What is Breast Lift?

Do you want a breast lift that shapes and adds definition to your curves? There’s no denying it – looking good is an important part of feeling good about ourselves, and for many women, having full, firm breasts can bring an amazing sense of confidence. And if you’re considering breast lifting as a way to enhance both the look and feel of your body, then Turkey may just be the perfect place for it! With its leading surgeons and advanced technologies in cosmetic surgery procedures, clinics provide quality treatments at extremely affordable prices.

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In this article, we’ll discuss everything about breast lifting and why Turkey is considered one of the best countries when it comes to getting breast lifting done with excellent results — and how you can get started on yours today.

What is Breast Lift?

Breast lift is an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery procedure that involves reshaping and repositioning the breasts. During this operation, a skilled plastic surgeon can lift your breasts higher on your chest, make them more symmetrical, reduce the size of your areolas, remove extra skin due to aging and weight changes and achieve a more rounded appearance. Breast lift surgeons also offer tissue tightening – firmer support for nipples and areolas, helping women regain their pre-childbirth figure. The results can be stunning and life-changing, motivating many women to gain confidence in their bodies.

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Why is it done?

Breast lift surgery is a common procedure that restores the youthful shape and position of the breasts, which may have lost firmness due to age, pregnancy and weight changes. Breast lift (or mastopexy) helps by tightening the skin around the breasts and repositioning them higher on your chest. In some cases, the breast tissue itself might be lifted or reduced to achieve a balanced look. A breast lift can also include nipple repositioning and correction of enlarged areolas. Breast lifting may help women feel better about themselves by restoring their breasts’ youthful, perkier appearance so they can wear more styles of clothing and swimsuits with more confidence.

You might consider a breast lift if...

Breast Lift Surgery might be the right choice for you if your breasts have lost shape and volume or become flatter and longer, your nipples fall below your breast creases when unsupportive, your nipples and areola point downward, and/or if one of your breasts falls lower than the other. Breast Lift surgery can help you to restore the original position of your breasts, reversing the signs of sagging that result from aging, significant weight changes, pregnancies, and other situations. Breast Lift Surgery offers a safe, effective way to redefine the contours of your bustline, improve the proportionate balance between breasts, reduce enlarged areola size, and adjust any asymmetry in breast shape or position. Consult with a professional cosmetic surgeon to determine if Breast Lift Surgery is right for you.

What happens during the breast lift procedure?

Breast lift procedures generally take from one to two hours to complete, depending on how much work is involved. Before the procedure, a patient will be given a hospital gown to wear and positioned on a surgical table. An anesthetic will then be administered for pain relief, followed by cleaning and prepping of the skin in the surgical area. 

Markers or pens are used to mark the skin before making incisions around the areolas and down or outward from there. The tissue and excess fat are then cut, repositioned or shaped to create the desired look while muscles are lifted and tightened by threading them together. The nipple and areola are subsequently moved higher before any extra skin, tissue or muscle is trimmed away as needed. To conclude the surgery, incisions are closed up using stitches and bandages and a special surgical bra may be applied to provide additional support during healing.

What happens after breast lift surgery?

Breast lift procedures generally take from one to two hours to complete, depending on how much work is involved. Before the procedure, a patient will be given a hospital gown to wear and positioned on a surgical table. An anesthetic will then be administered for pain relief, followed by cleaning and prepping of the skin in the surgical area. 

After breast lift surgery, the patient will usually be allowed to return home the same day. It is highly recommended that the patient finds someone to assist them in getting home, who can then stay with them for the first night after surgery. The medical team may also require the use of a thin tube near one or more of their incisions to drain any fluid that could cause swelling and discomfort. Instructions for recovery from mastopexy should be given to the patient by their medical team, and they might include maintaining drainage tubes and bandages, being careful when performing activities of daily living and not bringing their arms above their head instead keeping them at their sides, reporting any potential complications related to their surgery, sleeping on one’s back instead of on either side and using specific medications/ointment/pills as prescribed by their physician to reduce pain or prevent infection. Lastly, a special bra must often be worn throughout recovery in order both reduce swelling and provide adequate support while the breasts heal properly.

Affordable Medical Services

Why you should choose Turkey for breast lifting?

The healthcare in Turkey is world-renowned, which makes it an ideal setting for medical procedures like breast lifts. The government has high standards when it comes to the operation and maintenance of the facilities in the country. Doctors are required to meet stringent qualifications before they are allowed to practice. Not only that, they must stay up-to-date on their training to remain certified. With many people choosing Turkey for aesthetic surgeries, such as breast augmentation, you can be comfortable that you are receiving top-notch care from experienced and qualified professionals.

