What is FUT Hair Transplant?

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) hair transplantation is a groundbreaking method that allows persons with balding patterns to achieve an entire head appearance. FUT and other hair transplant treatments are minimally invasive procedures intended to conceal bald areas caused by hair loss. 

FUT involves removing several hair bundles as a strip from the donor site and transplanting them to the region experiencing hair loss. FUT hair transplant requires skilled assistance and monitoring, which Turkish clinics excel at providing. Turkey has emerged as a significant location for individuals seeking high-quality FUT Hair transplant procedures. 

Turkey offers superior treatment at a reasonable cost without sacrificing quality or safety norms. Aside from that, Turkey’s stunning monuments make it an ideal alternative for the budget-conscious and those seeking first-rate outcomes in a beautiful trip.

How does FUT Hair transplant work?

A surgeon would remove a piece of skin from the back or side of your head since these are the most favourable places for FUT surgery. Then, using stereo-microscopic dissection, the surgeon extracted individual hair follicles. These follicles are then placed into the balding areas of your scalp.

The procedure most effectively conceals a receding hairline caused by male pattern baldness. The precise size of the strip is determined by the number of follicles required to cover bald patches. First, the surgeon will redraw your hairline and designate the region where hair must be extracted. Before surgery, you have the choice of taking a sedative. However, a local anesthetic numbs your scalp.

The hair at the donor location will be clipped to roughly 2 millimetres. Skilled surgeons in Turkey oversee the entire process. The surgeon will cut a slice of skin with hair follicles to utilise it as a transplant. After sealing your scalp with sutures, a technician will take individual hair follicles from the strip and prepare them for transplantation. The hair follicles will then be placed naturally into the balding areas of your scalp.

Benefits of choosing FUT Hair Transplant in Turkey

When you select FUT hair transplant in Turkey, you can resume your daily routine and social life in 10-12 days. After the treatment, light activities can resume in around 4-5 days. FUT extracts follicles methodically while leaving the protecting tissue intact. It produces more robust and high-quality transplants. The FUT hair transplant in Turkey results in a thin, linear scar no more than 1mm in diameter. This method allows it to blend in with the surrounding hair, making it nearly unnoticeable. 

As a result, a patient’s hair is transplanted in small, naturally occurring groups of 1 – 4 hairs, allowing them to experience longer, more natural-looking hair while concealing the hair transplant operation. FUT hair transplant in Turkey will enable you to enjoy your hair transplant without worrying about scars. So, regardless of how many treatments a patient has, they only have one scar. The physician’s ability determines the success rate of any procedure, including FUT. When performed by a competent medical practitioner, FUT transplants yield success rates as high as 95-98%. 

Who is the best candidate for a FUT Hair transplant?

FUT is suitable when a  patient’s primary objective is to attain maximal fullness via hair restoration. Regarding coverage and fullness, FUT may be a better alternative than FUE for people with significant balding around the crown of the head. FUT is best suited for patients who require more than 2,000 grafts and wish to cover more significant portions of their heads in a single session. 

The recovery time following a FUT procedure is usually between 10 and 12 days. Because of probable edema where the scalp strip was removed, some people have reported increased pain with FUT. In such cases, pain medication is used. It is usual for transplanted follicles to fall out before permanent follicles grow again.

FUT harvests hair from the mid-donor zone, where most hair is permanent. As a result, individuals with limited donor hair availability are suitable for FUT therapy. FUT Hair transplantation in Turkey doesn’t occur unless an experienced team determines whether or not you are a candidate for the procedure. Turkey has the most competitive hospitals and clinics where patients are tested, and thorough consultation is offered before the transplant. As a result, the patient may have a 98% success rate with the transplant.

Affordable Medical Services

Cost of FUT Hair Transplant in Turkey

The size of the case determines the cost of a FUT surgery. Most operations start at roughly €6000. Depending on the size of the process, the cost of FUT might range from €5400 to €9000. At some clinics, the cost may be substantially greater. FUT, on the other hand, is akin to buying in bulk. With more money comes more grafts. The grafts are removed in the form of a strip rather than individually removing them one by one. The amount of hair transplanted is one of the elements that might influence the cost. Most clinics charge by the number of hair follicles transplanted, although some provide a flat fee. 

If you have a history of diseases like Hepatitis, HIV, or any blood-transmitted disease, add the additional cost of tests. Surgery costs also vary depending on the clinic and the surgeon’s skill. Aside from that, specific clinics in Turkey are somewhat more expensive than others. If you want the most outstanding results after a FUT Hair transplant in Turkey, it is critical to follow these rules diligently to guarantee the desired results.

Risks and possible side effects of FUT Hair transplant

FUT hair transplant conducted under anesthetic. However, if the anesthetic wears off, you might have to experience pain and discomfort. Your discomfort may be more significant the night before and the day following surgery. The pain might be felt in your donor location and areas where hair has recently been transplanted. In addition, swelling or ‘edema’ is a typical adverse effect of hair transplants. It commonly begins in the forehead and lasts 2-6 days following surgery. Swelling of the eyelid can occur in uncommon instances. Redness, swelling, infection, crusting, and itching, joints after numerous hair transplants can also happen after FUE hair restoration.

Furthermore, hair loss, often known as ‘shock loss,’ is a typical side effect of FUE hair transplant surgery, so do not be concerned if this occurs; it is an entirely natural procedure. The scar from FUT surgery is visible at the place of hair removal. The scar will lessen with time but will remain permanent. The number of hair follicles utilised during surgery determines the scar size. FUT Hair transplant in Turkey can lower the risk factors since Turkey possesses a bunch of experienced doctors who carefully examine your medical history, your current health, and possible risks that could appear.

