What is Abdominoplasty?

Are you considering getting abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck? Then why not explore taking advantage of the advanced technology and an array of skilled surgeons in Turkey? Known for its ample medical tourism, Turkey is becoming a popular destination for visitors seeking to get top-notch aesthetic treatments, such as abdominoplasty.In this post, we will provide comprehensive information about abdominoplasty and discuss why Turkey is the perfect destination for this procedure.

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It is important to take the time to consider all your options before making a decision, as well as to keep in mind that abdominoplasties are not an alternative to standard weight loss methods.

What is the purpose of Abdominoplasty?

The purpose of Abdominoplasty (or tummy tuck) is to restore the abdominal area to its former qualities. This treatment is beneficial for individuals who have undergone significant weight fluctuations, pregnancy, abdominal surgery, or the natural aging process. It addresses issues such as excess fat, poor skin elasticity, weakened connective tissue, or stretch marks in the abdominal area. It can be helpful for those who have experienced significant changes in weight, pregnancy, abdominal surgery, aging, or simply anyone with their particular body type who feels that they have these issues in their abdomen.

During a tummy tuck procedure, loose skin and fat will be removed and weakened fascia tightened. It can also reduce the presence of stretch marks found lower on the abdomen below the belly button. However, it should be noted that tummy tucks do not help with stretch marks located outside this area.

Who are the best candidates for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)?

Candidates for abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, are typically those who are in good general health, have maintained a stable weight, and don’t smoke. The procedure is suitable for both men and women and is often used to help reduce skin and muscle stretching after several pregnancies, as well as to help reduce fat deposits and loose skin in the abdominal area for people who previously experienced obesity and rapid weight loss. While it’s similar to liposuction (cosmetic surgery for fat removal), it shouldn’t be confused with this type of surgery.

What does it involve?

There are two types of abdominoplasty – partial and full. With the former, the doctor makes a large incision across the lower stomach and removes excess fat and skin before stitching the remaining area together. The latter procedure is more extensive, taking in elements such as the realignment of abdominal muscles and re-attaching the belly button after being freed from its tissue holder. Both options require general anesthesia given their invasive nature. Recovery time varies depending on individual circumstances, but with disciplined adherence to aftercare instructions, one can expect stronger muscles, smoother skin and restored confidence in just a few weeks.

What is the recovery process?

Recovery after a tummy tuck operation is an important process, but one that should be taken seriously. Generally, it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the body to heal and inactivity is equally important as rest during this time. Your surgeon and insurance company are great sources to consult with any concerns you may have while navigating the recovery process. Additionally, you will usually be instructed to wear corsets or tummy-control pants for up to 6 weeks to help reduce swelling and encourage skin healing throughout the area. During recovery, you should also keep your knees bent while in bed as this prevents excess strain on stitches and allows proper healing of your body.

What makes Turkey an ideal location for Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure and Turkey stands out as an ideal destination for those interested in receiving this treatment. There are several reasons why people check in on its shores: Turkish clinics offer competitive prices; it boasts an attractive location, hospitable climate and a rich diversity of cultures; and the country has deep-rooted traditions that date back centuries. Whenever Abdominoplasty is considered, Turkey should be top of mind due to its numerous merits.

How much is the abdominoplasty in Turkey?

The cost of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) in Turkey can vary widely depending on various factors such as the location of the clinic, the experience of the surgeon, the extent of the procedure, and any additional services or facilities included. On average, the cost of abdominoplasty in Turkey can range from around £2,000 to £6,000 GBP However, this is a rough estimate and it’s essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon or medical facility in Turkey to get an accurate quote based on your specific needs and circumstances. Additionally, keep in mind that there may be additional costs such as pre-operative tests, post-operative care, and accommodations if you’re traveling from another country.

Turkish vs. British Abdominoplasty cost comparison

For many people in the United Kingdom, choosing to have a tummy tuck abroad in Turkey is an attractive option due to its lower cost. The typical cost of a tummy tuck in Turkey averages between 2000-2500 EUR/GBP compared to 5500 GBP/6500 EUR in the UK. This is why medical tourists attracted by such low cost often come from the UK and other European countries for a tummy tuck procedure in Turkey.

Things to consider before having laser liposuction surgery in Turkey

Before undergoing abdominoplasty surgery (commonly known as a tummy tuck), it’s crucial to thoroughly consider various factors to ensure a successful outcome and minimize risks. Here are some important things to think about:

1. Medical Evaluation: Schedule a comprehensive medical evaluation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will assess your overall health, medical history, and suitability for the procedure. Be transparent about your medical conditions, medications, and lifestyle habits like smoking.

