Chin Implant Surgery in Turkey

Chin reduction augmentation double chin removal plastic surgery cosmetic operation concept Woman eyes closed waiting doctor surgeon hands to draw the cut line the double chin isolated white background

By being a popular cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the shape and projection of the chin, improving facial harmony and creating a more balanced appearance, chin implant surgery has become a great option. By altering the chin’s size or shape, this surgery can effectively address concerns such as a weak or recessed chin, facial asymmetry, and other aesthetic imbalances. The chin implant procedure is often combined with other cosmetic surgeries, such as rhinoplasty or facelifts, to achieve the desired facial proportions.

Turkey has rapidly emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, offering world-class facilities and highly qualified medical professionals at competitive prices. Among the many cosmetic procedures available, chin implant surgery is particularly popular in Turkey. With Epcy, you can find the best clinics in Turkey. Patients from all over the world travel to Turkey for chin augmentation, which aims to enhance the shape, size, and contour of the chin muscles, increasing their prominence and creating a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

What is chin implant surgery?

A chin implant surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery that involves inserting a small, solid piece of biocompatible material, such as silicone or porous polyethylene, into the chin to improve its shape and size. 

The implant is placed through a small incision in the natural crease under the chin or inside the mouth and then positioned over the bone to augment the projection of the chin. Chin implants can help to balance and enhance facial features, create a more defined jawline, and improve the appearance of a “weak” or “receding” chin. 

The procedure of chin implant surgery

The surgery is successful after a certain procedure. Following is a procedure for chin implant surgery.

Consultation: Before the procedure, you have to discuss with an experienced cosmetic surgical expert to talk over your aims and assumptions, also your medical history, and any medicines you are taking.

Anesthesia: The patient will be given anesthesia to insure they are feeling well during the surgery. To keep the patient anesthetized during the process, anesthesia is given.

Incision: The surgical expert will make a small cut in the mouth or under the chin. The location of the incision will depend on the type of implant being used and the surgeon’s preferred technique.

Placement of the implant: The surgeon will then create a pocket in the chin tissue to insert the implant. 

Closing the incision: Once the implant is in place, the surgeon will close the incision with sutures or surgical tape.

Recovery: After the procedure, you have to rest and don’t do any work which can cause stress for several days. You may experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with pain medication and ice packs. Almost all patients who undergo chin implant go back to work within a week, but it may take several weeks for the swelling to fully subside.

Benefits of chin implant surgery

Every surgery is done for some benefits, some of the highlighted benefits are the following.

  1. Improved facial balance: A chin implant surgery can help to enhance the appearance of the face by improving the balance and proportions of the facial features. It can create a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing look by correcting a weak or recessed chin.
  1. Enhanced look of the jawline: A chin implant can create a more defined jawline by adding projection to the chin. This can help to create a more young-looking and gorgeous facial shape.
  1. Non-surgical alternative to a facelift: For patients who do not want to undergo a full facelift, a chin implant can be a less invasive alternative to achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance to the lower face.
  1. Long-lasting results: Chin implants are made of biocompatible materials that are designed to be permanent, meaning that the results of the surgery can last for many years.

Types of Chin implant surgery

Some major types of chin implant surgery are as follows;

  1. Silicone: Silicone implants are a well-known kind of chin implant. They are made of an elastic, versatile material that feels natural when implanted. Silicone implants come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit different facial structures and achieve different aesthetic results.
  1. Gore-Tex: Gore-Tex implants are made of a synthetic material that is biocompatible and durable. They are designed to mimic the texture and feel of natural bone, making them a popular choice for this surgery.
  1. Medpor: Medpor implants are made of a porous polyethylene material that is biocompatible and durable. They are designed to integrate with the surrounding tissue, making them a good choice for patients who require a more extensive chin augmentation.
  1. Bone graft: A bone graft is a surgical procedure in which bone is taken from another part of the body, such as the hip or rib, and implanted in the chin to augment the bone structure. This type of chin augmentation is less common than implant-based surgery and may require a longer recovery time.

Does chin implant come in different materials and sizes?

Of course, chin implants come in various substances and sizes according to the individual needs of each patient. The most commonly used materials for chin implants are silicone and porous polyethylene, which are both biocompatible and safe for use in the body. Silicone implants are soft and pliable, while porous polyethylene implants are more rigid and provide better bone integration. 

Chin implants also come in a variety of sizes and shape suitable to various facial shapes and achieve different aesthetic goals. The size and shape of the implant are chosen based on the patient’s facial anatomy, desired outcome, and the surgeon’s recommendations. The surgeon may use computer imaging or 3D models to help the patient visualise the potential results and select the appropriate implant size and shape. It’s important to note that the success of a chin implant surgery depends on the skill and experience of the surgeon, as well as the patient’s overall health and healing ability.

How painful is the chin implant?

Most patients report that a chin implant surgery is not particularly painful, but there can be some discomfort in the first few days after the procedure. The level of discomfort can vary depending on the extent of the surgery, the patient’s pain tolerance, and the individual healing process.

