Canthoplasty Surgery in Turkey

Facial Treatment. Portrait Of Beautiful Sexy Woman With Closed Eyes And Black Surgical Lines On Skin. Closeup Of Hands Touching Young Female Face. Plastic Surgery Concept. High Resolution

Do you want to undergo Canthoplasty (almond eye surgery), if yes, then Turkey is the most suitable country for this work. Turkey not only has qualified doctors and surgeons, but the treatment in Turkey is also cheaper than in many other countries. Turkey is a country where all types of surgeries are done. If you are from another country and want to go to Turkey for your treatment, you can not only find good hospitals and clinics but also get a lot of information through the Epcy platform.

Not only will Epcy connect you with reputable clinics, but it will also provide expert guidance and suggestions to make the most of your time in the country. Trust Epcy to lead the way to a better canthoplasty. Let’s get right into the details! 

What is canthoplasty surgery?

Canthoplasty surgery is a surgical process performed to modify the spot or shape of the external corner of the eye, which is known as the canthus. This process is often performed for beautifying reasons in order to give the eyes a more young-looking and freshen look. Canthoplasty can also be used to correct droopy eyelids, address eyelid malposition, or to help relieve symptoms associated with dry eyes.

During a canthoplasty surgery, the surgeon may make an incision in the tissue around the outer corner of the eye and then reposition or reshape the canthus.

In several cases, the surgical expert can also use sutures to support the new position of the canthus. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis and may be done under local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the case and the patient’s preference. 

Procedure of canthoplasty

The process involves the following steps.

  1. An incision is made in the skin at the outer corner of the eye, along the natural crease.
  2. The surgeon then carefully separates the skin and muscle from the underlying tissue to expose the canthal tendon.
  3. The canthal tendon is then repositioned or tightened to get the wanted outcome. This may involve shortening or lengthening the tendon, or attaching it to a different location on the bone.
  4. Once the canthal tendon has been repositioned, the skin and muscle are re-draped over the area and sutured closed.
  5. The incision site is then covered with a sterile dressing.

After the process, patients may have some pain, discoloration, and swelling around the eyes.

Which risks are associated with canthoplasty?

Like any surgical process, canthoplasty brings some possible threats and difficulties.

Infection: Any surgical process brings a threat of infection, and canthoplasty is no exception.

Bleeding: Canthoplasty can cause bleeding, which can result in hematomas (build-up of blood) and require additional surgery to drain.

Scarring: Canthoplasty can result in visible scarring at the incision site, which can be permanent.

Eyelid malposition: Canthoplasty can cause malpositioning of the eyelid, resulting in an abnormal appearance or functional issues such as difficulty closing the eye or excessive tearing.

 Dry eye: Canthoplasty surgery can cause dry eye syndrome, which can result in eye discomfort, blurred vision, and an increased risk of eye infection.

 Vision loss: In rare cases, canthoplasty can affect vision and can be a cause of vision loss due to damage to the optic nerve or other structures in the eye.

Reasons to have canthoplasty

There are several reasons why a person may choose to have a canthoplasty.

Cosmetic purposes: Canthoplasty can be performed to enhance the appearance of the eyes, giving them a more almond-shaped or exotic look.

Correcting droopy eyelids: Canthoplasty surgery can be used to address the issue of sagging or droopy eyelids, which can interfere with vision or make a person look tired or older than their age.

Repairing a damaged canthus: If the canthus has been damaged due to injury or disease, canthoplasty may be necessary to restore its normal function and appearance.

Correcting eyelid malposition: In some cases, the eyelid may be turned inward or outward, causing discomfort, irritation, or even vision problems. Canthoplasty can be used to correct this malposition.

Cost of canthoplasty in Turkey as compared to other countries

According to recent estimates, the cost of canthoplasty surgery in Turkey can range from approximately £1,000 to £3,000 GBP depending on the factors mentioned above. This is generally lower than the cost of the same procedure in countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, where the cost may range from £3,000 to £6,000 GBP or more.

Types of canthoplasty

There are several types of canthoplasty procedures, each of which may be recommended based on the individual’s specific needs and goals. Following are some types of canthoplasty.

Lateral canthoplasty: This procedure involves repositioning the outer corner of the eye by tightening or reattaching the lateral canthal tendon, which connects the eyelid to the bone around the eye.

Medial canthoplasty: This procedure involves repositioning the inner corner of the eye by tightening or reattaching the medial canthal tendon.

Lower lid canthoplasty: This procedure involves repositioning the lower eyelid by tightening the canthal tendon or removing excess tissue.

Composite canthoplasty: This procedure involves a combination of techniques to reposition both the lateral and medial canthal tendons and improve the overall appearance of the eye.