2. Realistic Expectations: Understand the limitations of abdominoplasty. While it can provide a flatter and more toned abdomen, it may not address all aesthetic concerns or guarantee a perfect result. Discuss your goals and expectations with your surgeon to ensure they are realistic.

3. Surgical Techniques: There are different types of abdominoplasty procedures, including full, mini, and extended tummy tucks. Discuss with your surgeon which technique is most appropriate for your specific needs and goals.

4. Recovery Time: Abdominoplasty typically requires a substantial recovery period. Be prepared for downtime, including time off work and restrictions on physical activities. Ensure you have adequate support at home during this period.

5. Scarring: Abdominoplasty leaves a scar, which usually runs horizontally across the lower abdomen. Understand that scarring is an inherent part of the procedure and discuss scar management techniques with your surgeon.

6. Cost and Financing: Get a clear understanding of the total cost of the procedure, including surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, facility fees, and any post-operative care. Investigate financing options or payment plans if necessary.

7. Surgical Risks: Familiarize yourself with the potential risks and complications associated with abdominoplasty, such as infection, bleeding, scarring abnormalities, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Your surgeon should provide detailed information about these risks.

8. Preoperative Preparation: Follow your surgeon’s preoperative instructions carefully. This may involve quitting smoking, adjusting medications, or adopting a healthy lifestyle to optimize your surgical outcome.

9. Postoperative Care: Discuss the post-operative care plan with your surgeon, including follow-up appointments, wound care, and any restrictions on physical activities. Adhering to these instructions is essential for a smooth recovery.

10. Weight Stability: It’s advisable to reach and maintain a stable weight before undergoing abdominoplasty. Significant weight fluctuations after the procedure can negatively impact the results.

11. Emotional and Psychological Readiness: Be emotionally prepared for the surgery and the changes it will bring to your body. Consider the emotional impact and whether you have a strong support system in place.

12. Alternative Options: Explore non-surgical or less invasive alternatives if you are hesitant about surgery. Discuss these options with your surgeon to determine the best approach for your goals.

13. Choosing a Surgeon: Research and select a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon with a track record of successful tummy tuck procedures. Ask for before-and-after photos and patient testimonials to assess their skills and expertise.

14. Lifestyle Changes: After abdominoplasty, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, is crucial to preserve the results and avoid weight gain.

15. Long-Term Planning: Consider the long-term implications of abdominoplasty. It’s a permanent change to your body, so think about how it aligns with your future goals and lifestyle.

16. Legal and Ethical Aspects: Ensure that you fully understand the consent form, which outlines the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedure. Make an informed decision after carefully reading and discussing this document with your surgeon.

Remember that abdominoplasty is a significant surgical procedure, and your safety and satisfaction should be the top priorities. Thoroughly discuss all aspects of the surgery with your surgeon and take the time to make an informed decision.

Epcy is the top choice for individuals in the UK seeking information on flying to Turkey for Abdominoplasty

Epcy is the UK’s premier source for finding reliable information on traveling to Turkey for Abdominoplasty. It provides a comprehensive overview of clinics and treatments, as well as detailed reviews of plastic surgeons and clinics. Furthermore, accurate cost breakdowns are available to help individuals plan their trips with ease. Most importantly, Epcy goes above and beyond what you may find through other resources by giving users complete transparency into every aspect of the treatment, allowing them to make informed decisions that are right for them. Whether you’re wanting to know more details about a clinic or need help analyzing price comparisons between specific treatments, Epcy has everything one might need to find their ideal clinic.


Abdominoplasty is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure and Turkey stands out as an ideal destination for those interested in receiving this treatment. With its competitive prices, attractive location, hospitable climate and rich diversity of cultures, it should be top of mind for anyone considering Abdominoplasty abroad. It is important to research different clinics, read reviews from other patients and compare costs before making any final decisions. For individuals in the UK seeking information on flying to Turkey for Abdominoplasty, Epcy is the best resource to help you to receive a safe, successful procedure at a competitive price. Keep these tips in mind when considering Abdominoplasty abroad!

Abdominoplasty Aftercare

Abdominoplasty Aftercare is key to a successful procedure and achieving desired results. Typically, 4-6 weeks of rest and limited activity are required. You shouldn’t drive for at least a few weeks after the surgery, so check with your surgeon and insurance company before the operation. You should also expect to wear special corsets or control pants to protect the healed area from additional strain during the first six weeks of recovery. Meanwhile, a follow-up appointment with the surgeon will help ensure everything is healing as it should be.

*** These guidelines are for general information purposes only. Please strictly follow your medical care provider’s instructions.

Risks ofAbdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tighten the abdominal muscles. Like any surgical procedure, abdominoplasty carries certain risks and potential complications. It’s important to discuss these risks with your surgeon before deciding to undergo the surgery. Here are some potential risks associated with abdominoplasty:

  1. Infection: Any surgical procedure carries a risk of infection. Your surgeon will provide post-operative care instructions to minimize this risk, such as keeping the incision site clean and taking prescribed antibiotics.

