What is Long hair transplantation?

Hair follicles are traditionally removed from the donor region and implanted into the balding area of the head by procedures like follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT).

You can get rid of hair without shaving if you have long hair. Long hair transplantation can help patients return to work or social obligations more quickly following their transplant by eliminating the need to cover up a short hairstyle. The good news is that if you have long hair, you can have a hair transplant without shaving your entire head.

Many factors at work make it more challenging and time-consuming for a surgeon to complete the treatment. However, the skilled surgical team in Turkey can do this whole process with great skill and professionalism.

How long hair transplantation differs from short hair transplant?

Since it is simpler to remove and implant hair follicles when they are shorter, all scalp hair is often shaved during a hair transplant in cases when the hair is shorter. Leading surgeons for long hair transplantation in Turkey have created methods that enable them to leave the hair long on top and barely shave regions so that you may more easily hide the fact that you had surgery. Long hair transplantation enables both men and women to get hair transplants without drastically reducing their hair length.

To prevent the hair from being tangled or damaged during the extraction procedure, it is necessary to keep your hair long throughout a hair transplant. Most short-haired patients must shave their scalp’s sides and back for surgery. However, some patients who need surgery on tiny regions might leave their hair long on the back and sides, giving rise to long-hair hair transplant surgery. Despite appearing similar to other hair treatments, the long hair transplant technique is distinct.

What are the advantages of long hair transplantation?

Most individuals like long hair transplantation since it leaves fewer scars and enables them to return to their everyday lives quickly. The long implanted hair makes the final results obvious immediately after the hair transplant. Following the operation, there is a very minimal chance of scarring. Most patients start to experience improvements six to nine months following surgery.

It takes a year for some patients. People’s social life is unaffected by this procedure because the hair isn’t shaved or otherwise altered. After a Long Hair FUE hair transplant, the hair density will have a beneficial psychological effect and increase contentment. Fewer grafts are often implanted during an unshaven FUE hair transplant of long hair, which reduces your recovery period. Additionally, the hair’s volume and changes are apparent immediately following surgery.

What are the disadvantages and possible side effects of long hair transplantation?

A certain number of grafts can be placed in one session. The FUE long hair transplant process needs excellent care and attention. It may take many sessions to attain the desired hair density in the recipient area since fewer hair follicles are transplanted when a hair transplant is performed on a patient with long hair.

Even after your transplant, the long hair will continue to shed. Four weeks after the hair transplant, the implanted hair in a long-FUE transplant will fall out. Four weeks after the procedure, the patients will have the same aesthetic and procedural results as a typical hair transplant. The process is more involved and time-consuming, requiring two sessions to finish. An average slightly or fully shaved or shaven hair transplant costs less than an unshaven hair transplant.

Who is the best candidate for long hair transplantation in Turkey?

Men and women are ideal candidates for a long hair transplant, according to Turkey’s long hair transplantation technique. The applicant should, however, have good, healthy hair on the scalp to transplant to the balding region. Your scalp’s thinning area should have a competitive hair-growth rate.

Turkish clinics provide you the option to consult with a skilled surgeon. You can determine if you have enough healthy skin with the capacity to expand during a visit with a dermatologist. A professional dermatologist will carefully examine your scalp. The doctors can also ask you for a blood sample to test to see the cause of the loss.

This can screen for bodily processes contributing to your baldness or hair loss. A technique known as a scalp biopsy is required for some individuals. Turkish clinics carefully examine your situation to identify the best course of action. During the session, your dermatologist can swiftly and conveniently obtain the necessary samples for the scalp biopsies.

An expert dermatologist can explain the possible outcomes you will face if the examination and testing indicate that you are a suitable candidate for a long hair transplant. You could require further testing for blood, HIV, AIDS, Hep, or lung diseases. A fuller head of hair might be the objective, even though a full head of hair may be unattainable.

What is the process of long hair transplantation?

Expert technicians or physicians must prepare the hair follicles taken before the surgeon can transplant them. After that, the surgeon must prepare your scalp for the transplantation process. Your dermatologist will first remove the healthy hair before starting the procedure. Your dermatologist may remove the healthy hairs by cutting a strip of skin from your scalp that has healthy hairs or by removing individual hairs to give you natural results.

Two to more surgeons on the team may assist in placing healthy hairs into the region that requires hair, depending on how many follicles need transplanting. Following the transplant of all the hair follicles, the surgeon will bandage your scalp and provide you with instructions for aftercare. To avoid damage to each delicate graft, Turkish clinics employ implanter pens while implanting long hair back into the scalp during a hair transplant.

What are the methods of long hair transplantation?

The transplantation of long hair can be done via FUE or FUT. Both of these two approaches can be carried out by hand or with tools. Patients who do not wish to shave their hair might use the FUE procedure.

Long hair FUE addresses the drawbacks of FUT, such as linear donor scars and excruciating postoperative pain, while also reducing surgical scarring by concealing the recipient region with long hair and allowing hair curl recognition during graft placement.

What is the aftercare of long hair transplantation?

Most patients start to experience improvements six to nine months following surgery. As advised by the Turkish clinics, you will need to care for your transplant throughout this period. Your dermatologist could suggest taking hair loss medication to maximise a hair transplant’s effects.

Medicine is helpful since hair thinning and loss can persist even after a hair transplant, which is relatively standard. Knowing that the recovery and aftercare for long-haired and shaved hair transplants are the same may calm you if you are familiar with the standard hair transplant procedure. You could have some redness and swelling as the healing process progresses after your long hair transplant, but these side effects should go away in a few days.