Transcaruncular canthoplasty: This is a less invasive procedure that involves accessing the canthal tendon through the inside of the eyelid, near the tear duct.

Aftercare Of Canthoplasty

Surgeries enhance beauty, but post-surgery care is very important to avoid many diseases and other possible risks. After having a canthoplasty, the patient should apply a cold compress to the eye area to avoid swelling, avoid strenuous activities, avoid rubbing or touching the eye area, use surgeon’s prescribed medicines to manage pain.

Cultural attractions: Turkey has a rich background and civilization, with many fascinating historical and cultural attractions to explore. For people who are travelling to Turkey for medical tourism, this can make the experience more enjoyable and rewarding.

Why Turkey is the best country for canthoplasty surgery?

Turkey is nowadays a popular country for medical treatments, including cosmetic surgery procedures such as canthoplasty, for a number of reasons.

Highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons: Turkey is known for having highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons who are trained in the latest techniques and technologies. However, these surgical experts are trained in top medical schools and hospitals in Europe and the US. You can find the expert surgeon on the platform of Epcy.

Advanced medical facilities: Turkey has the latest and well-equipped medical system that meets international standards for safety and hygiene. Although, many of these facilities have state-of-the-art technology and equipment, and are staffed by highly trained medical professionals.

Affordable prices: As mentioned earlier, the expenses of canthoplasty surgery in Turkey are generally lower than in other countries, which makes it the best choice for people seeking high-quality medical care at a more affordable price.

Tourism infrastructure: Turkey is a popular tourist destination, and as such, it has a well-developed tourism infrastructure that caters to the needs of travellers. This includes transportation, accommodations, and other amenities that make it easier for people to travel to and from Turkey for medical procedures.

Things to consider before having canthoplasty surgery in Turkey

Canthoplasty surgery, also known as canthopexy or canthoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that involves altering the position of the outer corner of the eye to improve its shape and appearance. It is often performed to correct issues such as drooping or sagging eyelids. If you are considering canthoplasty surgery, here are some important factors to consider before making your decision:

1.Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon:

   – Schedule a consultation with a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgeon who specializes in canthoplasty procedures. During the consultation, discuss your goals, medical history, and expectations.

2. Reasons for the Surgery:

   – Have a clear understanding of your reasons for wanting canthoplasty. Common reasons include correcting drooping or sagging eyelids, improving the appearance of the outer corners of the eyes, or addressing functional issues such as ectropion.

3. Surgical Technique:

   – Understand the specific surgical technique your surgeon plans to use. Canthoplasty can involve tightening or repositioning the canthal tendons to achieve the desired result.

4. Risks and Complications:

   – Be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with canthoplasty surgery, such as infection, scarring, changes in eyelid shape, excessive tightening, and anesthesia-related issues. Discuss these risks with your surgeon.

5. Recovery and Downtime:

   – Learn about the recovery process, including post-operative care, restrictions on physical activity, and the expected downtime. Recovery may take several weeks, during which time you may experience swelling and bruising.

6. Scarring:

   – Canthoplasty surgery will leave scars, typically located at the outer corners of the eyes. Discuss scar management options with your surgeon.

7. Cost:

   – Inquire about the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and any pre-operative tests. Canthoplasty is considered a cosmetic procedure and is usually not covered by insurance.

8. Choosing the Right Surgeon:

   – Research and choose a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgeon. Verify their qualifications, view before-and-after photos of their work, and read patient reviews.

9. Realistic Expectations:

    – Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Canthoplasty can enhance the appearance of the eyes but may not achieve perfection, and individual results may vary.

10. Follow-Up Appointments:

    – Ensure that you have a plan for post-operative follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

11. Lifestyle Considerations:

    – Consider how canthoplasty surgery may impact your daily life, including temporary changes in your ability to wear makeup and contact lenses during the recovery period.

12. Emotional Preparedness:

    – Be prepared for the emotional and psychological aspects of canthoplasty surgery, including the adjustment to a new eye appearance.

13. Alternative Options:

    – Discuss non-surgical alternatives with your surgeon if you are unsure about surgery or want to explore less invasive options for addressing eyelid concerns.

Canthoplasty is a significant decision, and it’s essential to make an informed choice. Take the time to thoroughly discuss your options with your surgeon, ask questions, and ensure that the procedure aligns with your goals and expectations for improving the appearance and function of the outer corners of your eyes.


Canthoplasty surgery is a surgical process performed to modify the spot or shape of the external corner of the eye, which is known as the canthus. As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with canthoplasty, including infection, bleeding, scarring, and changes in the appearance of the eye.

In Turkey, all kinds of surgeries are performed at less expense as related to other countries. In Turkey, the maximum cost of canthoplasty surgery is approximately 2000 € which is too inexpensive compared to the UK. You can find Hospitals, Clinics, and Surgical experts for your surgery with the help of Epcy. 