During the first few days after the surgery, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and tenderness around the chin and neck area. They may also have difficulty speaking, eating, and drinking due to swelling and stiffness. Painkiller pills and cold compresses can reduce any discomfort during this time.

After the first few days, most patients begin to feel more comfortable and can gradually resume their normal activities. 

Why Turkey is a good option for a chin implant?

There are a number of major reasons to have your chin implant surgery in Turkey.

  1. Experienced surgeons: Turkey has a large number of experienced plastic surgeons who are skilled in performing this surgery. Many of these surgeons have trained in Europe and the United States and are up-to-date with the latest techniques and technologies. You can find the expert surgeon through the platform of Epcy.
  1. High-quality clinics: Turkey has many high-quality clinics that are equipped with modern facilities and state-of-the-art technology. These clinics usually offer a range of services, including consultation, surgery, and aftercare, all in one location.



  2.  Affordable prices: Turkey offers competitive prices for chin implant surgery compared to many other countries.

Things to consider before having chin implant surgery in Turkey

Chin implant surgery, also known as chin augmentation, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the chin by inserting an implant to improve its size, shape, or projection. If you are considering chin implant surgery, here are some important factors to consider before making your decision:

1.Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon:

   – Schedule a consultation with a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in chin implant procedures. During the consultation, discuss your goals, medical history, and expectations.

2. Reasons for the Surgery:

   – Have a clear understanding of your reasons for wanting a chin implant. Common reasons include improving facial balance, enhancing chin projection, and correcting chin asymmetry.

3. Implant Selection:

   – Work with your surgeon to choose the appropriate size, shape, and type of chin implant that best matches your aesthetic goals and facial proportions. There are various implant materials available, including silicone and Medpor.

4. Risks and Complications:

   – Be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with chin implant surgery, such as infection, scarring, changes in sensation, implant visibility, and anesthesia-related issues. Discuss these risks with your surgeon.

5. Surgical Technique:

   – Understand the specific surgical technique your surgeon plans to use. Chin implants can be placed through various approaches, including intraoral (inside the mouth) and submental (under the chin) incisions.

6. Recovery and Downtime:

   – Learn about the recovery process, including post-operative care, restrictions on physical activity, and the expected downtime. Recovery typically takes several weeks, and swelling and bruising are common.

7. Scarring:

   – Chin implant surgery may leave scars, typically located at the incision site. Discuss scar placement and scar management options with your surgeon.

8. Combined Procedures:

   – Your surgeon may recommend combining chin implant surgery with other procedures, such as rhinoplasty or liposuction, to achieve a more comprehensive facial enhancement.

9. Cost:

   – Inquire about the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and any pre-operative tests. Chin implant surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure and is typically not covered by insurance.

10. Choosing the Right Surgeon:

    – Research and choose a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon. Verify their qualifications, view before-and-after photos of their work, and read patient reviews.

11. Realistic Expectations:

    – Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. A chin implant can enhance facial harmony, but it may not achieve perfection, and individual results may vary.

12. Follow-Up Appointments:

    – Ensure that you have a plan for post-operative follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress, remove sutures, and address any concerns.

13. Lifestyle Considerations:

    – Consider how chin implant surgery may impact your daily life, including temporary changes in your appearance, dietary restrictions, and restrictions on physical activities.

14. Emotional Preparedness:

    – Be prepared for the emotional and psychological aspects of chin implant surgery, including the adjustment to a new facial appearance and the healing process.

15. Alternative Options:

    – Discuss non-surgical alternatives, such as dermal fillers or injectables, with your surgeon if you are unsure about surgery or want to explore less invasive options for enhancing your chin.

Chin implant surgery is a significant decision, and it’s essential to make an informed choice. Take the time to thoroughly discuss your options with your surgeon, ask questions, and ensure that the procedure aligns with your goals and expectations for chin enhancement and facial harmony.

What is the cost of a chin implant as compared to other countries?

In general, the cost of a chin implant surgery in Turkey is lower compared to many other countries, including the United States, Canada, and some European countries. 

The expense of a chin implant in Turkey can range from £1,500 to £3,500. On the other hand, In the United States, the cost of a chin implant can range from £3,000 to £8,000, while in Canada, it can range from £3,000 to £7,000. 

Risks associated with a chin implant

As with many other surgeries, chin implant surgery also brings some potential risks.

  1. Infection: There is a risk of infection with any surgical procedure, which can occur at the site of the incision or around the implant.
  1. Implant displacement: The implant may shift or move out of position, which can result in an asymmetric or unnatural appearance of the chin.
  1. Nerve injury: There is a risk of injury to the nerves that control the sensation and movement of the lower lip and chin, which can result in temporary or permanent numbness or weakness.
  1. Hematoma: Accumulated blood or fluid may form a lump or swelling under the skin, which may require drainage.
  1. Unsatisfactory results: The patient may be dissatisfied with the results of the surgery, which may require additional procedures to correct.

