Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, also known as OMS, is a surgical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, surgical and related treatment of a wide range of diseases, injuries, and defects involving the mouth, teeth, jaws, and face. It is a specialty that combines dentistry, medicine, and surgery.

If you are experiencing problems with your oral and maxillofacial region, you may need to see an OMS specialist for diagnosis and treatment. They can provide you with the expertise and care you need to manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

Turkey is known for its advanced technology and equipment, which can lead to more accurate diagnoses and better treatment outcomes for OMS patients. Furthermore, patients in Turkey often have short waiting times for OMS services, meaning they can receive the care they need quickly and efficiently. So, choosing Turkey for medical and dental treatments will be a great option. This article will give you a detailed description of why to choose Turkey.

What is OMS?

OMS includes procedures such as wisdom teeth extraction, corrective jaw surgery, facial trauma and reconstruction treatment, facial deformities, oral cancer management, and dental implant surgery. OMS specialists also perform complex surgeries, such as facial reconstructive surgery after trauma or removal of tumors and orthognathic surgery to correct jaw and bite problems.

OMS specialists are highly trained and have extensive knowledge of the oral and maxillofacial region’s anatomy, physiology, and pathology. They work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as dentists, orthodontists, and plastic surgeons, to provide comprehensive care for their patients.

OMS plays an important role in managing and correcting a wide range of conditions related to the mouth, teeth, jaws, face, and neck and can help improve a patient’s overall health and quality of life.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery services in Turkey

Turkey’s well-established healthcare system offers a wide range of medical and surgical services, including Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS). OMS services are provided by highly qualified and experienced specialists trained to perform complex surgeries of the mouth, teeth, jaws, and face.

Some of the most common OMS services offered in Turkey include:

  • Wisdom teeth extraction
  • Dental implant surgery
  • Orthognathic surgery
  • Treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ)
  • Treatment of facial trauma and fractures
  • Management of oral and facial tumors
  • Maxillofacial prosthetics
  • Cleft lip and palate surgery
  • Facial cosmetic surgery

Turkey’s OMS services are available in private and public hospitals, clinics, and specialised centres. The cost of OMS services varies depending on the procedure type and the facility’s location. However, OMS services in Turkey are generally more affordable than in many other countries, making it a popular destination for medical tourism.

Quality healthcare facilities for oral and maxillofacial surgery in Turkey

Turkey has a well-established healthcare system with modern facilities and equipment, including Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS). The country has many hospitals, clinics, and specialised centres that offer high-quality OMS services.

The healthcare facilities in Turkey are regulated by the Ministry of Health, which sets standards for medical care, safety, and quality. Additionally, many healthcare facilities in Turkey are accredited by international organisations, such as Joint Commission International (JCI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), further ensuring the quality of care.

OMS specialists in Turkey are highly qualified and trained to perform complex surgeries on the mouth, teeth, jaws, and face. They have extensive knowledge of the oral and maxillofacial region’s anatomy, physiology, and pathology. In addition, many OMS specialists in Turkey have completed their training and education in countries with highly respected OMS programs.

Overall, the quality of healthcare facilities for OMS in Turkey is considered very good. However, it is important to research and choose a qualified and reputable Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon or facility before undergoing any procedure. You can ask for recommendations from your local healthcare provider or medical tourism agency and check online reviews and ratings of the surgeon or facility before deciding.

Perks of getting oral and maxillofacial surgery in Turkey

There are several perks of getting Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) in Turkey, including:

  • High-quality care:
    Turkey has a well-established healthcare system with modern facilities and equipment. Many hospitals, clinics, and specialised centres in Turkey offer high-quality OMS services, and OMS specialists in Turkey are highly qualified and experienced.

  • Affordable cost:
    OMS services in Turkey are generally more affordable than in many other countries. This makes it a popular destination for medical tourism, as patients can often save a significant amount of money on their medical expenses.

  • Advanced technology:
    Many healthcare facilities in Turkey are equipped with advanced technology and equipment, which can lead to more accurate diagnoses and better treatment outcomes for OMS patients.

  • Short waiting times:
    Unlike some other countries, patients in Turkey often have short waiting times for OMS services. This means that patients can receive the care they need quickly and efficiently.

  • Beautiful location:
    Turkey is a beautiful country with a great cultural history and stunning scenery. Patients who travel to Turkey for OMS services can also take advantage of their trip to explore the country’s rich culture and natural beauty.

