Dental Braces

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Are you thinking about getting dental braces but looking for the perfect place to get them? Have you considered going to Turkey for your dental brace needs? Turkey is becoming a popular destination for those looking to get high-quality, affordable braces. With advances in technology and skilled orthodontists available, individuals can leave their dentist’s office with beautifully straightened teeth that will last a lifetime!

In this Blog, we’ll discuss why Turkey has become such an attractive choice when it comes time to obtain braces and the benefits associated with choosing this country as a destination following your consultation. So whether you want traditional metal or ceramic brackets installed, or if you are considering invisible aligners or lingual-based appliances, read on and explore how Turkey may just be the right fit!

What are dental braces?

Braces are a dental tool that aid in restoring the alignment of your teeth, correcting issues such as crookedness and crowding. Effectively give yourself an oral makeover with braces. Braces are incredibly common and typically used during the development of teeth in younger people. Even though braces aren’t necessary for adults, braces have grown more popular as adults choose to improve their oral health.

Braces are composed of metal, ceramic or plastic brackets that are connected with an archwire to create gentle forces that help move teeth into a desired position. By correcting the alignment and crowding of teeth, braces can be useful for more than just aesthetics; braces prevent further dental problems caused by misaligned bites, such as difficulty eating properly, which can lead to jaw problems in later stages of life.

What are the types of dental braces?

Are you considering orthodontic treatment? Now more than ever, there is a wide range of options to suit your lifestyle and needs. Explore the available braces today!

Metal braces/traditional braces

Metal braces, also known as traditional braces, are the most commonly used braces for orthodontic treatment. Metal brackets and wires are used to slowly move the teeth into the proper position and alignment. Metal braces come with one huge benefit: they’re the least expensive type of all the different kinds of braces. Also, many kids like to use coloured rubber bands on their braces for even more customization, giving them a chance to express themselves. The main downside of metal braces is that they tend to be more noticeable than the other types of treatments. However, they offer a cost-effective way of straightening teeth that have proven reliable over time!

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces offer patients an aesthetic advantage over metal braces, being that they are less visible on the teeth. In addition, they can potentially move teeth faster than clear plastic aligners such as Invisalign. However, ceramic braces carry a steeper financial cost than their metal counterparts and require more attention to cleaning to prevent discolouration of the brackets. Ultimately, ceramic braces offer a cosmetic solution for those who can afford them and commit to a compliant oral hygiene regimen.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces offer a discreet and aesthetic choice for those seeking orthodontic treatment. These braces are placed on the inner side of teeth, making them virtually invisible from the outside. While this can be an advantage for many people’s self-confidence, there are some drawbacks to consider. Lingual braces require more time and care during cleaning, which can take some getting used to.

They are also significantly more expensive than their traditional counterparts, and unlike conventional braces, they may not be suitable for more severe cases. Furthermore, speech articulation may suffer initially due to the unfamiliar position of the appliance, and regular adjustments can also be longer and more difficult than with regular braces. Overall, lingual braces offer a great alternative for those wanting an inconspicuous orthodontic treatment option.


Invisalign is a modern orthodontic solution that provides an almost-invisible treatment option for straightening teeth. These custom-made aligners are composed of clear plastic and worn for two weeks, after which they must be replaced. This process continues over 18 – 30 weeks, depending on the individual’s needs. Invisalign can help many people obtain the smile of their dreams with far less embarrassment or commitment than traditional braces. Furthermore, no food restrictions apply, as patients are free to enjoy whatever they want during treatment. 

How do braces work?

Braces are made out of various materials and can be customized in many ways to better help treat each individual’s teeth. The material and shape of the braces apply pressure to your teeth and underlying bone, which causes them to adjust their position over an extended period. During regular visits to the orthodontist, you will be able to see your teeth gradually getting into the desired alignment — there is something truly spectacular about watching science move your teeth!

How long will one have to wear braces?

Your orthodontist will be able to give you an idea of how long you’ll need to wear braces. This can vary from person to person depending on the severity of the issue, the distance your teeth must travel and how closely you stick to instructions from your dentist. Generally, most people can expect to have braces for between one and three years. Once they’re off, a retainer is needed for the first six months, which has to be worn every night thereafter, but this timeframe differs for everyone, so it’s best to check with your orthodontist.

Living with dental braces

Braces can be uncomfortable, but with proper care, your orthodontic treatment can be easier. It is important to wear rubber bands and other attachments as prescribed by the doctor and keep up with checkups so that the teeth stay aligned. Besides regular brushing, you should also floss your teeth every day and avoid crunchy, sticky or hard foods as they can damage the braces or even cause multiple teeth shifting issues. Making sure you are wearing your retainer at night and following good oral hygiene will help ensure a successful orthodontic journey.