Cost of breast lift in Turkey

Many women in Europe and across the world, choose to have a breast lift procedure in Turkey because of the much lower cost compared to other countries. The average cost of a breast lift in Turkey is £3000 – £3750, making it incredibly affordable. This is significantly lower than the approximately £9,400 cost in England which is what you would typically pay for the same procedure. However, just because the price is lower doesn’t mean that it’s lower quality care. Many women who opt for a breast lift in Turkey state receive excellent care and top-notch quality results at a fraction of the cost.

Things to consider before having breast lift surgery in Turkey

Before undergoing breast lift surgery (mastopexy), it’s important to carefully consider various factors to ensure a successful and satisfying outcome. Here are some essential things to think about:

  1. Consultation with a Board-Certified Surgeon: Schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast lift procedures. During this consultation, you’ll discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history. Ensure the surgeon has extensive experience in breast surgeries and a portfolio of before-and-after photos.

  2. Realistic Expectations: Understand what a breast lift can and cannot achieve. It can raise and reshape sagging breasts but may not significantly change the size of your breasts. Discuss your goals with your surgeon to ensure they are realistic.

  3. Types of Breast Lift: There are different types of breast lift techniques, each designed to address specific levels of sagging. Your surgeon will determine which technique is most suitable for your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals.

  4. Surgical Risks and Complications: Be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with breast lift surgery, including infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and implant-related issues if combined with breast augmentation. Your surgeon should provide detailed information about these risks.

  5. Preoperative Preparation: Follow your surgeon’s preoperative instructions carefully. This may involve quitting smoking, adjusting medications, and maintaining a stable weight to optimize your surgical outcome.

  6. Recovery Period: Breast lift surgery requires a recovery period during which you should limit physical activities, including heavy lifting. Plan for time off work and ensure you have a support system in place to assist you during this time.

  7. Scarring: All surgical procedures leave scars, including breast lift surgery. Discuss the expected location and appearance of scars with your surgeon. There are techniques to minimize scarring, but it’s important to be prepared for their presence.

  8. Breast Implants: If you are considering a breast lift in combination with breast augmentation (implants), discuss the pros and cons of both procedures. Your surgeon can help you choose the right approach based on your goals and anatomy.

  9. Postoperative Care: Understand the post-operative care plan, including follow-up appointments and any restrictions on physical activities. Proper care and adherence to these instructions are crucial for a smooth recovery.

  10. Lifestyle Changes: After breast lift surgery, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and regular exercise, is important for long-term results.

  11. Breastfeeding Considerations: If you plan to have children in the future and want to breastfeed, discuss this with your surgeon. While a breast lift typically doesn’t affect your ability to breastfeed, it’s essential to be aware of potential changes in nipple sensation and milk production.

  12. Emotional and Psychological Readiness: Be emotionally prepared for the surgery and the changes it will bring to your body. Consider the emotional impact and whether you have a strong support system in place.

  13. Choosing a Surgeon: Carefully research and select a qualified, reputable surgeon with experience in breast lift procedures. Ask for referrals, read reviews, and verify their credentials.

  14. Legal and Ethical Aspects: Ensure that you fully understand the consent form, which outlines the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure. Make an informed decision after carefully reading and discussing this document with your surgeon.

  15. Cost and Financing: Get a clear understanding of the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and post-operative care. Investigate financing options or payment plans if necessary.

Remember that breast lift surgery is a significant decision, and your safety and satisfaction should be the top priorities. Thoroughly discuss all aspects of the surgery with your surgeon, ask questions, and take the time to make an informed decision.

Why is Epcy the best source for British Citizens who want to come to Turkey for a breast lift?

Epcy is the premier choice for British citizens seeking to undergo a breast lift in Turkey, known for its top-notch medical facilities and procedures. The platform offers a comprehensive database with information on various clinics, including details on their services, customer service, prices and more. Patients can also access unbiased reviews from individuals who have already undergone the procedure, allowing them to make informed decisions. The platform also offers support options for any questions or concerns during the research and comparison process. With Epcy, individuals can feel confident and well-informed in their decision-making for breast lift surgery in Turkey.


Breast lift surgery can be a great way to restore the size and shape of your breasts, reduce sagging, and improve your overall silhouette. With the superior healthcare system found in Turkey, many women opt for this procedure to get quality care without breaking the bank. However, it is important to research surgeons, clinics and packages carefully before making any final decisions. Additionally, platforms such as Epcy can provide invaluable assistance when looking for a breast lift clinic in Turkey. Ultimately, with some thorough research, you can be more comfortable you are selecting an experienced surgeon and receiving unbeatable value on your breast lift in Turkey.

