What is Breast Enlargement Surgery?

Breast enlargement surgery, commonly referred to as breast augmentation or mammoplasty, is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size, shape, and contour of a woman’s breasts. Through the use of implants or fat transfer, this surgery offers a personalised approach to achieving a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing silhouette, boosting self-confidence and overall satisfaction with one’s appearance.

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Turkey has rapidly gained recognition as an ideal destination for breast enlargement surgery, offering a combination of world-class facilities, highly skilled surgeons, and competitive pricing that is hard to match. Boasting state-of-the-art clinics and hospitals, Turkey adheres to stringent healthcare standards, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care during their cosmetic procedures. With Epcy, you can now choose the best platform in Turkey and get this treatment done at an affordable price! Let’s get right into the details! 

What is Breast enlargement Surgery?

Breast enlargement surgery, named breast augmentation or breast implant surgery, is a cosmetic surgical process that is associated with increasing the size and improving the shape of the breasts. This is generally attained by putting breast implants beneath the breast tissue or the chest muscle. Breast enlargement is often sought by women who feel that their breasts are too small, or who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or ageing. It may also be performed as a reconstructive procedure for women who have been through breast surgery or who have a natural breast distortion.

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Procedure Of Breast Enlargement Surgery

 The surgery is successful after a certain procedure. Following is a procedure for breast enlargement surgery.

  1. Anaesthesia: The patient is given general anesthesia to ensure that they are unconscious and pain-free throughout the procedure.
  1. Incision: The surgical expert will make a cut in the skin to create a pocket for the breast implant. The incision may be made in the armpit, around the areola, or in the crease beneath the breast.
  1. Placing the implant: The breast implant is then positioned whether behind the breast tissue or underneath the chest muscle, according to the patient’s anatomy and the surgeon’s approach.
  1. Incision closing: When the implant is placed, the surgical expert closes the incision with stitches or surgical tape.
  1. Recovery: You need to wear a special supportive bra for several weeks after the procedure and will need to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks as well.

Benefits of Breast Enlargement Surgery

Every surgery is done for some benefits, some of the highlighted benefits of breast enlargement surgery are the following.

  1. Improved breast size and shape: Breast enlargement can increase the size of the breasts and improve their shape, creating a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
  1. Increased self-confidence: Many women report feeling more confident and self-assured after breast enlargement, as it can help them feel more comfortable in their skin and improve their body image.
  1. Improved clothing fit: Some women may find that their clothes fit better after breast enlargement, as the added volume can fill out clothing more effectively.
  1. Reversal of volume loss: Breast enlargement can be helpful for women who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy, weight loss, or ageing.
  1. Reconstruction after breast surgery: Breast enlargement is also used to recreate the breast after surgery for breast cancer or other conditions.

Risks associated with Breast enlargement.

As with many other surgeries, breast enlargement surgery also brings some potential risks.

  1. Capsular contracture: This is a complication where the scar tissue that forms around the implant tightens and hardens, causing the breast to become misshapen and painful.
  1. Implant leakage: Implants can rupture or leak over time, and if this happens, surgery is required to remove or replace the implant.
  1. Infection: There is a risk of infection during or after breast enlargement, which can cause pain, swelling, and other complications.
  1. Hematoma: Accumulated blood or fluid may form a lump or swelling under the skin, which may require drainage.
  1. Nipple and breast sensitivity: This surgery can cause a reduction in the nipple and breast sensitivity, which can affect sexual pleasure and breastfeeding ability.
  1. Scarring: Breast enlargement can result in scarring, although modern techniques aim to minimise the visibility of scars.
  1. Future surgeries: Breast implants are not permanent and will likely need to be removed or replaced at some point in the future, which carries its own set of risks and complications.

Reasons to undergo breast enlargement surgery.

Women can undergo breast enlargement surgery for several reasons, some of which are described in the following.

  1. Desire for a more proportional figure: Women who feel that their breasts are too small or disproportionate to the rest of their bodies may opt for enlargement surgery to achieve a more balanced appearance.
  1. Post-pregnancy changes: Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause significant changes in breast size and shape, and some women may choose breast enlargement surgery to restore their pre-pregnancy appearance.
  1. Ageing-related changes: As women age, their breasts may lose size and start sagging. This surgery helps to restore the breasts to a more young-looking look.
  1. Improving self-esteem: For some women, having breast enlargement can upgrade their self-confidence by improving their physical look.
  1. Correcting asymmetry: Some women might have breasts that are certainly different in size or contour. Breast enlargement can help to correct this asymmetry and achieve a more symmetrical appearance.


Surgeries enhance beauty, but post-surgery care is very important to avoid many diseases and other possible risks.

