Revitalizing Hair Transplant Care: EPCY Unveiling a Groundbreaking Collaboration in Turkey

Hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular, especially in Turkey. The progressive and growing healthcare department of Turkey attracts many patients from all over the world.

Patients from all around the world have flocked to Turkish clinics for reliable and affordable care. However, finding the best clinic for them can be a challenge. As such, EPCY has stepped up to simplify this process.

EPCY is an online platform connecting patients with different healthcare sectors. Getting estimates from tens of top rated and accredited clinics for weight loss surgery, dental treatments, hair transplantation, and plastic surgery are some of the many services they offer. Besides all these, hundreds of world-class clinics are also listed on this digital platform.  But most importantly, EPCY’s collaboration with the hair transplant industry began a new era in patient care.

The partnership between EPCY and hair transplant clinics offers a range of benefits to patients. First, it facilitates the estimates and booking processes a lot. Patients can browse through reviews, ratings, and prices of different clinics to make an informed decision. 

The Growing Demand for Hair Transplant Clinics in Turkey

The demand for hair transplant clinics in Turkey is on the rise. With more people looking to restore their full head of hair, this industry has become a hot spot for those seeking fast and affordable treatments. In the past few years, there has been an influx of both local and international patients looking to take advantage of Turkey’s cutting-edge technology and expertise in hair restoration surgery.

So why are so many people turning to Turkey for their hair transplants? Well, several reasons make it an attractive option:

Firstly, the cost-effectiveness; Turkey boasts some of the most affordable prices in the world when it comes to hair transplants – with treatments costing up to 70% less than other countries.

Secondly, advanced hair transplant techniques; Turkey is home to some of the most advanced hair transplant techniques available, such as Sapphire FUE and DHI Hair Transplantation – both of which provide excellent results with minimal scarring or downtime.

Thirdly, world-class aftercare services; The country is known for its world-class aftercare services, and clinics in Turkey offer comprehensive post-operative care packages that help ensure a successful outcome.

All these factors combine to make Turkey one of the most popular destinations for those seeking effective hair restoration solutions at affordable prices. With its wide range of treatments, experienced surgeons, and exceptional aftercare services, Turkey is fast becoming the go-to country for quality hair transplants.

From eyebrow transplants to beard transplants, there’s something for everyone in this growing industry.

So, if you’re looking for an effective hair transplant solution at an affordable price, then look no further than Turkey. With its advanced technology and comprehensive aftercare services, this is the perfect destination for those seeking quality treatments with minimal downtime.

It’s time to take advantage of all that Turkey has to offer in terms of hair restoration! If you’re looking to restore your natural head of hair or enhance your appearance with a new look, then be sure to consider the benefits of getting a hair transplant in Turkey. You won’t regret it!

An Overview of the Rise in hair transplant procedures

Hair transplantation has become a well-known, widely accepted medical procedure for treating common hair loss issues. The number of hair transplants performed each year continues to rise as people seek treatment for baldness or thinning hair. Here is an overview of the types of hair transplant procedures available, how they work, and why the demand for them has increased over time.

In addition to standard hair transplants, people are also turning to eyebrow transplant procedures to restore the fullness and shape of their eyebrows. This relatively new procedure is performed using FUE, with the same techniques as in a traditional hair transplant. The results are very natural-looking and can help people feel more confident about their appearance.

Challenges faced by potential patients when seeking reliable clinics

When seeking reliable clinics for hair transplant procedures potential patients can face various challenges. From validating a clinic’s credentials to assessing the quality of its services, making an informed decision can be daunting. To start with the basics, potential patients need to know how to select a qualified doctor or surgeon who will perform their procedure. To ensure that they are in safe hands, researching the credentials of any specialist you may be considering is paramount.

It’s important to find out if they have been certified by relevant medical organizations and whether they have sufficient experience performing the specific procedure you want to be done.

Another challenge for potential patients is finding a clinic that offers quality services at an affordable price. With a large number of clinics claiming to be the best in the industry, it can be difficult to make the right decision.

Additionally, it’s also important to ask about any additional treatments that they may offer such as eyebrow transplantation. Overall, finding a reliable and affordable hair transplant clinic can be challenging for potential patients.

What are the types of hair transplants?

