What is FUE Hair Transplantation?

FUE hair transplantation is a revolutionary procedure that offers people with balding patterns the opportunity to restore their full head of hair. With today’s advanced techniques and technology, this type of surgical process can provide incredible results in a very short time when performed with precision and skill. Turkey has become one of the top destinations for those who seek higher quality FUE Hair Transplant treatments at an affordable price without compromising on quality or safety standards – making it a perfect choice not just for the cost-conscious but also for those looking for first-rate results!

What is FUE Hair Transplantation?

FUE Hair Transplantation is one of the most popular hair restoration treatments available today. FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, involves taking healthy follicles from a donor area of the head – typically the back and sides – and delicately transferring them to balding areas such as the hairline or crown. FUE Hair Transplantation is a minimally invasive option that demands professional skill and precision to deliver results that look natural. The successful outcome of FUE Hair Transplantation depends on the careful selection of donor hairs, meticulous implantation techniques and proper post-treatment care to ensure continued growth, performance and overall cosmetic appeal.

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Procedure for FUE hair transplant

The procedure for FUE hair transplant is a relatively straightforward process. Your surgeon will start by shaving the donor sites where they plan on extracting the follicles as well as the recipient area. Once those are prepped, your doctor will then use a micro punch tool to delicately take out the follicles from your skin. After that, tiny incisions will be made with a needle or other sharp tool to ensure proper placement of the removed follicles. The inserted grafts are then carefully secured into their new spots and the whole area is vacuumed clean and bandaged for post-treatment recovery. These procedures can vary in length and details but all should be done with the utmost care by highly experienced surgeons for the best results.

Affordable Medical Services

Is FUE right for me?

One of the main things that will determine whether an FUE hair transplant is right for you, or if you are a suitable candidate, is the quality and condition of your donor area. healthy follicles must be available at the back and sides of the head which can then be harvested and inserted into balding areas. Your doctor will also examine your characteristics including, but not limited to, your age, amount of existing hair and aesthetic goals. The color, texture and waviness or curliness of your hair may have some effect on the cosmetic result, however, regardless of these external factors it is important to remember that if your follicular unit density (amount of individual follicles) per square centimeter is high enough then successful results from an FUE hair transplant are likely to be achieved.

Benefits Of Fue Hair Transplants

FUE hair transplants provide numerous benefits to those experiencing hair loss. These transplants use the Follicular Unit Extraction method, which involves grafting individual follicles from the donor area and transplanting them into the receiving areas. This highly-specialized process ensures high-quality results for those that undergo it. Not only does this method produce natural-looking results, but recovery time is relatively short, and there is minimal scarring in the donor area. Additionally, patients do not experience pain during or after treatment. In comparison to other medical treatments for hair loss, FUE hair transplants offer a safer procedure with more effective results.

What to expect after an FUE hair transplant?

An FUE hair transplant can bring you one step closer to achieving the beautiful locks of your dreams. Recovery from the surgery is relatively quick and usually involves some swelling and discomfort for about 3 days afterwards. Patients should follow their doctors’ advice on how to best care for their new hair, such as taking a few days off work after the procedure, not washing or brushing their hair for 3 weeks, using unscented shampoos and avoiding hats or strenuous exercise. In some cases, hair may fall out during the healing process but this is completely normal; most patients can see a noticeable difference in their results after 3 to 4 months. As long as patients abide by their doctor’s instructions and take good care of themselves during the recovery period, they are sure to love their new look with healthy and strong hair.

Why is Turkey best for FUE Hair Transplants?

With its cutting-edge medical technology and renowned surgeons, Turkey is one of the world’s leading destinations when it comes to hair transplant surgery. The country boasts a strong dedication to providing superior quality healthcare at an affordable price. Furthermore, its top-notch medical facilities combined with the latest advancements in surgical techniques such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), make it possible for people to achieve beautiful results without having to spend a fortune. As a bonus, you get to experience the wonders of this fun and exciting country during your recovery period!

Cost of FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey

The cost of FUE hair transplants in Turkey is a crucial point for those considering opting for hair transplants. Cost is often a major deciding factor when it comes to medical procedures, and Turkey does not disappoint on the pricing front. The average cost of hair transplants in Turkey stands at £2300 for an all-inclusive package; considerably lower than the UK which charges an average of £7000. This makes hair transplants a more attractive proposition to many potential patients in Turkey.

Things to be careful about before going for FUE Hair Transplantation in Turkey

Before deciding to undergo FUE hair transplantation in Turkey, there are quite a few things to be aware of. Firstly, the procedure itself can be costly – it’s important to research exactly how much it will cost and compare costs between different clinics before proceeding. Secondly, recovery can take up to a couple of weeks – one should plan to take into account any schedule conflicts during this time and verify that there is adequate support upon returning home. Finally, patients should plan plenty of downtimes while they’re abroad as traveling and sightseeing can put stress on newly transplanted follicles, reducing their longevity. Many prospects view FUE hair transplantation as an “instant fix” for balding but taking the time to learn about potential risks can make all the difference in obtaining desired results.

Why is Epcy the best option for anyone looking to travel to Turkey for FUE Hair transplantation?

Looking to get an FUE hair transplant in Turkey? Epcy is a perfect choice! It provides you with a wealth of information regarding clinics, dentists, services, costs and other factors associated with FUE hair transplantation. The staff is knowledgeable and experienced, providing comprehensive answers to all your questions. Plus, it’s unbeatable value – going abroad for FUE hair transplantation has never been easier or more affordable than with Epcy!