  1. Rest and recovery: Adequate rest and recovery time are essential after breast enlargement surgery. After the surgery for 4-6 weeks, you don’t have to do any work which can cause stress, and avoid lifting heavy objects for several weeks.
  1. Take medication as prescribed: Your surgical expert may recommend painkiller pills or antibiotics to help reduce pain and avoid infection. However, it is mandatory to take all medicines as prescribed and follow any instructions for dosing and frequency.
  1. Wear loose clothes: You have to wear loose clothes or bandages over the treated area for three to four weeks after the process. This will help in decreasing swelling and speedy recovery.
  1. Follow-up appointments: It is mandatory to see your surgical expert every week to observe your progress and ensure proper healing.
  1. Lifestyle modifications: To promote healing and minimise complications, it is important to avoid smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and maintain a healthy diet.

Why Turkey is a great option for breast enlargement surgery?

Turkey is the best choice for breast enlargement surgery for several reasons.

  1. Experienced and Qualified Surgeons: Turkey is known for having highly trained and experienced plastic surgeons who have completed their education and training at top institutions in Turkey and abroad.
  1. Advanced Technology and Techniques: Turkey has state-of-the-art medical facilities that offer the latest in surgical technology and techniques, including advanced imaging and minimally invasive surgical procedures.
  1. Affordability: Breast enlargement in Turkey is generally more affordable compared to many other countries. It is also a matter that you can get better treatment here than in your country at a lower cost.
  1. Location: As Turkey is situated at the intersection of Asia and Europe, doing it easily accessible from many parts of the world. This makes it a convenient destination for patients who are looking to travel abroad for medical treatment.
  1. Culture and hospitality: Turkey is known for its warm and welcoming hospitality, which extends to its healthcare facilities. Patients who travel to Turkey for breast enlargement can expect to be treated with care, respect, and kindness, and can enjoy the rich culture and history of this fascinating country during their recovery.

What is the cost of breast enlargement surgery in Turkey as compared to other countries?

In general, breast enlargement surgery in Turkey is known to be more affordable compared to many other countries.According to recent estimates, the average cost of breast enlargement in Turkey ranges from approximately £3,000 to £5,000. This can be significantly lower than the cost of breast enlargement in many other countries, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, where the average cost can range from £6,000 to £12,000 or more.

Things to consider before having breast enlargement surgery in Turkey

Breast enlargement surgery, also known as breast augmentation or breast implant surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that involves the placement of breast implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. If you are considering breast enlargement surgery, there are several important factors to consider before making your decision:

1. Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon:

   – Schedule a consultation with a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast augmentation. During the consultation, discuss your goals, medical history, and expectations.

2. Breast Implant Options:

   – There are different types of breast implants, including saline and silicone implants. Your surgeon will help you choose the type, size, and shape of implants that are suitable for your body and desired outcome.

3. Surgical Techniques:

   – Discuss the surgical technique with your surgeon. Breast implants can be placed under the breast tissue (subglandular) or beneath the chest muscle (submuscular). Your surgeon will recommend the best approach for your specific case.

4. Incision Placement:

   – Different incision placements are available, including under the breast (inframammary), around the areola (periareolar), or in the armpit (transaxillary). Each has its pros and cons, and your surgeon will help you choose the most appropriate one.

5. Risks and Complications:

   – Be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with breast augmentation, such as infection, bleeding, implant rupture, changes in nipple sensation, and capsular contracture. Discuss these risks with your surgeon.

6. Recovery and Downtime:

   – Understand the recovery process, including post-operative care, restrictions on physical activity, and the expected downtime. You may need several weeks to fully recover.

7. Scarring:

   – Breast augmentation surgery will leave scars at the incision sites. Discuss scar management options with your surgeon, and follow their recommendations for scar care.

8. Longevity of Implants:

   – Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices. They may need to be replaced or removed at some point due to factors like implant rupture or changes in your body over time.

9. Cost:

   – Inquire about the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and the cost of implants. Be aware that breast augmentation is typically not covered by insurance.

10. Choosing the Right Surgeon:

    – Research and choose a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon. Check their qualifications, view before-and-after photos of their work, and read patient reviews.

11. Realistic Expectations:

    – Have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Understand that breast augmentation can enhance your appearance but may not provide perfection or solve all body image issues.

12. Follow-Up Appointments:

    – Ensure that you have a plan for post-operative follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

13. Lifestyle Considerations:

    – Consider how breast augmentation may impact your lifestyle, including exercise routines, clothing choices, and overall self-esteem.

14. Psychological and Emotional Preparedness:

    – Be emotionally prepared for the physical and emotional changes that come with breast augmentation surgery.

15. Alternative Options:

    – Explore non-surgical breast enhancement options if you are unsure about surgery, such as padded bras or breast-enhancing exercises.

Breast augmentation is a significant decision, and it’s important to make an informed choice. Take your time to research, ask questions, and consult with your surgeon to ensure that the procedure aligns with your goals and expectations.


To conclude, breast enlargement surgery is a highly effective and customizable cosmetic procedure that empowers women to attain their desired breast size and shape, ultimately enhancing their self-image and overall satisfaction with their appearance. The decision to undergo this procedure is a deeply personal one, and it is essential to select a reputable and experienced medical provider to achieve the desired results.