Aftercare of chin implant

Surgeries enhance beauty, but post-surgery care is very important to avoid many diseases and other possible risks. After having a chin implant, the patient should apply a cold compress to the affected area of the chin to avoid swelling, avoid strenuous activities, use the surgeon’s prescribed medicines to manage pain and maintain good oral hygiene.


In conclusion, chin implant surgery is an effective and transformative cosmetic procedure that can significantly enhance one’s facial harmony and overall appearance. It offers a solution for those who desire an improved chin contour and better facial balance. When considering chin implant surgery, it is essential to choose a reputable medical provider with experience in the field to ensure the best possible results.

By partnering with a wide range of accredited clinics and hospitals, Epcy helps patients to receive a high standard of care for their cosmetic procedures, including chin implant surgery. 

Risks of Chin Implant

Chin augmentation with a chin implant is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the projection and definition of the chin. Like any surgery, chin implant placement carries potential risks and complications. It’s important for individuals considering this procedure to thoroughly discuss these risks with a qualified plastic surgeon. Some of the risks associated with chin implant surgery include:

  1. Infection: Infections can occur at the surgical site. Surgeons take precautions to minimize this risk, such as prescribing antibiotics, but infections may still occur and may require additional medical attention.

  2. Implant Shifting or Displacement: There is a risk that the chin implant may shift or become displaced after surgery. This can affect the aesthetic outcome and may require revision surgery to correct.

  3. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and there is a risk of uneven results. Additional procedures may be needed to address any noticeable asymmetry.

  4. Nerve Damage: The surgery involves manipulating tissues near the chin, and there is a risk of nerve damage. This can result in temporary or, in rare cases, permanent numbness or changes in sensation in the lower lip or chin area.

  5. Hematoma: Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery can lead to the formation of a hematoma, a collection of blood outside blood vessels. Hematomas may require drainage and can contribute to complications if not addressed promptly.

  6. Scarring: Chin implant surgery involves incisions, and scarring is an inevitable outcome of the procedure. The extent and visibility of scarring can vary among individuals.

  7. Allergic Reaction to Implant Material: While rare, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to the materials used in the chin implant. This can lead to complications such as inflammation or implant rejection.

  8. Persistent Swelling or Bruising: While some swelling and bruising are normal after surgery, there is a risk of persistent or excessive swelling and bruising, which may affect the final results.

  9. Implant Extrusion: In rare cases, the implant may become partially or fully visible or palpable through the skin. This may require additional surgery to address.

  10. Changes in Tissue Sensation: Alterations in tissue sensation, such as hypersensitivity or reduced sensitivity in the chin area, can occur and may be temporary or permanent.

  11. Inadequate Aesthetic Results: Individual satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome can vary, and there is a risk that the results may not meet the patient’s expectations.

  12. Anesthesia Risks: Complications related to anesthesia, such as allergic reactions or respiratory issues, are inherent risks in any surgical procedure.

It’s crucial for individuals considering chin implant surgery to have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether chin augmentation is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances. Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon can help minimize the risks associated with chin implant surgery.

Why chin implant may not be right for you?

While chin implants can be an effective option for enhancing the projection and definition of the chin, they may not be the right choice for everyone. It’s important to consider various factors and discuss individual circumstances with a qualified plastic surgeon. Here are reasons why a chin implant may not be suitable for a particular person:

  1. Good Existing Chin Projection: If a person already has a well-defined and appropriately projected chin, they may not need or benefit significantly from a chin implant. Individuals with a natural balance between the chin and other facial features may not be ideal candidates.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about what a chin implant can achieve, it may not be the right procedure for them. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the limitations of the surgery and communicate realistic goals with the surgeon.

  3. Health Concerns: Individuals with certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders, may not be suitable candidates for surgery. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to ensure that the person is in good overall health and can undergo the procedure safely.

  4. Smoking or Poor Lifestyle Habits: Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Individuals who smoke may be advised to quit or significantly reduce their smoking habits before considering a chin implant.

  5. Fear of Surgery or Anesthesia: Some individuals may have an intense fear of surgery or anesthesia, making them hesitant or unwilling to undergo the procedure. In such cases, non-surgical alternatives or less invasive procedures might be more suitable.

  6. Unstable Mental Health: Individuals with unstable mental health or unrealistic body image concerns may not be ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery. It’s important to be in good mental health and have a positive self-image before considering such procedures.

  7. Desire for Minimal Change: If a person is looking for subtle changes or minimal alterations to the chin, a chin implant may be more invasive than necessary. In such cases, non-surgical options or less extensive procedures might be explored.

  8. Preference for Non-Surgical Options: Some individuals may prefer non-surgical options for facial enhancement, such as dermal fillers or injectables, rather than undergoing surgery. Non-surgical options can provide temporary results without the need for incisions or implants.

  9. Inability to Commit to Recovery: Chin implant surgery requires a recovery period during which individuals need to follow postoperative care instructions diligently. If a person is unable or unwilling to commit to the recovery process, it may not be the right time for them to undergo the procedure.

Before deciding on a chin implant or any cosmetic surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether a chin implant is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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