Absolutely, Turkey is a popular destination for hair transplant procedures due to its high standards of quality, experienced surgeons, and affordable prices. Turkey has a highly developed medical tourism industry, and it is especially known for its expertise in hair transplant procedures. Let’s delve into the types of hair transplant procedures offered in Turkey:

This is an advanced version of the traditional FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure. It uses a special sapphire blade instead of steel during the creation of microchannels in the recipient area. The use of sapphire allows for smaller and more precise incisions, which can promote faster healing and more natural-looking results.

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is a technique that involves extracting hair follicles one by one from the donor area and implanting them directly into the balding area. A special implantation tool is used in this procedure, ensuring that the grafts are placed at the correct depth and angle. This technique can provide a high degree of control and precision, leading to dense and natural-looking results.

This is a procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles into the eyebrow area to create a fuller or more desired shape. This procedure is often sought by individuals who have lost eyebrow hair due to over-plucking, ageing, or medical conditions. Like other hair transplants, the hair follicles can be harvested through either the FUE or DHI method.


FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, is a common type of hair transplantation technique. It involves extracting individual hair follicles from the back or sides of the head (the donor area) and implanting them into the balding or thinning areas. This procedure is minimally invasive and leaves no linear scar, making it a popular choice for hair transplantation.

With an array of experienced professionals and cutting-edge technologies, Turkey stands as an attractive destination for those seeking hair restoration procedures.

What are the benefits of getting hair transplants in Turkey?

Hair loss can be a frustrating experience for both men and women. In the past, there were limited solutions for hair loss, but modern technology has made hair transplants a popular and effective choice for those who want to restore their hairline. If you are considering a hair transplant, you may want to consider Turkey as a destination for your procedure. Here are some benefits of getting hair transplants in Turkey:

  • Cost Effective:

One of the biggest advantages of getting a hair transplant in Turkey is the cost. Compared to many other countries, Turkey offers very competitive prices for Hair Transplants. This is due to the lower cost of living and lower labour costs. As a result, You can save a significant amount of money on your Hair Transplant while still receiving quality treatment.

  • Experienced Doctor:

Turkey has become a popular destination for hair transplant surgery because of the experienced doctors that perform the procedure. Many Turkish doctors have been performing Hair Transplants for decades, and they are highly skilled in their craft. This means that you can trust that your doctor has the necessary experience to perform the procedure properly.

  • Advanced Technology:

Turkish has also invested heavily in the latest Hair Transplant technology. This means that you can expect to have access to advanced techniques, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) which is a minimally invasive procedure that involves extracting hair follicles individually from the donor area. This technique reduces the risk of scarring and has a faster recovery time than other methods.

  • High Success Rate:

Hair Transplant clinics in Turkey have a high Success rate due to the experience of the doctors and the use of advanced technology. This means that you can expert to see positive results from your hair Transplant and achieve a natural looking hairline.

  • Beautiful Destination:

Turkey is a beautiful destination that offers a unique cultural experience. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery, delicious cuisine, and rich history of the country while you recover from your Hair Transplant. This can make the recovery process more enjoyable and relaxing.

What are transplant tips for taking care after getting a hair transplant in Turkey?

Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey has become an increasingly popular option for people all around the world. Turkey is known for its affordable prices and skilled surgeons. However, getting a hair transplant is only the first step in the process. After the surgery, it is important to take proper care of your hair and scalp to ensure the best possible results. Here are some transplant tips for taking care after getting a hair transplant in Turkey.

1. Follow the post-operative instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for transplanted hair after the surgery. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure optimal healing and hair growth. These instructions may include avoiding certain activities, such as swimming or strenuous exercise, and using special shampoos or medicines.

2. Avoid touching or scratching the transplanted area: It’s natural to want to touch or scratch the transplanted area, but doing so can damage the newly implanted hair follicles and delay healing. Try to avoid touching or scratching the area as much as possible.

3. Protect your scalp from the sun: After getting a hair transplant, your scalp will be more sensitive to the sun’s rays. Be sure to wear a hat or use sunscreen to protect your scalp when you’re outside.

4. Be Patient: It can take several months for the transplanted hair to start growing. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results, and avoid any hair treatments or products that could interfere with the healing process.

5. Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle: Eating a healthy diet and avoiding smoking can help promote hair growth and overall healing after a hair transplant. Be sure to follow a healthy lifestyle to maximize your result.

6.Attend follow-up appointments: Your surgeon will schedule follow up appointments to monitor your healing and progress. Be sure to attend these appointments and address any concerns or questions you may have

By following these tips, you can help ensure the best possible results after getting a hair transplant in Turkey. Remember to be patient and take good care of your scalp to promote healthy hair growth and healing.

How EPCY can help find the right hair transplant clinic in Turkey?

EPCY plays a significant role in the healthcare sector, and it has revolutionized the hair transplantation industry.

In the past, patients seeking healthcare services had to deal with the stressful and often complicated process of finding clinics, getting estimates, scheduling appointments, getting referrals, and waiting for a long time to receive their medical care. But thanks to EPCY, accessing healthcare services has become much easier and more convenient for everyone, especially for those who are seeking hair transplantation services. EPCY has revolutionized the healthcare industry by simplifying the process of accessing medical care from getting estimates to looking up accredited clinics in Turkey.

What is the cost of hair transplant procedures in Turkey when compared to the United Kingdom and United States?

Hair Transplant procedures have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people seeking to restore their hairlines and regain their confidence. However, the cost of such procedures can vary significantly depending on where you live. Now, we will compare the cost of hair transplant procedures in Turkey and the United Kingdom, United States.

Turkey has become a popular destination for hair transplant procedures due to its affordable price and high quality medical facilities. In fact, Turkey has become the leading country for hair transplant procedures, with over  1,000,000 individuals from around the world every year. The average cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is around $1800 to $4000 which is significantly cheaper than the cost of the same procedure in the United States.

In the United States, the average cost of a hair transplant procedure can range from $4000 to $25,000 depending on the type of procedure and the location of the clinic. The cost can be higher in Urban areas such as New York or Los Angeles. The cost of a hair transplant procedure in the United States can vary based on the experience and reputation of the surgeon.

In term of procedure itself, there are two main techniques used in hair transplant procedures:

  1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): It involves removing a strip of skin from the back of the scalp, which is then dissected into individual follicular units and transplanted to the area of the hair loss.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): It involves removing individual follicular units from the scalp and transplanting them to the area of hair loss. FUE is generally more expensive than FUT, as it is a more time consuming and labor intensive procedure.

Overall, the cost of hair transplant procedures in Turkey is significantly lower than in the United States, making it an attractive option for many people. However, it’s important to choose a reputable and experienced surgeon, regardless of the cost. The type of procedure used can also affect the cost of the procedure.

How EPCY benefit people reach the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey?

Turkey has long been a popular destination for hair transplant surgery and its world-renowned clinics and affordable prices are amazing. However, with so many options to choose from, finding the right clinic can be a daunting task. That’s where EPCY comes in, an online platform that connects patients with the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey. Here are just a few ways EPCY can benefit people looking for hair transplant clinics in Turkey.

EPCY Provides Access to Verified Clinics:

One of the biggest challenges patients face when searching for hair transplant clinics in Turkey. It is determining which clinics are suitable and which are not.

With EPCY, patients can see that the clinics they are connected with are verified and reputable. EPCY thoroughly vets all clinics before adding them to their platform, knowing that they meet strict quality standards and have a proven track record of successful treatments.



In conclusion, EPCY, as a comprehensive estimating application and healthcare platform for patients seeking treatment in Turkey. It serves as an invaluable resource for individuals seeking the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey. By providing estimate preparation service, treatment packages from clinics, detailed profiles, patient reviews, and comprehensive lists of services offered, EPCY empowers potential patients with the information necessary to make informed decisions about their hair restoration journey. From comparing clinic standards, and scrutinizing surgeons’ expertise, to understanding cost structures, EPCY simplifies the search for quality hair transplant services. Ultimately, EPCY’s easy-to-navigate platform demystifies the process, ensuring that individuals can find and choose the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey that perfectly match their specific needs and expectations.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

Epcy is here to help!

Decades of experience in medical tourism and healthcare services has made Epcy number one choice for people who are seeking all kinds of treatments in Turkey. We are here to help! Visit offer page to see all inclusive offers from top rated clinics in Turkey.