  2. Bleeding: There is a risk of bleeding during or after surgery. Your surgeon will take precautions during the procedure to minimize bleeding, and you’ll be monitored closely during the recovery period.

  3. Poor Wound Healing: Some individuals may experience delayed wound healing or complications with the incision site. Factors such as smoking, diabetes, and certain medications can contribute to poor wound healing.

  4. Scarring: While efforts are made to minimize scarring, abdominoplasty will leave a scar. The extent and visibility of the scar can vary depending on factors such as the surgical technique used, individual healing characteristics, and post-operative care.

  5. Anesthesia Risks: Anesthesia is generally safe, but there are always inherent risks associated with being under general anesthesia. Your anesthesiologist will assess your medical history to minimize these risks.

  6. Seroma and Hematoma Formation: Fluid accumulation (seroma) or blood clot formation (hematoma) under the skin may occur after surgery. These may need to be drained to prevent complications.

  7. Numbness or Changes in Sensation: Some individuals may experience numbness or changes in sensation around the incision site, which may be temporary or permanent.

  8. Blood Clot Formation: Prolonged immobility during and after surgery can increase the risk of blood clot formation. Your surgeon may recommend measures to reduce this risk, such as early mobilization and compression stockings.

  9. Asymmetry or Irregularities: There is a possibility of asymmetry or irregularities in the appearance of the abdomen after surgery. Revision surgery may be needed to address these issues.

  10. Unsatisfactory Cosmetic Outcome: While most patients are pleased with the results of abdominoplasty, individual aesthetic preferences and expectations vary. It’s essential to have realistic expectations and communicate openly with your surgeon about your goals.

It’s crucial to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, follow pre- and post-operative instructions diligently, and disclose your complete medical history to minimize these risks. Discussing your concerns and expectations with your surgeon will help you make an informed decision about whether abdominoplasty is the right choice for you.

Why abdominoplasty may not be right for you?

While abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can provide significant benefits for many individuals, it may not be the right choice for everyone. Here are some reasons why abdominoplasty may not be suitable for certain individuals:

  1. General Health Concerns: Individuals with significant medical conditions or a history of serious health issues may not be ideal candidates for abdominoplasty. Conditions such as heart disease, severe obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, and certain autoimmune disorders may increase the risks associated with surgery.

  2. Smoking: Smoking can impair the body’s ability to heal properly. Smokers may have a higher risk of complications, such as poor wound healing and increased risk of infection. Many surgeons recommend quitting smoking before undergoing abdominoplasty.

  3. Unrealistic Expectations: It’s essential for individuals considering abdominoplasty to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the surgery. While the procedure can provide significant improvements, it cannot guarantee perfection or a complete transformation. It’s crucial to discuss expectations openly with the surgeon.

  4. Pregnancy Plans: Women planning to become pregnant in the future may want to delay abdominoplasty. Pregnancy after a tummy tuck can alter the results of the surgery, and it’s often recommended to undergo the procedure after completing family planning.

  5. Significant Weight Loss Plans: If you are planning to lose a substantial amount of weight, it may be advisable to postpone abdominoplasty until after achieving your weight loss goals. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the results of the surgery.

  6. Incomplete Physical Development: Abdominoplasty is typically recommended for individuals who have reached physical maturity and have stabilized their body weight. Adolescents or individuals still undergoing significant changes in their body may need to wait until they have fully matured.

  7. Financial Considerations: Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure and is often not covered by insurance. If the cost is a significant concern or financial burden, it may be wise to reconsider the decision or explore alternative options.

  8. Psychological Readiness: It’s important to be mentally prepared for the surgery and the recovery process. Individuals with unrealistic expectations, anxiety, or concerns about body image may need additional counseling or support before undergoing abdominoplasty.

  9. Allergic Reactions or Sensitivities: If you have a known allergy to certain medications or materials used in the surgery, or if you have a history of adverse reactions to anesthesia, this may affect your suitability for abdominoplasty.

  10. Lifestyle Factors: Individuals with a sedentary lifestyle or those who are unwilling or unable to make necessary lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise, may not be ideal candidates for the procedure.

Before deciding to undergo abdominoplasty, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess your individual health, expectations, and circumstances. Open communication with your surgeon and a thorough evaluation of your medical history will help determine if abdominoplasty is a suitable option for you.

“All treatments come with their risks. Please consider the following suggestion seriously. Always seek medical advice from an accredited and certified medical professional in your home country if this medical treatment is right for you. Always do your own research about the clinic and its doctors which provide the medical services in this offer.“

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