Why Turkey is the best place to get braces?

Getting braces can not only improve dental health but also increase self-confidence. Turkey is, therefore, one of the top destinations when it comes to getting braces. Orthodontists in Turkey use the most advanced technologies and treatments available, and they make sure to provide every patient with a comfortable and stress-free treatment experience. Their prices are also extremely competitive when compared to other countries, so if you are looking for quality orthodontics treatment at an affordable price, then Turkey is the best place for you to visit.

What does Turkey offer other than healthcare to foreign patients?

Even though Turkey is widely known for its high-quality healthcare, the country has much more to offer than just medical services. For foreign patients looking to receive health care, Turkey is also a great destination for cultural explorations such as historic sites like Ottoman Palaces, archaeological ruins, unique festivals and outstanding cuisine. From Antalya to Istanbul, Turkey offers inbound patients delightful warm hospitality, letting them have a gratifying experience while they are receiving medical services. The main cities in Turkey are also renowned for their scenic views of lush greenery and stunning architecture. Additionally, many healthcare packages offer travel accommodation discounts that provide relaxation from a long day of healing or any hectic schedule. This combination of modern medicine and culture makes Turkey a highly attractive location for those seeking the best of both worlds.

What is the cost of braces in Turkey?

Turkey is a great option if you are looking to get braces at an affordable price. Different kinds of flexible payment plans are available, making it easier to get the perfect smile at a fraction of the cost compared to getting braces in other countries. The cost of metal braces in Turkey range from £1000 – £2000, ceramic braces from £1000 – £2000, lingual braces £1500 – £3000 and Invisalign £2500 – £5000, so there is a type of brace suitable for all budgets. Speak to your dentist and see if they offer a payment plan that will work for you so you can start your journey to brighter, straighter teeth today.

What are some things to consider when seeking orthodontic treatment in Turkey?

When getting braces in Turkey, it is important to research the experience and qualifications of braces specialists in your area. Talk to other people who have had braces there for their ratings and opinions about treatment plans and the quality of the braces themselves. Make sure to ask each braces specialist about any associated fees before treatment, as well as details about their payment structure before committing. Finally, be sure that you can trust your braces specialist. A qualified braces specialist should not only offer you a comprehensive treatment plan but also provide you with ample follow-up care after your braces are removed. Doing everything possible to research and verify your facial orthodontic clinic’s credentials is crucial when considering braces treatments in Turkey.

Why is Epcy the best choice for someone seeking orthodontic treatment while travelling to Turkey?

Anyone looking for braces in Turkey might be wondering where the best place to go is. Fortunately, Epcy provides an answer to this question. With access to detailed profiles of dentists and clinics that offer braces services, everyone can find the exact treatment they need for a reasonable price. Included in each profile page is information about prices, contact numbers, services offered, as well as reviews from previous customers – allowing you to make an informed decision without having to leave your home. If braces are part of your travel plans, consider using Epcy for an easy and stress-free dental experience.


Overall, Turkey is an ideal destination for travelers seeking medical care, cultural explorations and a beautiful landscape. With braces treatment plans available at reasonable prices and access to detailed profiles about clinics via Epcy, it is easy to find the perfect solution to get the smile you have always dreamed of. So if you’re looking for affordable orthodontic care in a stunning location, consider Turkey as your next destination.

Dental Braces Aftercare

Dental braces take extra care to ensure they remain in tip-top shape. This includes regular brushing and flossing, as with any dental care routine. In addition, proper aftercare is essential to have successful results when wearing braces. Dental professionals recommend brushing your teeth at least twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Daily floss between your teeth and around the brackets and wires is also important. To maintain proper hygiene, swish with an alcohol-free, antibacterial mouthwash twice daily for optimal results. Sticky, crunchy, or hard foods should also be avoided while wearing braces to prevent damage from occurring. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you will enjoy the best possible results from your Dental Braces Aftercare.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

What are the risks of dental braces?

Dental braces are a common orthodontic treatment used to correct misaligned teeth and bite issues. While braces are generally considered safe and effective, there are potential risks and considerations associated with their use. It’s important to discuss these risks with your orthodontist before starting any orthodontic treatment. Here are some common risks of dental braces:

  1. Discomfort and Pain: It is common to experience some discomfort and soreness, especially in the first few days after braces are placed or adjusted. Over-the-counter pain relievers and orthodontic wax can help alleviate discomfort.