Breast Lift Aftercare

Breast Lift Aftercare is extremely important for a successful surgery and recovery. Instructions may vary depending on the individual and your provider. Still, they may include keeping bandages and drains in place, avoiding any heavy lifting with your arm above your head, promptly reporting any complications that arise, sleeping on your back or side only, using special medications to reduce inflammation and ease pain, and wearing supportive garments to help reduce swelling. All of these instructions are put in place by your care team to ensure proper healing after Breast Lift Surgery.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks of Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts. Like any surgical procedure, it comes with potential risks and complications. It’s important for individuals considering breast lift surgery to be aware of these risks and discuss them thoroughly with a qualified plastic surgeon. Here are some of the risks associated with breast lift surgery:

  1. Scarring: Breast lift surgery involves incisions, which will result in permanent scars. The extent and visibility of scarring can vary, and while surgeons aim to minimize scarring, it is an inevitable outcome of the procedure.

  2. Changes in Sensation: Some women may experience changes in nipple or breast sensation after a breast lift. This can include temporary or, in rare cases, permanent loss of sensation.

  3. Infection: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection at the incision sites. Proper postoperative care, including keeping the incisions clean, is crucial to minimize this risk.

  4. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery is a potential risk. Surgeons take precautions to control bleeding during the procedure, but it remains a possibility.

  5. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry is challenging, and there is a risk of uneven results. Additional procedures may be needed to address any noticeable asymmetry.

  6. Delayed Wound Healing: In some cases, wounds may take longer to heal than expected, increasing the risk of complications such as infection or more noticeable scarring.

  7. Changes in Breast Shape or Size: While the goal of a breast lift is to improve breast shape, there is a risk of unintended changes in size or shape. It’s important for individuals to communicate their expectations clearly with their surgeon.

  8. Fat Necrosis: In rare cases, the fatty tissue in the breast may lose its blood supply, leading to fat necrosis. This can result in the formation of firm lumps in the breast.

  9. Anesthesia Risks: Complications related to anesthesia, such as allergic reactions or respiratory issues, are inherent risks in any surgical procedure.

  10. Difficulty Breastfeeding: While many women can still breastfeed after a breast lift, there is a risk of changes in nipple sensation and potential difficulties with breastfeeding.

  11. Implant-Related Risks (if combined with augmentation): If a breast lift is combined with breast augmentation using implants, additional risks associated with implants come into play, such as rupture, leakage, or implant displacement.

  12. Unsatisfactory Aesthetic Results: Like any cosmetic procedure, individual satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome can vary. It’s important for individuals to have realistic expectations and openly discuss their goals with the surgeon.

Before undergoing a breast lift, individuals should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess their candidacy for the procedure and thoroughly discuss the potential risks and benefits. Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon can help minimize the risks associated with breast lift surgery.

Why breast lift may not be right for you?

While breast lift surgery (mastopexy) can be a transformative procedure for many women seeking to address sagging or drooping breasts, it may not be the right choice for everyone. Here are several reasons why a breast lift may not be suitable for a particular individual:

  1. Pregnancy or Plans for Pregnancy: Women planning to become pregnant or those who are currently pregnant may be advised to postpone a breast lift. Pregnancy and breastfeeding can impact the shape and size of the breasts, potentially affecting the results of the surgery.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about what a breast lift can achieve, it may not be the right procedure for them. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the limitations of the surgery and communicate realistic goals with the surgeon.

  3. Health Concerns: Individuals with certain health conditions may not be suitable candidates for surgery. Conditions such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders may increase the risk of complications during or after surgery.

  4. Smoking or Poor Lifestyle Habits: Smoking can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Individuals who smoke may be advised to quit or significantly reduce their smoking habits before considering a breast lift.

  5. Significant Weight Fluctuations: Significant weight changes can affect the results of a breast lift. It is generally recommended for individuals to reach and maintain a stable weight before undergoing the procedure.

  6. Fear of Surgery or Anesthesia: Some individuals may have an intense fear of surgery or anesthesia, making them hesitant or unwilling to undergo the procedure. In such cases, non-surgical alternatives or lifestyle changes may be more suitable.

  7. Unstable Mental Health: Individuals with unstable mental health or unrealistic body image concerns may not be ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery. It’s important to be in good mental health and have a positive body image before considering such procedures.

  8. Breast Cancer or Concerns About Breast Cancer: Individuals with a history of breast cancer or concerns about breast cancer should discuss these issues with their healthcare provider. In some cases, breast lift surgery may not be recommended.

  9. Desire for Permanent Results: While a breast lift can provide long-lasting results, the natural aging process, gravity, and other factors can still affect the breasts over time. Some individuals may be dissatisfied if they expect permanent, unchanging results.

Before deciding on a breast lift or any cosmetic surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether a breast lift is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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