Thus, high-quality care, affordable cost, advanced technology, short waiting times, and beautiful location make Turkey an attractive option for patients seeking Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

What is the cost of oral and maxillofacial surgery Turkey?

The cost of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) in Turkey varies depending on the type of procedure, the facility’s location, and the surgeon’s experience. However, OMS services in Turkey are generally more affordable than in many other countries, making it a popular destination for medical tourism.

Cost of some common OMS procedures in Turkey:

1. Wisdom teeth extraction: ranges from approximately £100-£500.

2. Dental implant surgery: ranges from approximately £500-£2,000 per tooth.

3. Orthognathic surgery: ranges from approximately £3,000-£8,000.

4. Treatment of TMJ disorders: varies depending on the type of treatment but ranges from approximately £500-£2,500.

5. Treatment of facial trauma and fractures: varies depending on the extent of the injury and the required treatment but can range from approximately £500-£5,000 or more.

6. Management of oral and facial tumors: varies depending on the type and extent of the tumor and the required treatment but can range from approximately £500-£10,000 or more.

7. Maxillofacial prosthetics: varies depending on the type of prosthesis and the extent of the treatment, but can range from approximately £500-£5,000 or more.

8. Cleft lip and palate surgery:
varies depending on the extent of the surgery required but can range from approximately £1,000-£5,000 or more.

9. Facial cosmetic surgery: varies depending on the type of procedure but can range from approximately £1,000-£10,000 or more.

These are just estimates, and the actual cost of OMS services in Turkey will depend on several factors. Obtaining a personalized quote from a qualified and reputable surgeon or facility is always recommended before undergoing any procedure.

What careful measures should I take when getting oral and maxillofacial surgery in Turkey?

When getting Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) in Turkey, it is important to take several measures to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Here are some recommendations:

1. Research your surgeon and facility: 
Before undergoing any procedure, research and choose a qualified and reputable surgeon and facility. Look for credentials, training, experience, and online reviews and ratings from other patients.

2. Consult with your local healthcare provider: 
Before traveling to Turkey for OMS services, it is recommended to consult with your local healthcare provider to discuss your medical history, any pre-existing conditions, and any medications you are taking. They can advise and guide your suitability for travel and the specific procedure.

3. Plan your trip:
Plan your trip to allow for adequate time for pre-operative consultations, testing, and post-operative recovery. Ensure to plan for any necessary travel arrangements, such as flights, accommodation, and transportation.

4. Ask questions:
 Before the procedure, ask your surgeon and healthcare providers any questions you may have about the procedure, potential risks and complications, and post-operative care. This will help you make informed decisions and feel more comfortable with the procedure.

5. Follow post-operative instructions:
Following the procedure, follow all post-operative instructions carefully, including medication instructions, wound care, and activity restrictions. This will help ensure a safe and speedy recovery.

6. Have a support system:
Bring a friend or family member with you to support and assist during your trip and recovery.

Taking these careful measures can help ensure a safe and successful Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery procedure in Turkey.

Are clinics on Epcy good options for getting this treatment done?

Yes, Epcy is a good option for finding top rated clinics for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) done as they will introduce you to a well-established healthcare system with modern equipment and highly qualified and experienced OMS specialists. Additionally, OMS services recommended by Epcy are generally more affordable than in many other countries, making it a popular destination for medical tourism.

So make smart choices and get your medical and dental treatments from here for physical and mental satisfaction. Don’t think anymore; go and book your appointment now!

What are the risks of oral and maxillofacial surgery?

Oral and maxillofacial surgery encompasses a variety of procedures involving the face, jaw, and mouth. While these surgeries are generally safe, there are potential risks and complications associated with any surgical procedure. It’s important to discuss these risks with your oral and maxillofacial surgeon before undergoing surgery. Here are some common risks associated with oral and maxillofacial surgery:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: After surgery, it’s common to experience pain, swelling, and discomfort. This can usually be managed with prescribed pain medications and proper post-operative care.

  2. Bleeding: Surgical procedures may involve some bleeding, both during and after the surgery. Excessive bleeding, while rare, may require additional intervention.

  3. Infection: Infections can occur following oral and maxillofacial surgery. Proper hygiene, antibiotic prophylaxis, and post-operative care are essential to minimize the risk of infection.