Precautions and aftercare tips for FUT Hair Transplant in Turkey

Following a successful FUT Hair transplant in Turkey, you may take a trip to the beautiful sites in Turkey. Experts advise not bending down for roughly 5 days to prevent blood from rushing to the head. Avoid scratching the recipient’s skin, and use the towel cautiously. You can do hair washing every day until all the scabs have fallen off. Antibiotics are often provided immediately following surgery for 3-5 days. 

They are used to prevent infections and provide a smooth healing process. You can begin going for short walks and light physical activities immediately following hair transplantation. You must shower soon after your activities to reduce the risk of infection. Avoiding direct sunlight for the first two weeks following surgery is critical. So the experts and professionals in Turkey will guide you properly in seeing the condition of your FUT Hair transplant.

Why you should choose Epcy for a FUT Hair transplant in Turkey?

FUT hair transplantation in Turkey is an excellent option for more costly therapies elsewhere. You may have a pleasant day with a professional FUT hair transplant treatment and see Turkey’s beautiful sites. As an added benefit, you can explore the attractions of this exciting and enjoyable nation throughout your recuperation period. Epcy is an excellent resource for locating reliable clinics that do FUT hair transplantation in Turkey since they have a rigorous verification procedure to ensure quality and price. Epcy only recommends clinics and hospitals that have been confirmed by strict standards and are committed to assisting people.

Risks of Fut Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair transplant method where a strip of scalp containing hair follicles is surgically removed and then transplanted to the balding or thinning areas. While FUT is a common and generally safe procedure, it does come with potential risks and considerations. Here are some of the risks associated with FUT hair transplant:

  1. Scar Formation: FUT involves the removal of a strip of scalp, resulting in a linear scar at the donor site. The appearance of the scar can vary from person to person, and while efforts are made to make it as discreet as possible, some individuals may be more prone to visible scarring, especially if the incision does not heal well.

  2. Numbness or Tingling: Temporary numbness or tingling at the donor site or in the surrounding areas may occur due to nerve damage during the procedure. In most cases, these sensations resolve over time as the nerves heal.

  3. Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. Proper postoperative care, including keeping the donor and recipient areas clean and using prescribed medications, is essential to minimize this risk.

  4. Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal during and after the procedure. While excessive bleeding is rare, proper surgical techniques and postoperative care are crucial to minimize this risk.

  5. Swelling: Postoperative swelling, particularly around the forehead and eyes, may occur. This is usually temporary and resolves on its own, but persistent or worsening swelling should be reported to the surgeon.

  6. Shock Loss: After transplantation, some existing hair in the recipient area may go into a temporary phase of shedding, known as shock loss. This is a normal part of the process, and new hair growth typically occurs after a few months.

  7. Uneven Growth: Achieving a natural and even growth pattern can be challenging. The angle, direction, and density of transplanted hair follicles need to be carefully considered to avoid an unnatural appearance.

  8. Changes in Skin Pigmentation: Temporary changes in skin pigmentation at the donor and recipient sites may occur, particularly in individuals with darker skin tones. These changes usually resolve over time but may be more noticeable in some cases.

  9. Allergic Reactions: While rare, some individuals may have allergic reactions to medications or materials used during the procedure. It’s essential to discuss any known allergies with the surgeon before the surgery.

  10. Unnatural Appearance: If not done with precision and careful planning, FUT hair transplants can result in an unnatural or “pluggy” appearance. Proper planning and placement of transplanted follicles are crucial to achieve a natural-looking result.

It’s crucial to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon for FUT hair transplantation. During a consultation, the surgeon will assess the individual’s goals, examine the donor and recipient areas, discuss potential risks, and provide personalized recommendations. Following postoperative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments are essential for a successful outcome and to minimize potential risks.

Why fut hair transplant may not be right for you?

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) may not be the right choice for everyone, and several factors should be considered before opting for this hair transplant method. Here are some reasons why FUT may not be suitable for a particular individual:

  1. Visible Scarring: FUT involves the removal of a strip of scalp, resulting in a linear scar at the donor site. If an individual is concerned about visible scarring or prefers to keep their hair very short, the linear scar may be more noticeable.

  2. Preference for Short Hair: For individuals who prefer to keep their hair short, the linear scar left by FUT may be more visible than with other techniques, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which involves harvesting individual follicular units without a linear incision.

  3. Keloid Scarring Tendency: People with a tendency to develop keloid scars, which are raised and thick scars beyond the original incision site, may be at a higher risk for noticeable scarring after an FUT transplant.

  4. Risk of Nerve Damage: While rare, there is a risk of temporary or permanent nerve damage during the removal of the donor strip. This can lead to numbness or tingling at the donor site.

  5. Longer Recovery Time: The recovery period for FUT is often longer compared to other hair transplant methods. The healing of the linear scar and the overall recovery process may require more time.

  6. Preference for Minimal Invasiveness: Some individuals prefer less invasive procedures, and FUT involves a surgical incision and stitching. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is considered a less invasive alternative.

  7. Active Lifestyle Considerations: For individuals with an active lifestyle, such as athletes, who may engage in activities that could put strain on the donor scar, FUT may not be the most suitable choice.

  8. Hair Type and Characteristics: The texture, curliness, and characteristics of the hair can influence the outcome of an FUT transplant. People with certain hair types may achieve more favorable results with other transplant methods.

  9. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions or medications may affect the suitability of FUT for an individual. Conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes or bleeding disorders may increase the risk of complications.

  10. Preference for Less Discomfort: FUT involves a surgical procedure, and some individuals may have a lower tolerance for discomfort or a preference for less invasive methods.

It’s important for individuals considering a hair transplant to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s specific situation, discuss goals and expectations, and recommend the most suitable transplant method based on the individual’s needs and preferences. Alternatives such as FUE or non-surgical options may be considered based on individual circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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