Risks of Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement, also known as breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts using implants or fat transfer. Like any surgical procedure, breast enlargement carries inherent risks and potential complications. It’s crucial for individuals considering this surgery to thoroughly discuss these risks with a qualified plastic surgeon. Common risks associated with breast enlargement include:

  1. Infection: Infections can occur at the surgical site. Surgeons take precautions to minimize this risk, such as prescribing antibiotics, but infections may still occur and may require additional medical attention.

  2. Hematoma: Excessive bleeding during or after the surgery can lead to the formation of a hematoma, a collection of blood outside blood vessels. Hematomas may require drainage and can contribute to complications if not addressed promptly.

  3. Seroma Formation: Seromas are fluid collections that can develop after surgery. Although less common than hematomas, they may require drainage if they become symptomatic or interfere with the healing process.

  4. Changes in Sensation: Breast enlargement surgery involves manipulation of the breast tissues, and there is a risk of temporary or, in rare cases, permanent changes in nipple or breast sensation. This can include increased or decreased sensitivity.

  5. Scarring: Breast enlargement surgery involves incisions, and scarring is an inevitable outcome of the procedure. The extent and visibility of scarring can vary among individuals.

  6. Capsular Contracture: This occurs when the scar tissue (capsule) that naturally forms around the breast implant tightens and contracts, causing the breast to feel firm or become distorted. Capsular contracture can range from mild to severe and may require additional surgery to correct.

  7. Implant Rupture or Leakage: Breast implants can rupture or leak, leading to changes in breast shape, size, or firmness. This can occur with both saline and silicone implants. Ruptured implants may require removal or replacement.

  8. Implant Rippling or Wrinkling: In some cases, the edges of the implants may be visible or palpable through the skin, causing a rippling or wrinkling effect. This is more common with saline implants and can affect the cosmetic appearance.

  9. Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and there is a risk of uneven results. Additional procedures may be needed to address any noticeable asymmetry.

  10. Delayed Healing or Wound Dehiscence: Some individuals may experience delayed healing of the incisions, leading to wound dehiscence (opening of the incision). This can increase the risk of infection and scarring.

  11. Breastfeeding Issues: While many individuals can breastfeed after breast enlargement, there is a risk of interference with breastfeeding, particularly if the surgery involves incisions around the areola.

  12. Anesthesia Risks: Complications related to anesthesia, such as allergic reactions or respiratory issues, are inherent risks in any surgical procedure.

It’s essential for individuals considering breast enlargement to have a thorough consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, the surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether breast augmentation is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances. Choosing an experienced and qualified surgeon can help minimize the risks associated with breast enlargement surgery.

Why breast enlargement may not be right for you?

Breast enlargement, or breast augmentation, may not be the right choice for everyone. It’s essential to carefully consider various factors and discuss individual circumstances with a qualified plastic surgeon. Here are some reasons why breast enlargement may not be suitable for a particular person:

  1. Good Satisfaction with Natural Breasts: If a person is satisfied with the size and shape of their natural breasts and does not experience psychological or emotional distress related to their breast appearance, they may not need or benefit significantly from breast enlargement.

  2. Unrealistic Expectations: If a person has unrealistic expectations about what breast enlargement can achieve, it may not be the right procedure for them. It’s crucial to have a clear understanding of the limitations of the surgery and communicate realistic goals with the surgeon.

  3. Health Concerns: Individuals with certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders, may not be suitable candidates for surgery. A thorough medical evaluation is necessary to ensure that the person is in good overall health and can undergo the procedure safely.

  4. Active Lifestyle or Sports Participation: Breast implants may not be recommended for individuals with an active lifestyle or those engaged in sports that involve extensive upper body movement. The implants can potentially interfere with athletic performance or cause discomfort.

  5. Fear of Surgery or Anesthesia: Some individuals may have an intense fear of surgery or anesthesia, making them hesitant or unwilling to undergo the procedure. In such cases, non-surgical alternatives or less invasive procedures might be more suitable.

  6. Preference for Non-Surgical Options: Some individuals may prefer non-surgical options for breast enhancement, such as padded bras, garments, or breast augmentation with fat transfer, rather than undergoing surgery. Non-surgical options can provide alternatives to surgical interventions.

  7. Unstable Mental Health: Individuals with unstable mental health or unrealistic body image concerns may not be ideal candidates for cosmetic surgery. It’s important to be in good mental health and have a positive self-image before considering such procedures.

  8. Desire for Minimal Change: If a person is looking for subtle changes or minimal alterations to the breasts, breast enlargement may be more invasive than necessary. In such cases, non-surgical options or less extensive procedures might be explored.

  9. Inability to Commit to Recovery: Breast enlargement surgery requires a recovery period during which individuals need to follow postoperative care instructions diligently. If a person is unable or unwilling to commit to the recovery process, it may not be the right time for them to undergo the procedure.

Before deciding on breast enlargement or any cosmetic procedure, it’s crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon can assess the individual’s health, discuss realistic expectations, and provide guidance on whether breast augmentation is the right option based on the individual’s unique circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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