  4. Nerve Damage: Some oral and maxillofacial procedures, such as wisdom tooth extraction or corrective jaw surgery, may carry a risk of nerve damage. This can result in numbness, tingling, or altered sensation in the affected areas. In most cases, nerve damage is temporary, but in rare instances, it can be permanent.

  5. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common side effects of oral and maxillofacial surgery. While these are typically temporary, their severity can vary among individuals.

  6. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Issues: Certain surgeries involving the jaw can potentially affect the temporomandibular joint, leading to issues such as jaw pain, clicking, or limited jaw movement. These complications are rare but may occur.

  7. Impacted or Displaced Teeth: In procedures involving impacted teeth, such as wisdom tooth extraction, there is a risk of the tooth or fragments being displaced during extraction. Careful surgical techniques are used to minimize this risk.

  8. Adverse Reactions to Anesthesia: Anesthesia is commonly used during oral and maxillofacial surgery. While complications are rare, adverse reactions to anesthesia, ranging from mild to severe, can occur.

  9. Delayed Healing: Factors such as age, overall health, and adherence to post-operative instructions can affect the healing process. Delayed healing may result in prolonged discomfort or complications.

  10. Scarring: Some procedures may leave visible scars. The extent and visibility of scars depend on the type of surgery, the surgeon’s technique, and individual healing characteristics.

  11. Complications with Dental Implants: For procedures involving dental implants, there is a risk of implant failure, infection, or damage to surrounding structures.

  12. Airway Complications: In surgeries involving the oral and throat regions, there is a potential risk of airway complications, such as swelling or obstruction.

It’s crucial to have a thorough discussion with your oral and maxillofacial surgeon about the specific risks associated with your planned procedure. They will evaluate your medical history, assess potential risks, and provide you with information to make an informed decision about your surgery. Additionally, following post-operative care instructions diligently can contribute to a smoother recovery process.

Why oral and maxillofacial surgery may not be right for you?

While oral and maxillofacial surgery is beneficial for many individuals in addressing various dental and facial concerns, there are situations where it may not be the most suitable option. Here are some reasons why oral and maxillofacial surgery may not be right for everyone:

  1. Medical Conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, or bleeding disorders, may face increased risks during surgery. In such cases, the potential risks and benefits of surgery need to be carefully weighed, and alternative treatment options may be considered.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations regarding the outcomes of oral and maxillofacial surgery or desires results that are not achievable, the surgeon may advise against surgery. Realistic expectations and clear communication about achievable outcomes are essential for a successful surgical experience.

  3. Poor General Health: Individuals in poor overall health may have a higher risk of complications during and after surgery. Issues such as compromised immune function, poor healing capacity, or chronic medical conditions may influence the decision to proceed with surgery.

  4. Psychological Factors: Emotional and psychological factors, such as severe anxiety, fear of surgery, or unrealistic fears of potential outcomes, may influence the decision to undergo oral and maxillofacial surgery. In some cases, psychological evaluation or counseling may be recommended.

  5. Non-compliance with Pre- and Post-operative Instructions: Successful surgical outcomes often depend on a patient’s ability to follow pre- and post-operative instructions. Individuals who are unwilling or unable to comply with these instructions may face a higher risk of complications, and surgery may not be recommended.

  6. Age Considerations: In some cases, age may be a factor in deciding whether to proceed with oral and maxillofacial surgery. Certain procedures may be more challenging or carry higher risks in older individuals.

  7. Severity of the Condition: In cases where the severity of the dental or facial condition is minimal and can be adequately addressed with less invasive or non-surgical approaches, surgery may not be deemed necessary.

  8. Alternative Treatment Options: Depending on the specific issue, there may be alternative treatments available that are less invasive or have a lower risk profile. These alternatives should be explored and discussed with the patient before deciding on surgery.

It’s important for individuals to have open and honest communication with their oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The surgeon will evaluate the patient’s overall health, medical history, and specific circumstances to determine whether surgery is a suitable and safe option. If surgery is not recommended, the surgeon may propose alternative treatments or refer the individual to other specialists for further evaluation.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

Epcy is here to help!

Decades of experience in medical tourism and healthcare services has made Epcy number one choice for people who are seeking all kinds of treatments in Turkey. We are here to help! Visit offer page to see all inclusive offers from top rated clinics in Turkey.