept of a “perfect” smile can vary greatly between individuals. What may be considered aesthetically pleasing in Hollywood might not suit everyone’s facial features, skin tone, or personal preferences. Embracing your natural smile can often lead to a more authentic and personalized look.

  2. Oral Health: Pursuing a Hollywood smile often involves cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as veneers or teeth whitening. While these procedures can enhance the appearance of your smile, they may not address underlying oral health issues. It’s important to prioritize oral health over purely cosmetic concerns.

  3. Maintenance: Hollywood smiles may require ongoing maintenance, including regular dental check-ups, professional cleanings, and potential touch-up procedures. This can be time-consuming and may involve additional costs over time.

  4. Long-Term Impact: Some cosmetic procedures, especially those involving tooth enamel removal for veneers, can have long-term consequences. Enamel removal is irreversible, and the long-term impact on tooth health should be carefully considered.

  5. Personal Comfort: Some people may not feel comfortable with the idea of altering their natural smile. It’s important to choose cosmetic dentistry procedures that align with your comfort level and personal values.

  6. Individual Preferences: Beauty standards are subjective, and what is considered attractive can vary widely. It’s crucial to prioritize your own preferences and individuality over conforming to societal ideals.

Before pursuing any cosmetic dental procedures, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified dentist. They can assess your oral health, discuss your goals, and provide personalized recommendations that take into account your unique situation and preferences. Ultimately, the right smile for you is the one that makes you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

“ All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek advice from an accredited and certified dental professional in your home country if this dental treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its dentists which provide the dental services in this offer.“

Epcy is here to help!

Decades of experience in medical tourism and healthcare services has made Epcy number one choice for people who are seeking all kinds of treatments in Turkey. We are here to help! Visit offer page to see all inclusive offers from top rated clinics in Turkey.