  2. Soft Tissue Irritation: Braces can sometimes cause irritation to the cheeks, lips, and tongue. Orthodontic wax and proper adjustments by the orthodontist can minimize soft tissue irritation.

  3. Oral Hygiene Challenges: Braces create additional spaces for plaque and food particles to accumulate, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum issues. Proper oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and the use of interdental brushes, are essential.

  4. Breakage of Brackets or Wires: Brackets or wires may break or become dislodged, requiring additional visits to the orthodontist for repairs. Certain foods, habits like chewing ice, or trauma can contribute to breakage.

  5. Allergic Reactions: While rare, some individuals may be allergic to the materials used in braces, such as nickel or other metal alloys. It’s crucial to inform the orthodontist of any known allergies.

  6. Root Resorption: In some cases, the roots of teeth may experience resorption, a process where they shorten due to orthodontic forces. Severe root resorption is uncommon but is a known risk, particularly in cases of prolonged or overly aggressive treatment.

  7. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Issues: Orthodontic treatment can impact the temporomandibular joint, potentially leading to jaw pain, clicking, or other TMJ issues. Careful treatment planning and monitoring can help minimize such risks.

  8. Length of Treatment: The duration of orthodontic treatment can vary, and longer treatment periods may increase the risk of complications, such as root resorption or tooth decay. Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential.

  9. Relapse: After the completion of orthodontic treatment, there is a risk of teeth shifting back to their original positions. Wearing retainers as prescribed is crucial to prevent relapse.

  10. Speech Changes: In some cases, the addition of braces may slightly affect speech patterns, especially in the initial days of wearing braces. This usually improves as the individual becomes accustomed to the braces.

It’s important to note that the majority of individuals undergo orthodontic treatment without experiencing significant complications. Regular communication with the orthodontist, diligent oral hygiene practices, and adherence to post-treatment instructions can contribute to a successful orthodontic experience with minimal risks. Regular check-ups allow the orthodontist to monitor progress and address any issues promptly.

Why dental braces may not be right for you?

While dental braces are an effective orthodontic treatment for many individuals, there are situations where braces may not be the most suitable option. Here are some reasons why dental braces may not be right for everyone:

  1. Cosmetic Concerns: Some individuals may be primarily concerned about the cosmetic appearance of traditional metal braces. For those seeking a more discreet option, alternatives like clear aligners or lingual braces may be preferred.

  2. Lifestyle and Appearance Preferences: Certain lifestyle or professional considerations may make individuals hesitant to choose traditional braces. For example, people in public-facing professions or those participating in activities where braces may be a hindrance might prefer more inconspicuous orthodontic options.

  3. Treatment Duration: Braces typically require a more extended treatment duration compared to some alternative orthodontic methods. Individuals seeking a faster treatment may explore options like accelerated orthodontics or other expedited treatments.

  4. Speech Concerns: Some individuals may be concerned about potential speech changes or a temporary lisp that can occur in the initial days of wearing braces. This concern may influence their preference for orthodontic alternatives.

  5. Oral Hygiene Challenges: Maintaining proper oral hygiene with braces can be challenging, as braces create additional spaces for plaque and food particles to accumulate. Individuals with difficulty adhering to rigorous oral hygiene practices may find other orthodontic options more suitable.

  6. Discomfort and Irritation: Braces can cause temporary discomfort and soft tissue irritation, especially in the first few days after placement or adjustments. Individuals with low pain tolerance or heightened sensitivity may prefer alternative orthodontic solutions.

  7. Allergies or Sensitivities: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to the materials used in traditional metal braces, such as nickel. Allergies should be discussed with the orthodontist to explore suitable alternatives.

  8. Pre-existing Dental Work: Extensive dental work, such as crowns, bridges, or implants, may impact the feasibility of braces. In such cases, alternative orthodontic treatments that do not interfere with existing dental work may be recommended.

  9. Orthodontic Complexity: Braces may not be the most suitable option for individuals with complex orthodontic issues that require specialized treatment approaches. In such cases, customized orthodontic solutions or a combination of treatments may be considered.

  10. Age Considerations: While braces are suitable for individuals of various ages, older individuals may have concerns about the appearance of traditional braces. In such cases, aligners or other less conspicuous options may be preferred.

It’s important to have a thorough consultation with an orthodontist to discuss individual concerns, preferences, and treatment goals. The orthodontist can assess the specific orthodontic needs, discuss available options, and help individuals make informed decisions about the most suitable treatment for their unique circumstances.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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