FUE hair transplantation in Turkey is a great alternative to more expensive treatments available elsewhere. With excellent medical services and technology, leading surgeons and unbeatable prices, it’s no wonder why many choose to travel to the country for their hair transplant. However, one must still conduct the appropriate background research before deciding on a clinic and be mindful of the risks associated with the procedure. For those looking for an effortless way to book an FUE Hair Transplantation in Turkey, Epcy provides all the necessary information and assistance for a hassle-free experience!

FUE Hair Transplantation Aftercare

FUE Hair Transplantation Aftercare is essential for promoting healing and for successful hair transplant results. After FUE, your doctor may advise you not to wash your hair or take a shower for at least 3 days, to use gentle shampoos without fragrances for a few weeks, and take a couple of days off work to help speed up the healing process. You should also avoid wearing hats, beanies, or other clothing that goes over the head until instructed otherwise by your doctor. To ensure effective recoveries and results, you must avoid strenuous physical activities for at least one week after FUE surgery. Furthermore, some transplanted hairs may fall out during the normal healing period – you will start to notice prolific hair growth after about 3-4 months. However, it’s important to note that not all FUE patients will experience equal thickness in their transplanted hair due to factors such as health conditions and lifestyle.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks of FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a hair transplantation technique where individual hair follicles are extracted from a donor area and implanted into the recipient area. While it is considered safe and minimally invasive, there are still potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. Here are some of the risks of FUE hair transplant:

  1. Bleeding: Some bleeding is common during and after the procedure. However, excessive bleeding may occur in rare cases, especially if the patient has a bleeding disorder or is taking blood-thinning medications.

  2. Infection: Like any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. This risk is minimized through sterile techniques during the procedure and post-operative care instructions, including proper wound care and antibiotic use if prescribed.

  3. Scarring: FUE typically leaves small, dot-like scars where the individual hair follicles are extracted. While these scars are often minimal and less noticeable compared to other hair transplant techniques like FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), the risk of visible scarring still exists, especially if the healing process is not optimal or if the patient is prone to keloid formation.

  4. Shock loss: Some patients may experience temporary hair loss in the recipient area after the transplant, known as shock loss. This is usually a temporary condition, and the transplanted hair usually grows back within a few months. However, in some cases, the shock loss may be permanent.

  5. Changes in sensation: Numbness or changes in sensation in the donor or recipient area are common after FUE hair transplant surgery. These sensations usually resolve over time but may persist in rare cases.

  6. Poor growth or graft failure: There is a risk that some of the transplanted hair follicles may not survive or grow as expected. Factors such as improper handling of grafts, inadequate blood supply, or underlying medical conditions can contribute to poor graft survival.

  7. Unnatural-looking results: If the procedure is not performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon, or if the patient’s expectations are unrealistic, the results of the hair transplant may appear unnatural or aesthetically unsatisfactory.

  8. Folliculitis: Inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, known as folliculitis, can occur in both the donor and recipient areas. This can lead to redness, swelling, and discomfort, but it is usually treatable with proper care and medication.

It’s essential for patients considering FUE hair transplant surgery to thoroughly discuss the potential risks and benefits with their surgeon and to carefully follow pre-operative and post-operative instructions to minimize complications and achieve the best possible results.

Why FUE hair transplant may not be right for you?

While FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant is a widely used and effective procedure for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. Here are some reasons why FUE hair transplant may not be the right choice for certain individuals:

  1. Extent of hair loss: FUE may not be appropriate for individuals with extensive hair loss or advanced baldness, as there may not be a sufficient donor hair supply to achieve desired coverage.

  2. Poor donor hair quality: The success of FUE depends on the availability of healthy donor hair follicles. If the donor area lacks adequate hair density or if the hair follicles are weak or miniaturized, FUE may not yield satisfactory results.

  3. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions or health issues may preclude a person from undergoing FUE hair transplant surgery. For example, individuals with uncontrolled diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or bleeding disorders may not be suitable candidates due to increased risks of complications.

  4. Scalp conditions: Some scalp conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, or severe dandruff may interfere with the healing process after FUE surgery or increase the risk of infection. In such cases, the procedure may not be recommended until the scalp condition is properly managed.

  5. Unrealistic expectations: Patients with unrealistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure may not be suitable candidates for FUE. It’s important for individuals to have a realistic understanding of the potential results and limitations of FUE hair transplant surgery.

  6. Young age: Younger individuals who are still experiencing active hair loss or have not yet stabilized their hair loss pattern may not be ideal candidates for FUE. It’s important for patients to wait until their hair loss has stabilized before considering hair transplant surgery to ensure the longevity of results.

  7. Inability to undergo surgery: Some individuals may not be suitable candidates for surgery due to underlying health conditions, medications they are taking, or other factors that increase surgical risks. In such cases, non-surgical hair restoration options may be more appropriate.

It’s essential for individuals considering FUE hair transplant surgery to undergo a thorough evaluation by a qualified surgeon to determine if they are suitable candidates and to discuss their expectations, concerns, and potential risks before proceeding with the procedure.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

Epcy is here to help!

Decades of experience in medical tourism and healthcare services has made Epcy number one choice for people who are seeking all kinds of treatments in Turkey. We are here to help! Visit offer page to see all inclusive offers from top rated clinics in Turkey.