Risks of Canthoplasty

Canthoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves altering the position or shape of the outer corner of the eyes (canthus) to address issues such as drooping or sagging eyelids. Like any surgical procedure, canthoplasty comes with potential risks and complications. It’s important for individuals considering this surgery to be aware of these risks and discuss them thoroughly with a qualified surgeon. Here are some of the potential risks associated with canthoplasty:

  1. Scarring: Canthoplasty involves incisions near the outer corner of the eyes, and scarring is an inevitable outcome of the procedure. The extent of scarring can vary from person to person, and efforts are made to minimize its visibility.

  2. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and there is a risk of uneven results. Additional procedures may be needed to address any noticeable asymmetry.

  3. Ectropion: Ectropion is a condition where the lower eyelid turns outward, exposing the inner surface. Canthoplasty can increase the risk of ectropion, especially if the procedure is not performed correctly.

  4. Epiphora: Excessive tearing or watery eyes (epiphora) can occur after canthoplasty. This may be temporary, but in some cases, it can persist, requiring further intervention.

  5. Changes in Eye Shape or Appearance: While the goal of canthoplasty is often to enhance the appearance of the eyes, there is a risk of unintended changes in eye shape or appearance. It’s important for individuals to communicate their expectations clearly with their surgeon.

  6. Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the incision sites. Proper postoperative care, including keeping the incisions clean, is crucial to minimize this risk.

  7. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery is a potential risk. Surgeons take precautions to control bleeding during the procedure, but it remains a possibility.

  8. Changes in Eyelid Function: Canthoplasty can affect the function of the eyelids, leading to issues such as difficulty closing the eyes completely or changes in blinking patterns.

  9. Numbness or Sensation Changes: Some individuals may experience temporary numbness or changes in sensation around the eyes and incision areas.

  10. Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Results: As with any cosmetic procedure, individual satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome can vary. It’s important for individuals to have realistic expectations and openly discuss their goals with the surgeon.

  11. Allergic Reactions or Adverse Reactions to Anesthesia: Complications related to anesthesia, such as allergic reactions or respiratory issues, are inherent risks in any surgical procedure.

Before undergoing canthoplasty, individuals should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess their candidacy for the procedure and thoroughly discuss the potential risks and benefits. Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon can help minimize the risks associated with canthoplasty.

Why canthoplasty may not be right for you?

Canthoplasty, like any surgical procedure, may not be the right choice for everyone. Several factors need to be considered, and individuals should discuss their specific situation with a qualified surgeon. Here are reasons why canthoplasty may not be suitable for a particular person:

  1. Good Eyelid Tone and Function: If a person has good eyelid tone and function without significant sagging or laxity, they may not be an ideal candidate for canthoplasty. The procedure is typically performed to address issues of drooping or sagging eyelids.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about what canthoplasty can achieve, it may not be the right procedure for them. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the limitations of the surgery and communicate realistic goals with the surgeon.

  3. Health Concerns: Individuals with certain health conditions may not be suitable candidates for surgery. Conditions such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders may increase the risk of complications during or after surgery.

  4. Smoking or Poor Lifestyle Habits: Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Individuals who smoke may be advised to quit or significantly reduce their smoking habits before considering canthoplasty.

  5. Financial Considerations: Cosmetic surgery is often not covered by insurance, and the cost of canthoplasty can be significant. If a person cannot afford the procedure or is not willing to invest in the associated costs, it may not be the right choice for them.

  6. Fear of Surgery or Anesthesia: Some individuals may have an intense fear of surgery or anesthesia, making them hesitant or unwilling to undergo the procedure. In such cases, non-surgical alternatives or lifestyle changes may be more suitable.

  7. Unstable Mental Health: Individuals with unstable mental health or unrealistic body image concerns may not be ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery. It’s important to be in good mental health and have a positive body image before considering such procedures.

  8. Active Eye Conditions or Diseases: Individuals with active eye conditions or diseases may need to address these issues before considering canthoplasty. Conditions such as glaucoma, dry eye syndrome, or other ocular disorders could affect the suitability for the procedure.

  9. Desire for Minimal Change: If a person is looking for subtle changes or minimal alterations to the eye area, canthoplasty may be more invasive than necessary. In such cases, non-surgical options or less invasive procedures might be explored.

  10. Inability to Commit to Recovery: Canthoplasty requires a recovery period during which individuals need to follow postoperative care instructions diligently. If a person is unable or unwilling to commit to the recovery process, it may not be the right time for them to undergo the procedure.

Before deciding on canthoplasty or any cosmetic surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether canthoplasty is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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