The surgeon gives you the correct aftercare advice when you select Turkish clinics. Your medical background heavily influences the following-up direction and, if any, transplant-related complications. You should adhere to your surgeon’s postoperative recommendations. Be sure to adhere to basic standard transplant guidelines, such as waiting at least 4 days before washing your hair.

Keep your head covered while it’s hot outside. You can wear a hat outdoors for at least two weeks. Avoid strenuous exercise for the first two weeks since it might promote perspiration, slowing the healing process.

How Epcy can help you in successful long hair transplantation in Turkey?

Turkey’s long hair transplantation procedure is a secure, reasonably priced, and remarkably effective way to regain lost self-confidence. Epcy aims to provide you with all the information you need to decide about long hair transplantation in Turkey. For all the research and knowledge required for long hair transplantation in Turkey, there is Epcy.

To assist you in having the finest hair restoration experience in Turkey, our portal offers information on hair transplantation services specially catered to your medical history. Their extensive medical directory provides necessary information on Long hair transplantation, including accurate and verified information, contact details, website link, and client testimonials for each hair transplant facility or physician accessible nationwide. With all this vital information, you can quickly choose a reputable clinic in Turkey that can handle your hair restoration requirements.

What are the risks of long hair transplantation?

“Long hair transplantation” typically refers to a technique in hair transplant procedures where longer hair is retained in the donor area during the harvesting phase, allowing for a more natural-looking result immediately after the procedure. While hair transplantation is generally considered safe and has a high success rate, there are potential risks associated with the procedure. Here are some of the risks of long hair transplantation:

  1. Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. Proper sterilization and postoperative care are essential to minimize this risk.

  2. Bleeding: Hair transplant surgery involves making incisions in the scalp, and there is a risk of bleeding during and after the procedure. Surgeons take precautions to control bleeding.

  3. Scarring: Although efforts are made to minimize scarring, scarring is a potential risk associated with the harvesting and transplantation of hair follicles.

  4. Swelling: Some individuals may experience temporary swelling of the scalp after the procedure. This usually resolves on its own within a few days.

  5. Numbness or Tingling: Temporary numbness or tingling in the treated areas may occur due to nerve irritation during the procedure. This is generally temporary but may persist in some cases.

  6. Graft Survival: The success of a hair transplant depends on the survival and growth of the transplanted grafts. Factors such as the method used, surgeon’s skill, and postoperative care can influence graft survival.

  7. Shock Loss: After a hair transplant, some of the existing hair in the recipient area may undergo temporary shedding, known as shock loss. This is a normal part of the process, and the hair usually regrows within a few months.

  8. Unnatural Appearance: While long hair transplantation aims to provide a more immediate and natural-looking result, there is still a potential risk of an unnatural appearance if the procedure is not performed with precision and artistry.

  9. Allergic Reactions: Rarely, individuals may experience allergic reactions to medications or materials used during the transplantation process.

It’s important for individuals considering long hair transplantation to undergo the procedure under the supervision of a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s specific case, discuss potential risks and benefits, and provide personalized recommendations based on their unique circumstances. Following postoperative care instructions is crucial to minimize complications and promote optimal results.

Why long hair transplantation may not be right for you?

While long hair transplantation can offer immediate aesthetic benefits by retaining longer hair in the donor area during the harvesting phase, it may not be the right choice for everyone. Here are some reasons why long hair transplantation may not be suitable for certain individuals:

  1. Limited Donor Hair: If an individual has limited donor hair available at the back and sides of the scalp, which is typically used for transplantation, the option of long hair transplantation may be restricted. Adequate donor hair is essential for achieving satisfactory results.

  2. Unstable Donor Area: Individuals with an unstable donor area due to ongoing hair loss may not be ideal candidates. The donor area needs to be stable to ensure the longevity of the transplanted hair.

  3. Extensive Hair Loss: In cases of extensive hair loss where there is a significant lack of donor hair relative to the area to be covered, long hair transplantation may not provide sufficient coverage. Alternative methods or a combination of techniques may be more suitable.

  4. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, or untreated infections, may increase the risk of complications during the hair transplant procedure. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to assess an individual’s eligibility.

  5. Unrealistic Expectations: If an individual has unrealistic expectations about the outcomes of the hair transplant procedure, the surgeon may recommend against it. While long hair transplantation can offer a more immediate result, it’s essential to have realistic expectations about the overall outcome and the subsequent phases of hair growth.

  6. Young Age: Hair loss patterns may not be fully established in very young individuals, and predicting the progression of hair loss can be challenging. Surgeons may hesitate to perform long hair transplant procedures on very young individuals to avoid potential issues with long-term planning.

  7. Financial Considerations: The cost of long hair transplant procedures can be relatively high. Individuals should consider their budget and financial constraints. In some cases, alternative treatments or delaying the procedure until it is more financially feasible may be recommended.

  8. Inability to Follow Post-Operative Care: Successful outcomes depend on strict adherence to post-operative care instructions. If a person is unable or unwilling to follow these instructions, it may impact the success of the hair transplant procedure, including long hair transplantation.

  9. Medical History: Certain medical conditions or medications may impact the suitability for surgery. A thorough medical history evaluation is essential to identify any potential contraindications.

It’s crucial for individuals considering long hair transplantation to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s specific case, discuss potential risks and benefits, and provide personalized recommendations based on their unique circumstances. Choosing the right treatment depends on various factors, and a surgeon can help guide individuals toward the most suitable option for their specific needs and goals. 

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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